Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

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Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Admiral » 23 May 2015, 09:44

Very happy with this news and I'm glad the club have offered him two years. The boy clearly is good enough just give him time, he will make mistakes. Joe Hart started his career at Shrewsbury so regular first team football and who knows!

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Neal » 23 May 2015, 07:57

Great news, and pleased if he is our number one, you need to give the youngsters a chance.

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by leetufc » 22 May 2015, 21:03

Glad he has signed a two year deal.

I think he will be our number one next season, and we might see a few more youngsters given a chance to shine due to the ongoing finance and ownership situation

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by lucusmc » 22 May 2015, 19:21

Looks like he's our number one next year according to what Hargreaves has said on the WMN article. Done well in the 5 or so games he's played so far. Unless of course he impresses Liverpool

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by RussianGull » 19 May 2015, 12:55

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by leetufc » 19 May 2015, 12:49

Sounds like they might be having a look at a few players


Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Trojan 67 » 19 May 2015, 11:45

The official version : http://www.torquayunited.com/news/artic ... 61899.aspx

It reads differently from press speculation.

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Kit_robin » 19 May 2015, 11:06

Admiral wrote:http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/32793362

BBC said he put pen to paper last month, I didn't think he'd signed a contract yet?
Unfortunately Mr Pillnick is always a bit lax with the detail. In that story it links to his earlier story stating Lavercombe had agreed to sign, which in turn was based on CHs press conference in which CH said Lavercombe wanted to stay and we would be sorting a deal - nothing so concrete as even "agreed terms". I would avoid basing opinions on data from BBC non-league reporting, as most of the time it's not 100% factually correct.

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by YELLOW_ARMY_GULL » 19 May 2015, 10:48

I dont think theres any harm in the situation that is happening at present as we are protected by his age, however, I think it would be in his interests to be loaned back to us as part of the deal for one maybe even two seasons to get regular first team football under his belt. That would be a win win for us in terms of a transfer fee but you would also think that Liverpool would cover his wages ...

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Admiral » 19 May 2015, 10:46


BBC said he put pen to paper last month, I didn't think he'd signed a contract yet?

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Bloggy » 19 May 2015, 09:34

It's a shame that all this PR for Dan (deserved as it is), that the club doesn't get the opportunity to mention its current plight. You'd think that they'd try and put a positive spin on it (rather than a desperate one) regarding the search for a new owner. Lost opportunities perhaps.

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by nickbrod » 19 May 2015, 07:15

Not suggesting for one moment that this is the case with Dan (although it might be true of Levi Ives from what's been previously posted) but these comments about teenage players made by Chelsea managerJose Mourinho as published in Monday's Daily Telegraph are worth repeating.
Asked what the biggest challenge was involving a teenage player Mourinho replied:"In modern football, the agents and the parents. When the players are almost there and in the process of being almost there, the agents and parents think they are already there. They make the players think they have arrived when they haven't. They think about money before the career starts and everything gets very, very confused. That doesn't help the players. They need stability."

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by Glostergull » 19 May 2015, 01:43

as I said. what the point in having a development academy if all it does is get players swallowed up by the big teams without benifiting us at all. Compensation offered will be negligable. no real compensation at all if the cost of developing them only breaks even or even costs as most players wont get taken up and many end up and scrap heap. its a no brianer for me. we need to develope them for our first team not liverpools reserves

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by IanGull01 » 18 May 2015, 21:33

Good luck to him.

I understand the contract offered to him was laughable!

Dan Lavercombe to Liverpool?

by DaveysBarTab » 18 May 2015, 20:28

Another Ives situation... If both stay we can eventually gain much needed funds. IF both go, we will get what 12,500 each? or will we get nothing? Get them signed up asap give them 1st team football.
