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Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 08:46
by Louis

No movement on prediction league.

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 08:56
by bobbytanz1963
desperado wrote: 25 Oct 2023, 08:38 Some of them put in the effort , some don't, can't fault the workrate of Donnelan, Jarvis, Lapslie for instance but you can't have a midfield with the luxury of McGavin. You can't have a bloke sitting in front of the back four thinking he's Pirlo , trotting around playing the odd little pass or through ball.
Stobbs doesn't look interested any more, there's just nothing in midfield, Hall is finished.
The midfield is non existent regarding personnel, energy, options and movement which is why the back four tap it around themselves , then end up hoofing it long up to Jarvis.
I agree with the above and in fact met an Oldham fan a while back who said the Stobbs gets disinterested very quickly … spot on !

A weak squad brought together by a has been manager, who will not resign or get sacked due to his arrogance and being so entrenched with the chairman and CEO

We will be stuck with GJ until he decides to retire. His behaviour and attitude continues to alienate fans but he doesn’t care as long as he gets paid “ happy days”

The toxic atmosphere will continue but nothing will change. I hear there is a fans forum soon with Dodgy Clarke due to attend but bet it will be a damp squib !

If there is a crumb of comfort from last night a number of WSM fans I know said it was their best performance of the season 🤔

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 09:10
by Jackom
ThI players are defo playing for the manager, as I said earlier they gave it what they had. A lot of our problems come from teams raising their game to beat a big fish, unfortunately we have limited ability and nouce to combat this.
Need new younger person at the helm, and please not a former player!

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 10:21
by culmstockgull
Very wet in Weston , and full of moronic teenage torquay supporters who are probably banned from getting into plainmoor.Last night something may have finally broke in me, after 55 years of following the club I now question how much more of this I can put up with. It wasnt football in any sense of the word, they are a part time club , fifth form bottom but they had width and pace, we didn't, they had a midfield, we had a bit part player who should have retired last season and and in mcgavin a player that has not given 45 minutes let alone 90 since his arrival, we had three at the back,although second half we were marginally better with a back four, on the downside we brought on that well known disaster, marshall, booked and responsible for the penalty all within 25 minutes of coming on. the only thing we did all night was hoofball.
Jarvis and Moxey gave there all, ash cannot hit a barn door at the moment,stobbs where has your pace gone.
Tactics such as they were were wrong, set up was wrong, all this the responsibility of Johnson, could not even acknowledge us at the end, did not have the backbone to do the post match, Johnson you are a coward.
If Osborne had been watching the game he would have quite rightly be forgiven for thinking why I am wasting my money on full time wages when part time teams on far less are regularly turning us over.

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 10:43
by AdrianC
At least Mr Downes thanked the fans and apologised for the performance, unlike we all know who.

Noted he said we didn’t turn up, but reading the thread, several say we did turn up but we just aren’t good enough.

Mr Johnson, please get in to the loan market to not just bolster the squad but improve it!

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 10:49
by nickbrod
To answer an earlier point TUST has arranged a Fans' Forum, open to all, at the Livermead Cliff Hotel on Wednesday November 8. Bar open from 6.30pm and meeting starts 7pm.
For those who can't be there you will be able to join us on Zoom.
And yes we have invited Clarke Osborne but he is yet to reply!

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 11:28
by jono_Gull209
There’s no lack of effort really. And we have some decent players. The problem is the rest are simply nowhere near good enough.

This squad is all on the Johnson brothers. I understand we might not have the biggest budget in the league. But to be outclassed by Weston Super Mare….! Depressing times.

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 11:48
by TUST_Official
nickbrod wrote: 25 Oct 2023, 10:49 To answer an earlier point TUST has arranged a Fans' Forum, open to all, at the Livermead Cliff Hotel on Wednesday November 8. Bar open from 6.30pm and meeting starts 7pm.
For those who can't be there you will be able to join us on Zoom.
And yes we have invited Clarke Osborne but he is yet to reply! ... a63ef53ed3

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 11:52
by Stoneybroke
Can't wait for Gaffer's press call on Thursday !!!

He'll be there with his band of adoraing pressman. If they even fire a question at him about the Weston game, he'll probably tell us that we were better after our goal and could have gone a to win it.

Of course we were missing Lapslie ,the conditions were against us and ludy luck wasn't on our side.

Probably will be no reference to our very poor display as a whole, oh and I forgot he still thinks he's got the right squad to challenge for promotion!!

Dream On !!

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 12:13
by UnitedinDevon
Have the question the point of this if CO or GJ wont be there

a group of TQ fans discussing the blinding obvious, without the right people there what will it achieve?

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 12:14
by aggrey_25
"happy with the squad" i mean the fact they keep banging this drum.

nothing attacking on the bench that marshall went up top.

asa is done, moxey not far off and injuries so who will play up top saturday with ash who has no confidence.

gary will stay, we will lose again and this will continue. sad sad times

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 12:30
by Gullsandbeyond121
Squad was not good enough last season, but thought in this Shite level some would have been. How wrong I am.
The guys GJ has kept faith with are a massive let down , but this is his team, his signings.
No competition for places so this is where we are.
The fools that gloat over the dross namely McGavin who has had 2 ok games in 50 appearances. Last night he reached an even lower level ! Marshall how many times is he going to cost us a complete liability and always will be.
Ash a huge disappointment, just not working out for him at all sadly. Moxey and Hall both their legs have gone.
The squad is threadbare and lead by a clueless manager who has kept the faith with this bunch. Why oh why ?

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 12:39
by aggrey_25
nothing is going to change its as simple as that.

its scary that they keep saying "we need the right players" "not just short term"

look at our bench last 4/5 games, i think short term is exactly what is needed, they have no idea, no urgency and happy to gamble that we might pick up a win.

this season we have lost to hemel, weston, worthing, im sorry this is beyond embarrsing for a club of our stature

things wont change, maybe a desperation loan who wont get any game time to just try and please the fans

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 12:49
by culmstockgull
I cannot believe people are saying we put the effort in last night, we were second to every ball, we had no pace, first half weston gave us our own half and just sat back and said break us down,we passed sideways mostly backwards and on rare occasions when we tried to pass forwards we gave it to the opposition. what was our strategy because to me it was clear as mud.
Yet again johnsons default position of a back three was a schoolboy error, more so as the bench consisted of a complete back four and nothing else. why wait until the second half to make changes. It is criminal that lapslie gets injured in training, if anyone needed to be rested between matches it is him, he puts in more yards and effort than any three players you can name.
As for additions to the squad the reality is we need five maybe six , exluding, halstead,moxey,lapslie and jarvis the remainder do not warrant a starting slot and the majority are struggling even in this lowly league. We havent had a credible right back since wynter, we havent had a decent centre half since lawrence. What goes through the minds of that comedy duo johnson and johnson when they seek to bring players in, gary johnson said when his brother was appointed head of recruiting he knows where to find good players and how to bring them in. Gary perhaps you can tell us when that is going to start.

Torquay Utd v Weston super Mare 25/10/23 Ko 19:45

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 13:23
by aggrey_25
if no one is bought in (which is highly likely) we are going to get walloped on Saturday and proves their is zero chance for us moving forward and expect to be in this league or worse for the foreseeable.

we wont fill a bench, we will have crowe back playing and more than likely marshall upfront haha