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Topic review

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by PlainmoorRoar » 19 Mar 2015, 18:54

Have a listen to David Thomas's podcast very good points

http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/T ... story.html


by Sam97_ » 19 Mar 2015, 18:52

Interesting replies, personally, going out on a limb, I'd give CH another go next season, fair crack at the whip financially, building a proper team. If he was to be sacked however, which obviously wouldn't be heart breaking; I'd love to see my favourite manager in my 10 years, Lingy back (I remember suggesting that we re hire him last season and was called an idiot by many, how times change), but I admired what Mark Yates did at Cheltenham, despite it going wrong before he was sacked this season. On a budget he took them to the brink of league one, a similar way Ling did with us. But Sturrock has a background that could suit us. I also wonder what Gary Whaddock is up to, took Aldershot up (a team with on Ben Harding in, and that's an achievement!)


by rooster » 19 Mar 2015, 18:43

Im sure he's pretty thick skinned, after all if he's read this forum he will know what fans feel........and as someone said on another subject he's been on TV talking about other west country clubs, I'm surprised he has time at the moment with the way things are going........


by DevonYellow » 19 Mar 2015, 18:31

If, or more likely when, Hargreaves goes I don't think we should go back to any of our previous managers.

We should be looking forward, this is a very different situation to any we have been in before. The cliche never go back is often used in football largely because it's proven to be good advice.


by Fonda » 19 Mar 2015, 18:17

I'm sure 'we' as supporters can. But I doubt Hargreaves appreciates it too much.


by rooster » 19 Mar 2015, 17:29

Fonda wrote:It was wrong when Hargreaves was making noises about Knill's job, and it's wrong that Ling is doing it about Hargreaves.

As for who we should get, we need to forget about 'previous connections' and just give it to the best man for the job. Actually invite applications, and after interview decide who offers the best chance of success - not who has the most recognisable name, or who would be most popular. The next appointment could prove to be one of the most important this club has ever made. Because we're currently standing on the edge of a precipice. Make the wrong decision now, and we might be part-time and further down the pyramid by the time this manager is being relieved.

I think we have to look for a man with experience or knowledge of the level we're at (that is what served Bucks well - as well as shed loads of cash obviously). Maybe move away from the lower-league 'journey-men' managers we normally get linked with. Maybe think outside the box a bit. Perhaps there are some excellent young managers in the league or two below ours that none of us have heard of. It might be a name that initially fails to get pulses racing, but it might just work.
The way he was treated and the feeling of rejection, abandonment call it whatever you like was not easy for him, so I think we can forgive him a few tweets (retweeting)........!


by kevgull » 19 Mar 2015, 15:47

Buckle had a big budget and plenty of backing, he is a snake in the grass and I for one would not welcome him back with open arms.


by Fonda » 19 Mar 2015, 15:43

Gullscorer wrote:A huge budget would help any manager..
Of course. But being the only TUFC manager to have enjoyed a (relatively speaking) large budget, his achievements can't really be compared fairly with others.


by Gullscorer » 19 Mar 2015, 15:34

A huge budget would help any manager..


by Fonda » 19 Mar 2015, 15:30

Kit_robin wrote:Not forgotten by me!

I was losing patience with him before he left. The terrible attendance at Exeter (even though it was on the telly) for his first game missing showed how frustrated people were getting.

I think you may be able to make an argument that it was his illness that caused his seemingly stubborn refusal to make any changes to a team that was performing increasingly poorly. He obviously didn't get ill overnight. However we the public will never know that for sure.

For me we need an experienced conference manager. I was never buckles biggest fan but it is undeniable that his experience of being around at a conference level management team for a few years stood him in good stead when he took us over. He brought in nicholson, Philips, todd, zebroski, Hargreaves, Sills - all players who he had seen competitively at that level. We need a manager with this knowledge in place to make the most of our budget next season.
His knowledge of the level we were playing at was his greatest attribute. It shouldn't be forgotten that the huge budget he was given helped him massively too!


by Kit_robin » 19 Mar 2015, 15:25

Not forgotten by me!

I was losing patience with him before he left. The terrible attendance at Exeter (even though it was on the telly) for his first game missing showed how frustrated people were getting.

I think you may be able to make an argument that it was his illness that caused his seemingly stubborn refusal to make any changes to a team that was performing increasingly poorly. He obviously didn't get ill overnight. However we the public will never know that for sure.

For me we need an experienced conference manager. I was never buckles biggest fan but it is undeniable that his experience of being around at a conference level management team for a few years stood him in good stead when he took us over. He brought in nicholson, Philips, todd, zebroski, Hargreaves, Sills - all players who he had seen competitively at that level. We need a manager with this knowledge in place to make the most of our budget next season.


by Scott Brehaut » 19 Mar 2015, 15:25

Fonda wrote:Football managers certainly get better through periods of inactivity. Seems to have been completely forgotten how bad we were towards the end of Lings tenure.
I blame Alan Knill



by Fonda » 19 Mar 2015, 15:13

Football managers certainly get better through periods of inactivity. Seems to have been completely forgotten how bad we were towards the end of Lings tenure.


by tommyg » 19 Mar 2015, 15:10

Scott Brehaut wrote: After the way Ling was treated by this club, he owes us no favours whatsoever, and can tweet (or in this case retweet) whatever he wants.

The fact that he put his hat in the ring when CH got the job shows that he would jump at the chance to come back - after all that has gone on, it speaks volumes of the type of guy he is.
I'm certainly not defending how Hargreaves acted when Knill was in charge. As Fonda has highlighted, Hargreaves shouldn't have said what he did on TV. But irrespective of the way some feel Ling was treated by the club, it's still unprofessional to be retweeting those messages whilst Hargreaves is still manager.


by tktufc91 » 19 Mar 2015, 15:03

If we did decide to get rid of Hargreaves, I would love for Ling to come back and get until at least the end of the season and make a decision then.

Rewatching his interview he made when he was first appointed, there was something relaxing about the way he spoke and how he had great ambitions for the club. I must say I wasn't happy when I heard he was our manager but he soon won me over.

If there's anything we need right now it's team unity and Ling certainly installed that in the players in his first season.

I want Hargreaves to do well, but the football this season has been atrocious. We should be doing better than we are doing. I hope he can change fortunes around but I just can't see where our next win will come from.
