by Mr Tea808 » 08 Nov 2023, 21:32
I'm actually going to give this lad a chance and not pre judge him, he could be a "rough diamond" and just what we need, it's good to have a kind of "wild card" player, I'm sure he's rough around the edges, but GJ has been in the game a long time, surely he's seen something that merits a deal for him?, the previous comment about Kevin Hill is a great point,I'm keeping an open mind on him, and let's see what he can do.
I'm actually going to give this lad a chance and not pre judge him, he could be a "rough diamond" and just what we need, it's good to have a kind of "wild card" player, I'm sure he's rough around the edges, but GJ has been in the game a long time, surely he's seen something that merits a deal for him?, the previous comment about Kevin Hill is a great point,I'm keeping an open mind on him, and let's see what he can do.