'United at Plainmoor'
Working quietly in the background is a Marketing Group aiming to get better promotion for United both around the Bay and further afield.
There are a number of ideas in the pipe-line, including a fair few that have been gleaned from Forum's and fans privately. The majority are longer-term, with next season and beyond in mind, including large 'V'-boards in fields on the roads coming into the town and promotions using shops and businesses.
Players going into local schools and reaching out to the young supporters of the future is already underway and is going to be built-on in the near future. Each school having a senior pro and a youth team player or trainee attached to it so as to form a relationship that will hopefully benefit both the school and Torquay United.
Another small idea that is now at a stage to commence with, should the take-up warrant it, is set out below.
How often do you drive around town and get to know the names of the local estate agents purely by seeing 'For sale' boards standing at the end of a front garden or attached to the side of a house?
Well how about similar boards promoting games at Plainmoor and pushing the Bay's local football league team with a play on the words 'United at Plainmoor'?
Do you, or anyone you know, have a garden bordering a road or a house on which could be attached... One of these?
That's right, an estate agent's board but promoting the next United game.
It would ideally have to go up at the middle of the week and brought down on the Saturday.
The board and appropriate fixings would be supplied on the understanding that the recepient would be willing to undertake this for each match. For games on other days (mainly Tuesday evenings) the Saturday part would have an over-fill, rather as estate agents have a 'sold' over-fill.
And how about a further idea?
Fancy popping one of the following on your car door when you are driving around the area? A 'United at Plainmoor' magnetic car banner.
(But take it off when shopping in Exeter!)
If you think you may be able to help, or know someone who would be willing to, and want further details please message me through the forum.
Both require a certain take-up; Firstly to make it viable to pay to have both the boards and the car magnets manufactured and secondly to make it a high-visbility promotion.
The design isn't finalised as such and we will try and incorporate the Gulls logo in some capacity.