by Taelee73 » 30 Aug 2024, 06:56
To be honest, until 5 minutes ago I’d never heard of Charlie Baker and wouldn’t know what he looked like. I get all the info I need about TUFC from here, the Fbook site, the local paper, TUFC on YouTube. I don’t need to hear anything else, although I understand some would. I’m always happy for us to get free publicity though.
I sit next to my mate, I’ll have a brief catch up with him, and I’ll say hi to whoever’s sat on the opposite side of me, other than that unless a goal is scored I won’t be talking. I’m just there to watch the game and get angry, exasperated, joyful as we all do. Tbh if the game is dull, the moors always look nice from the Bench.
But I guess I’m not a people person!
To be honest, until 5 minutes ago I’d never heard of Charlie Baker and wouldn’t know what he looked like. I get all the info I need about TUFC from here, the Fbook site, the local paper, TUFC on YouTube. I don’t need to hear anything else, although I understand some would. I’m always happy for us to get free publicity though.
I sit next to my mate, I’ll have a brief catch up with him, and I’ll say hi to whoever’s sat on the opposite side of me, other than that unless a goal is scored I won’t be talking. I’m just there to watch the game and get angry, exasperated, joyful as we all do. Tbh if the game is dull, the moors always look nice from the Bench.
But I guess I’m not a people person!