by MidDevon » 12 Jun 2011, 20:14
Robiberto22 wrote:watch out for hereford, thats my only prediction they wont be as low as some are predicting
As a betting man, I wish you could say why you think Hereford will do well, to me they are in a complete mess.
Bar a reasonable run starting from their home match against us (God that was a dire day) when they only lost 1 in 11, they were, for most of the season a complete shambles. They only won 6 or 7 matches during the rest of the entire season . They scored 50 goals in total, 8 of which were against Stockport!
....and despite all of that they have retained 14 of last years their new manger/physio (delete as appropriate) seems a reasonable chap, but I dont get what he is going to do to turn things around so dramatically
....the only bright thing could be if they can secure Jack Midson's signing, who might fit well into that team....but that is a big if at present.
[quote="Robiberto22"]watch out for hereford, thats my only prediction they wont be as low as some are predicting[/quote]
As a betting man, I wish you could say why you think Hereford will do well, to me they are in a complete mess.
Bar a reasonable run starting from their home match against us (God that was a dire day) when they only lost 1 in 11, they were, for most of the season a complete shambles. They only won 6 or 7 matches during the rest of the entire season . They scored 50 goals in total, 8 of which were against Stockport!
....and despite all of that they have retained 14 of last years their new manger/physio (delete as appropriate) seems a reasonable chap, but I dont get what he is going to do to turn things around so dramatically
....the only bright thing could be if they can secure Jack Midson's signing, who might fit well into that team....but that is a big if at present.