by Fonda » 08 Jul 2011, 09:11
They maintain an air of superiority, and it's not going to disappear overnight. We could beat them twice this season, finish 20 points and 10 places above them, and they'd still view us as 'Little Torquay'. Their rivalry is with City. They see us as an annoying little brother, not a hated rival. Hopefully if we can dish out a few beatings to them, they might start to dislike us a little!
They maintain an air of superiority, and it's not going to disappear overnight. We could beat them twice this season, finish 20 points and 10 places above them, and they'd still view us as 'Little Torquay'. Their rivalry is with City. They see us as an annoying little brother, not a hated rival. Hopefully if we can dish out a few beatings to them, they might start to dislike us a little!