by Fonda » 30 May 2011, 11:00
JM, CP spot on. Seems we're all feeling the same way. Bucks was developing into a decent manager, but has shown complete disrespect to our club, the board and it's supporters in the last two weeks. Has has no class, and he'll not be getting a warm welcome from me. Agree with the comment earlier - he'll be more annoyed by no reaction than an adverse one, so i'll not go out of my way to acknowledge him at all.
JM, CP spot on. Seems we're all feeling the same way. Bucks was developing into a decent manager, but has shown complete disrespect to our club, the board and it's supporters in the last two weeks. Has has no class, and he'll not be getting a warm welcome from me. Agree with the comment earlier - he'll be more annoyed by no reaction than an adverse one, so i'll not go out of my way to acknowledge him at all.