by chunkygull » 21 Oct 2013, 11:24
im not expecting many who read this to just pick up a new song, it would need an organised group to kick start that.
what i dont understand is how so many songs have been lost, whats wrong with reminding people and bringing a few back, including
our anthem.
"yellow army" isnt an oldie, i dont remember singing it in my youth or even 10 years ago, so it must be from recent years. it is ok, but a bit unimaginative and repetetive, i do like to hear it when the pop actually bothers though as its better than nothing. we always had much more than this.
"come on you yellows" love it, its stirring and sounds good. would be nice to here it more often than when we have just won a corner or dangerous free kick though.
" T - O - R - Q - U - A - Y, whaaat have ya got, TORQUAY



. where's it gone guys, where has it gone, this was always one of the best. rousing, easy, fun, uplifting, sounds great.
one that i cant remember much of the words to, but the chorus was " i was born under the mini/family stand ".
some quickie fun ones i have not heard for a while -
" eee, iii, eee, iii, oh, off to football here we go ....."
" drink up your cider, drink up your cider"
" ooohhh aaarrrr, its ambrosia, ooohhh aaarrr, its ambrosia"
when a hard tackle went in - ( to oops upside ya head) " ya get a boot wrapped 'round ya 'ead, ya get a boot wrapped 'round 'ya 'ead "
" oh exeter, is full of sh1t, oh exeter is full of sh1t"
" hate plymouth argyle, we only hate plymouth argyle"
there are loads more i cant quite remember, but they will come to me later.
oh, and dont forget
our anthem, you are my torquay/sunshine, this needs to be sung at every game, because it is our signature tune,
our anthem.
im not expecting many who read this to just pick up a new song, it would need an organised group to kick start that.
what i dont understand is how so many songs have been lost, whats wrong with reminding people and bringing a few back, including [b]our anthem.[/b]
"yellow army" isnt an oldie, i dont remember singing it in my youth or even 10 years ago, so it must be from recent years. it is ok, but a bit unimaginative and repetetive, i do like to hear it when the pop actually bothers though as its better than nothing. we always had much more than this.
"come on you yellows" love it, its stirring and sounds good. would be nice to here it more often than when we have just won a corner or dangerous free kick though.
" T - O - R - Q - U - A - Y, whaaat have ya got, TORQUAY :clap: :clap: :clap: TORQUAY :clap: :clap: :clap: TORQUAY :clap: :clap: :clap: . where's it gone guys, where has it gone, this was always one of the best. rousing, easy, fun, uplifting, sounds great.
one that i cant remember much of the words to, but the chorus was " i was born under the mini/family stand ".
some quickie fun ones i have not heard for a while -
" eee, iii, eee, iii, oh, off to football here we go ....."
" drink up your cider, drink up your cider"
" ooohhh aaarrrr, its ambrosia, ooohhh aaarrr, its ambrosia"
when a hard tackle went in - ( to oops upside ya head) " ya get a boot wrapped 'round ya 'ead, ya get a boot wrapped 'round 'ya 'ead "
" oh exeter, is full of sh1t, oh exeter is full of sh1t"
" hate plymouth argyle, we only hate plymouth argyle"
there are loads more i cant quite remember, but they will come to me later. :|
oh, and dont forget [b]our anthem[/b], you are my torquay/sunshine, this needs to be sung at every game, because it is our signature tune, [b]our anthem. :-D [/b]