Thanks For Applying

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Re: Thanks For Applying

by AustrianAndyGull » 01 Jul 2011, 14:47

Apologies everyone for my rant and inexcusable use of colourful language last night in my posts about Baker and the interview process. I'd had a few and it just struck a nerve with me having been in the position of jobhunter on many occasions and getting treated badly. Royalgull succinctly highlights the unimportance of the thread in the overall context of life and i'll leave it at that.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by royalgull » 01 Jul 2011, 10:01

Just couldn't really care in all honesty. Of all the things to get slightly annoyed about this is probably number 376th on my list, just below deleting the double email I got off someone.

They've chosen Ling (rightly or wrongly) lets see what happens, my gut feeling tells me I'm not sure this time next year Martin Ling will still be in charge here. Hope I'm wrong.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by GulldenBoy » 01 Jul 2011, 09:45

OK now I also thought that it was a strange post of the website but from my own experience of job hunting, there is never any obligation to respond to an unsuccessful candidate.

The world of recruitment is pretty harsh and comercial companies will only ever respond to those on the short list.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by Awayday » 01 Jul 2011, 06:24

I wouldn't worry too much, it is standard practice in application handling not to respond to each and every application. Why spend money and time on responding to those applications from wonna be football managers, who's only experience is playing football manager on their PC?

If anything, I congratulate the club for thanking all applicants via the website. 99% of other clubs or businesses wouldn't bother.

I am sure for those 'serious' contenders who got as far as an interview would have been thanked personally with a "Sorry but thanks" phone call.

You know I luv you guys, but sometimes you do pick at the club too much over the most bizzare things.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by ferrarilover » 30 Jun 2011, 23:22

I think this thread, if nothing else, highlights the difference between the traditionalists and the new-'yoof' on the site. The young-guns are happy to receive an E-Mail if they don't get a job. The wise owls among us feel that which was was good business etiquette for the proceeding 100 years ought to continue to be so. Don't get me wrong, I'm no techno-phobe, but there is just something about an E-Mail which, when one has gone through the rigmarole of applying for a job, seems a little half hearted and impersonal.

A thoroughly poor show TUFC, there weren't that many applicants.


Re: Thanks For Applying

by yellow » 30 Jun 2011, 22:18

Trojan 67 wrote:
My thoughts precisely. Who's to say the club has not replied directly to every unsuccessful applicant before it's public announcement ?
I think the clue lies in the part of the official statement that says “We received so many applications that it would be simply impossible to reply to each one individually but we were certainly very heartened by the interest the position generated”.

It is quite simply an unprofessional way for any business to conduct itself.

An e-mail is a poor substitute, but would have been better than nothing.

I am disappointed by what the OS post actually says, not to what some respondents think it might mean.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by AustrianAndyGull » 30 Jun 2011, 21:38

OK but not what Baker says on O/S as is my point. Would it not have been more beneficial to him to actually say on the O/S that we replied to every single applicant? This is inadvertant positive PR and i'm sure his 'people' would have included this if it were true to make better his position. Then again this is Torquay and often it appears that they couldn't find thier arse with both hands.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by TUFC92 » 30 Jun 2011, 21:33

Yellow4life wrote:
This is what happened, a mate of mine applied- for no reason and he received an email wishing him the best in finding a job in the future, along with thanking him for his application.
If you look at the post, then somebody who quite clearly was not even a football manager, had an email wishing him the best.

I'd be more than inclined to believe that if the club did this for this person, that they would of done it for every other. And, I would expect that the club would of then sent letters to the shortlisted applicants.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by AustrianAndyGull » 30 Jun 2011, 21:24

Hey i hold my hands up and humbly apologise if this is the case TUFC92 but onthe O/S Baker was quoted as saying we can't possibly reply to every applicant or words to that effect. So that is the info i have to go on. It doesn't say the board sent out letters to every applicant even if unsuccessful. It says what it says. That to me on face value devalues Mr Baker as a human being.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by TUFC92 » 30 Jun 2011, 21:16

andygullagain wrote:Baker you are a lazy bastard and don't deserve to be in the position you're in. You are a disgrace. I have been in the situation of applying for jobs left right and centre and even attending interviews and getting no response and believe me it does nothing for self confidence. It just highlights the lack of disregard in which you hold people. Common human respect and decency would tell you that if an individual can be bothered to research your organisation, submit an application, prepare for interview, attend the interview whether it be travelling from Newton Abbot or Hull, and all that entails then YOU SHOULD BE BOTHERED ENOUGH TO RESPOND TO THEM INDIVIDUALLY YOU LAZY, ARROGANT t**t!!
Think this is way to harsh. How do you even know that the board didn't send letters out to say that they weren't getting the job?

Massive over reaction from some people here. Like a few have said, it was probably just for the people who weren't serious about the application.

Some people just seem to want to get on the boards back as soon as they possibly can! Ridculous

Re: Thanks For Applying

by AustrianAndyGull » 30 Jun 2011, 21:13

Sorry Fonda but this scenario has happened to me on numerous occasions and although you get used to it after a bit it makes your blood boil to think you have been treated with such disdain and indifference. For what might be unimportant to one person might be the opposite to another, so i wish Mr Baker would appreciate this.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by Fonda » 30 Jun 2011, 21:08

Lack of disregard? ;-)

You might have been a tad harsh i think. :O

Re: Thanks For Applying

by AustrianAndyGull » 30 Jun 2011, 20:58

Baker you are a lazy bastard and don't deserve to be in the position you're in. You are a disgrace. I have been in the situation of applying for jobs left right and centre and even attending interviews and getting no response and believe me it does nothing for self confidence. It just highlights the lack of disregard in which you hold people. Common human respect and decency would tell you that if an individual can be bothered to research your organisation, submit an application, prepare for interview, attend the interview whether it be travelling from Newton Abbot or Hull, and all that entails then YOU SHOULD BE BOTHERED ENOUGH TO RESPOND TO THEM INDIVIDUALLY YOU LAZY, ARROGANT ****!!

Re: Thanks For Applying

by Regiment » 30 Jun 2011, 20:35

we do seem to have an incredible ability to make ourselves look amateur at times, and whilst I can see why SB made this statement, saying there were too many applicants to reply to individually, is just unbelievable. I really can t believe those applicants have just looked on the OS and thought “oh, I didn t get the job”, and would really hope they d at least had a phone call/letter/email or whatever.

Someone really needs to vet this stuff before it gets posted on the OS. The web is a powerful tool, but all we seem to do with it is make ourselves look totally incompetent.

Re: Thanks For Applying

by Dave » 30 Jun 2011, 20:14

To honest i have taken this article on the O/S with a real pinch of salt,no serious contender for the job would have applied after seeing the job advertized on the O/S, and those candidate's who made it on to the short list would have been contacted in the right and proper way.

That said a generic dear john sent out to all those who did not make it pass the first part of the process would have been quite easy,and cost little.
