Our own Anthem

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Re: Our own Anthem

by Oil Beef Hooked » 21 Oct 2013, 16:58

The more I think of this, the more I'm convinced that we need a crowd warmer before the game and at half time.

A catchy tune that is simple to sing and clap to. A song that can lift everyone and to warm all yellow hearts. Something that can lift Plainmoor and get the crowd going.

A song that gives everyone the confidence to maybe, just maybe join in. You never know, seeing the people you sit/ stand next to join in may give others the confidence to sing during our usual repertoire of songs during the game.

I mentioned on some other threads that we can't do any worse than The Liquidator. Yes, I know it's Chelskis song, but it's also right for us, especially at this time to lift the mood at Plainmoor. Simple enough to change the words and clap too. Its not too onerous and only one word to sing to. Let's face it, if the crowd can't shout out 'Torquay' then there's no fu(king hope.

Surely it's worth a punt as at the moment, there is nothing to rouse the crowd or get them going before the game and at half time.

Re: Our own Anthem

by chunkygull » 21 Oct 2013, 11:24

im not expecting many who read this to just pick up a new song, it would need an organised group to kick start that.

what i dont understand is how so many songs have been lost, whats wrong with reminding people and bringing a few back, including our anthem.

"yellow army" isnt an oldie, i dont remember singing it in my youth or even 10 years ago, so it must be from recent years. it is ok, but a bit unimaginative and repetetive, i do like to hear it when the pop actually bothers though as its better than nothing. we always had much more than this.

"come on you yellows" love it, its stirring and sounds good. would be nice to here it more often than when we have just won a corner or dangerous free kick though.

" T - O - R - Q - U - A - Y, whaaat have ya got, TORQUAY :clap: :clap: :clap: TORQUAY :clap: :clap: :clap: TORQUAY :clap: :clap: :clap: . where's it gone guys, where has it gone, this was always one of the best. rousing, easy, fun, uplifting, sounds great.

one that i cant remember much of the words to, but the chorus was " i was born under the mini/family stand ".

some quickie fun ones i have not heard for a while -

" eee, iii, eee, iii, oh, off to football here we go ....."

" drink up your cider, drink up your cider"

" ooohhh aaarrrr, its ambrosia, ooohhh aaarrr, its ambrosia"

when a hard tackle went in - ( to oops upside ya head) " ya get a boot wrapped 'round ya 'ead, ya get a boot wrapped 'round 'ya 'ead "

" oh exeter, is full of sh1t, oh exeter is full of sh1t"

" hate plymouth argyle, we only hate plymouth argyle"

there are loads more i cant quite remember, but they will come to me later. :|

oh, and dont forget our anthem, you are my torquay/sunshine, this needs to be sung at every game, because it is our signature tune, our anthem. :-D

Re: Our own Anthem

by WestLondonYellow » 21 Oct 2013, 09:33

Only way any of these will happen is if we organise into a group at the game and get it started ourselves, relying on others to read this and start using it isn't going to happen.

Re: Our own Anthem

by chunkygull » 20 Oct 2013, 17:51

Oil Beef Hooked wrote: The only songs I heard yesterday Chunks were 'Yellow Army', 'Come On You Yellows' and the bleedin' Mansfield drum :'(
wow, im taken aback and shocked that they were the only songs that were sung :}. still, that is better than nothing.

Re: Our own Anthem

by Oil Beef Hooked » 20 Oct 2013, 15:07

chunkygull wrote:i couldnt make it yesterday, so can anybody tell me what, if any songs were sung yesterday?

i dont suppose "you are my torquay" got a rendition or any new ones that have been suggested.

dont tell me, (gasp) :-o, "yellow army, yellow army, yellow army" got an airing. (surprise, surprise)

"come on you yellows", perhaps? (i do like that one though)
The only songs I heard yesterday Chunks were 'Yellow Army', 'Come On You Yellows' and the bleedin' Mansfield drum :'(

Re: Our own Anthem

by chunkygull » 20 Oct 2013, 14:27

i couldnt make it yesterday, so can anybody tell me what, if any songs were sung yesterday?

i dont suppose "you are my torquay" got a rendition or any new ones that have been suggested.

