by ferrarilover » 08 Jul 2013, 11:29
Ask for a link at just before 8pm, then mouth off when, at just before 5am the next day, no one has posted something you asked for? Then, to top it right off, instead of taking the hit, you go on the offensive. You're almost as daft as The Militant Austrian... you'll fit right in.
I suppose the question must be, since the Tweets referred to clearly do exist, where did you look to conclude that they didn't exist?
Ask for a link at just before 8pm, then mouth off when, at just before 5am the next day, no one has posted something you asked for? Then, to top it right off, instead of taking the hit, you go on the offensive. You're almost as daft as The Militant Austrian... you'll fit right in.
I suppose the question must be, since the Tweets referred to clearly do exist, where did you look to conclude that they didn't exist?