by Gullscorer » 27 Mar 2017, 17:26
What's the betting there's no money left in the Players' Fund? Or that any remaining income, or funds which may be there, simply sinks without trace into the club's general finances, some of which may be set aside to pay players' wages, or not, as the case may be. That none of the money paid into the fund can actually be accounted for. That if the club is still pocketing money from the fund in current circumstances, then somebody should consider suing the club?
What's the betting there's no money left in the Players' Fund? Or that any remaining income, or funds which may be there, simply sinks without trace into the club's general finances, some of which may be set aside to pay players' wages, or not, as the case may be. That none of the money paid into the fund can actually be accounted for. That if the club is still pocketing money from the fund in current circumstances, then somebody should consider suing the club?