by Dave » 05 Dec 2017, 00:07
No need for any clever over-analysis, all the team can do is win there own games, then other teams results are no longer a problem. Last season after 43 games, the team had 44 points, average 1.02 points per game, they needed to average 2 points a game over the last 3 match's to make the 50 point target, which would have been just enough on goal difference to stay.
The team obviously averaged 3 points a game from no where, over the last 3 games, there's no rhyme or reason to this, maths and science don't come in to it, our teams current form is temporary, but then so is every other team, the picture as I've maintained all the way along can, and right now for us, has changed very quickly
No need for any clever over-analysis, all the team can do is win there own games, then other teams results are no longer a problem. Last season after 43 games, the team had 44 points, average 1.02 points per game, they needed to average 2 points a game over the last 3 match's to make the 50 point target, which would have been just enough on goal difference to stay.
The team obviously averaged 3 points a game from no where, over the last 3 games, there's no rhyme or reason to this, maths and science don't come in to it, our teams current form is temporary, but then so is every other team, the picture as I've maintained all the way along can, and right now for us, has changed very quickly