by GoodringtonGull » 02 Jul 2019, 17:34
In the recent Herald article today, about Liam Davis, it reports that GJ is set to sign his first Loan player before Tuesdays match against Biddeford. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to who it’ll be? Shame Cundy was snapped up by Exeter, as he would have been a solid option. Fairly predictable loans could be either Opi Edwards or Aidan Baldwin....
In the recent Herald article today, about Liam Davis, it reports that GJ is set to sign his first Loan player before Tuesdays match against Biddeford. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to who it’ll be? Shame Cundy was snapped up by Exeter, as he would have been a solid option. Fairly predictable loans could be either Opi Edwards or Aidan Baldwin....