by lucy6lucy » 31 Mar 2017, 02:27
Regarding This on line questionnaire bullshit. The one word (ok 3)in the whole statement says enough for me "YOUR FOOTBALL CLUB". As an owner it, we are all in it together, it in my opinion should have read "OUR FOOTBALL CLUB ". The language tone suggests they are so out of touch, it's embarrassing. FFS Torbay council can you not see what is happening.
Regarding This on line questionnaire bullshit. The one word (ok 3)in the whole statement says enough for me "YOUR FOOTBALL CLUB". As an owner it, we are all in it together, it in my opinion should have read "OUR FOOTBALL CLUB ". The language tone suggests they are so out of touch, it's embarrassing. FFS Torbay council can you not see what is happening.