dont tell me, (gasp) :-o, "yellow army, yellow army, yellow army" got an airing. (surprise, surprise)

"come on you yellows", perhaps? (i do like that one though)

Re: Our own Anthem

by chunkygull » 18 Oct 2013, 23:11

i was always told it was ours, others may sing it, as many different clubs supporters sing songs that are considered to be another clubs anthem (you'll never walk alone etc). to be fair i have never heard anyone else sing it. :|

but sunshine has been ours apparently since the 60's, others can sing it as well, not a problem, but i was always told this was considered our anthem/signature tune (long before the monotonous, unimaginative yellow army started).

if our fans consider it ours, then its ours, there are very few teams that have a song that is considered theres and only theres, if others want to sing it thats fine, but for me it is our best, our top, our signature tune. :)

Re: Our own Anthem

by WestLondonYellow » 18 Oct 2013, 22:44

I'm not sure that's our anthem, most clubs sing that, unless we started it originally?

Re: Our own Anthem

by chunkygull » 18 Oct 2013, 21:11

its at the bottom of my posts! :-D

heres willie nelson with a version, slightly faster than normal and a bit twangy.

surprise surprise i cant find anything on youtube of our fans singing it. :no:


Re: Our own Anthem

by RussianGull » 18 Oct 2013, 20:10

enlighten us chunky?

Re: Our own Anthem

by Dave_Pougher » 18 Oct 2013, 19:24

You saw us standing alone
Without a dream in our hearts
Without a club of our own

You knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
A club I could really care for.

Followed by a resounding chorus of ROBERTS WAS A WANKERer

Re: Our own Anthem

by chunkygull » 18 Oct 2013, 18:48

right thats it, ive had enough, i can hold my tongue no longer, or stop my fingers flying over the keyboard as it were! :no:

guys, lads, chaps, dudes, ladies, girlies, lasses - we already have an anthem, it is our song, our signature tune! since i was a young pup my old dad would tell me about the song that is ours and only ours. :nod:

in the first few years of my time supporting my yellow and blue heroes the song was belted out by the popside at pretty much every home game, and from time to time other parts of the ground even joined in. it brought a tear to my eye as a young buck at my first ever game. :'(

it is our anthem, ours. :-D

however it is with great sadness and a heavy heart i have to say it is hardly ever heard these days, indeed it has been many a moon since i heard it. i hear tales and reports that it occasionally gets a rendition at away games, which makes me happy. :)

it is so easy to pick up and sounds great when a crowd get going with it, there are even more verses that could be added and adapted, when you get to the ending and do the singing the tune bits it is really good fun.

we have no need to pick a new anthem, it would be best to actually sing the one we have already got. it is ours and only ours. our signature tune, our song, our anthem.

please, please, please, this song goes back decades, lets just try and give it the ressurection it deserves, even just for the sake of tradition, before we even think about any new fangled tunes. :|

you all know the song im talking about, read the lyrics at the bottom stand up and belt it out, lets use it to sing home our yellow and blue warriors to victory!

Re: Our own Anthem

by brooker » 18 Oct 2013, 16:30

As a walk out tune, I think this one by Rudimental is awesome, not used anywhere else, and the lyrics really suit our present situation.
Ive planned out the times as I see it happening.

Have a listen -

Players leave the tunnel at about 0:40
(with the end of Torquay United at about 0:48, on the drop)
At 1:14 Start running through the team sheets, starting with the away team
At 1:36 "And now for Torquay United..." One by one read out the Torquay 11 and subs
fade out for K.O
At half time, as soon as the whistle has gone, start from 2:30 as players leave the pitch.

That would get me going at least!

Re: Our own Anthem

by WestLondonYellow » 18 Oct 2013, 14:16

united09 wrote:Not sure if it would work during the game but read the second half of my post and click on the last youtube link. That you could sing along too before the game and its short and sweet.
That one could definitely work as an upbeat one to get things rockin. In terms of an anthem thought, my preference would be for something with a bit more soul to it.

Re: Our own Anthem

by united09 » 18 Oct 2013, 14:06

Not sure if it would work during the game but read the second half of my post and click on the last youtube link. That you could sing along too before the game and its short and sweet.
