Racism in Football

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Racism in Football

by WHG » 15 Dec 2018, 16:10

forevertufc wrote: 15 Dec 2018, 14:10

I'm no expert but what I do know is the [highlight=yellow]bank of England make forecasts based on assumptions of what they think (not know) is going to happen, the Bank England are not deliberately lying to anyone, but you can have best or worst case scenarios based on whatever narrative that suits after all[/highlight], the bank of England don't appear to have a single forecast right since Hovis invented bread.

Mark Carney warned in 2016 a leave vote would cause a technical recession in the UK. Didn't happen.

Then earlier this year, the same Mark carney admitted his pre referendum predictions were all wrong. No shit, thankfully must didn't believe you then and don't now, as project fear, no surprise now the date looms large has turned into project hysteria.
The Bank of England are using worst case scenarios as they have admitted. This is pure scaremongering.
To balance the argument perhaps they should also show a best case scenario.

Racism in Football

by Dave » 15 Dec 2018, 14:32

OllieGull wrote: 15 Dec 2018, 14:27 I might misunderstand you slightly, if you mean leave winning the vote then yes you're right, although the pound took a massive hit, but if you mean Brexit on the whole then obviously we have haven't left yet.

Mate, read the bit you've highlighted in yellow again, read it word for word, including the year, there's no need for it to be misunderstood by anyone. :-D

Racism in Football

by OllieGull » 15 Dec 2018, 14:27

forevertufc wrote: 15 Dec 2018, 14:10 Using a car breakdown isn't the best analogy here. If your car breaks down and you don't know anything about mechanics, you would indeed take it to a garage, but then your relying on the garage being reputable, charging you a fair price for only the work that needed doing, take to a dodgy dealer, and they could convince you into parting with a lot of money for that doesn't need doing, if you didn't know any better how would you know. See.

Bit like economics most of us are lay men who don't really understand. Some one on the BBC news says the pound has fallen because of a bleak Brexit warning, and we're like' oh no the pounds fallen in value what are we going to do' without really understanding what it means.

I'm no expert but what I do know is the bank of England make forecasts based on assumptions of what they think (not know) is going to happen, the Bank England are not deliberately lying to anyone, but you can have best or worst case scenarios based on whatever narrative that suits after all, the bank of England don't appear to have a single forecast right since Hovis invented bread.

[highlight=yellow] Mark Carney warned in 2016 a leave vote would cause a technical recession in the UK. Didn't happen.[/highlight]

Then earlier this year, the same Mark carney admitted his pre referendum predictions were all wrong. No shit, thankfully must didn't believe you then and don't now, as project fear, no surprise now the date looms large has turned into project hysteria.
I might misunderstand you slightly, if you mean leave winning the vote then yes you're right, although the pound took a massive hit, but if you mean Brexit on the whole then obviously we have haven't left yet.

All negative economic repercussions so far have purely been based on speculation, people worrying about Brexit which is fair enough. Also from my own experience working in the commercial vehicle industry, I saw last week a large order worth a few million cancelled because of the clients fears about Brexit. We will not see any real change until we actually severe ties with the EU in March, my own personal opinion is that there will be huge issues with importing and exporting products and this is where we will see the main problem, I would love to be wrong about this though.

Also the term "project fear", I think it's better the country was given warnings and as you say worst case scenarios in the event there is a recession at least the bank can say that we were warned.

Racism in Football

by Dave » 15 Dec 2018, 14:10

Using a car breakdown isn't the best analogy here. If your car breaks down and you don't know anything about mechanics, you would indeed take it to a garage, but then your relying on the garage being reputable, charging you a fair price for only the work that needed doing, take to a dodgy dealer, and they could convince you into parting with a lot of money for that doesn't need doing, if you didn't know any better how would you know. See.

Bit like economics most of us are lay men who don't really understand. Some one on the BBC news says the pound has fallen because of a bleak Brexit warning, and we're like' oh no the pounds fallen in value what are we going to do' without really understanding what it means.

I'm no expert but what I do know is the bank of England make forecasts based on assumptions of what they think (not know) is going to happen, the Bank England are not deliberately lying to anyone, but you can have best or worst case scenarios based on whatever narrative that suits after all, the bank of England don't appear to have a single forecast right since Hovis invented bread.

Mark Carney warned in 2016 a leave vote would cause a technical recession in the UK. Didn't happen.

Then earlier this year, the same Mark carney admitted his pre referendum predictions were all wrong. No shit, thankfully must didn't believe you then and don't now, as project fear, no surprise now the date looms large has turned into project hysteria.

Racism in Football

by OllieGull » 15 Dec 2018, 11:24

There's nothing more frustrating than reading "why should we listen to so-called experts". If your car broke down, you wouldn't refuse to take it to a mechanic because they know significantly more about the issues than you do. Thinking the Bank of England are on a seperate agenda to the rest of the country is just part of the tin foil hat brigade narrative.

Racism in Football

by arcadia » 15 Dec 2018, 08:16

What most of you don't realize is when we went into the EU IN THE 70'S we were told it would mean more work for our factories but the opposite happened and consumers found items were cheaper abroad. Then all the factories closed down and jobs went and yes we lost fishing rights in our own waters.

Racism in Football

by Southampton Gull » 15 Dec 2018, 07:55

If you think we can't strike up a better deal with Japan than the EU you're deluded. The Bank of England are just manipulators of the economy for their own benefit, no different to any investment banker. Too many people can't see things because they believe the narrative.

Racism in Football

by Trojan 67 » 14 Dec 2018, 20:38

Nothing wrong with Nigel Fartrage :O oops :Oops: :rofl:

Racism in Football

by Dutchgull » 14 Dec 2018, 20:03

EddUK12 wrote: 14 Dec 2018, 19:31 Who was that MEP on the EU fisheries commission? Mr Farage
:goodpost: :goodpost: :lol:

Racism in Football

by greb46 » 14 Dec 2018, 18:24

Teigngull wrote: 14 Dec 2018, 15:21 Us Brits are a resilient lot you know, when the chips are down we rally together as one, all This scare mongering from a crackpot Canadian in charge off the Bank of England has no substance what so ever, we , as a unified nation we'll do alright I'm sure, thank you very much.
Where is the evidence being out of the EU is a death sentence for a nation's economy ? Norway ? Nope. Switzerland ? Nope. Russia ? Not a chance. Need I go on ?
Every one of the countries mentioned above are as well off if not richer & more prosperous being out of the European than being in , why do you think the norwegians REJECTED in a referendum not once but twice the opportunity to join the EU ?
Switzerland is neither in the EU or even in the EEA ( European economic area ) but are part of the single market giving its people the right to work & live in Europe inc the UK. And you don't see them clamouring to be in the 'club', do you and they're doing just fine aren't they ?
So all this scaremongering about jobs etc is a load of twaddle, prove it with hard faced facts & maybe ,as a leave voter, I might sit up & listen, until that day comes around let's just leave.
Quite true the EU is working brilliantly ask Greece,Spain,Italy and currently France look like they're enjoying the benefits!

Racism in Football

by Southampton Gull » 14 Dec 2018, 16:08

I watched this a while ago and since then it's been classed as Offensive to Certain Audiences. I presume they mean people who choose to believe mainstream media!!

Racism in Football

by Southampton Gull » 14 Dec 2018, 16:00

Didn't you know? Any football fan who supports Brexit is a racist.

Racism in Football

by TUST_Member_Rob » 14 Dec 2018, 15:40

What's Brexit got to do with Racism in football?

Chelsea continuing their behaviour last night

The only reason why they have had success in the modern era is down to their owner who is... Jewish

You couldn't make it up

Racism in Football

by Teigngull » 14 Dec 2018, 15:21

Us Brits are a resilient lot you know, when the chips are down we rally together as one, all This scare mongering from a crackpot Canadian in charge off the Bank of England has no substance what so ever, we , as a unified nation we'll do alright I'm sure, thank you very much.
Where is the evidence being out of the EU is a death sentence for a nation's economy ? Norway ? Nope. Switzerland ? Nope. Russia ? Not a chance. Need I go on ?
Every one of the countries mentioned above are as well off if not richer & more prosperous being out of the European than being in , why do you think the norwegians REJECTED in a referendum not once but twice the opportunity to join the EU ?
Switzerland is neither in the EU or even in the EEA ( European economic area ) but are part of the single market giving its people the right to work & live in Europe inc the UK. And you don't see them clamouring to be in the 'club', do you and they're doing just fine aren't they ?
So all this scaremongering about jobs etc is a load of twaddle, prove it with hard faced facts & maybe ,as a leave voter, I might sit up & listen, until that day comes around let's just leave.

Racism in Football

by Southampton Gull » 14 Dec 2018, 15:13

gullintwoplaces wrote: 14 Dec 2018, 13:24 Trade deals? Like with the USA, who just want two things. First, to take over our NHS, they're drooling over it. Second, to export their food to us.

The reason our industries have suffered isn't the EU, it has been our own Govt.
No, the reason our industries have suffered is because of the constraints imposed on them by the EU. Our government are powerless to stop the faceless EU from imposing their will upon us. Giving up our sovereignty to them and allowing mass immigration is crippling the average working man. Importation of cheap labour is only serving one group of people, those that need them and their votes.

It does make me laugh when we're told that fuel costs must go up to reduce the carbon footprint but then open the borders to flood us with people whose birthrates dwarf those of western cultures thus increasing the carbon footprint. You couldn't make this stuff up yet people still fall for it.

We can support a healthy economy, we can have jobs galore for everyone instead of people galore for each job vacancy, it's controlled immigration that's required, people with the skills for a job instead of a workforce prepared to work for a pittance. Much more achievable with an elected government and a population made more aware of the corporate control of previous governments. Time to take back control of our destiny from the rich and vote in a fair and just body of people to govern us.
