membership scheme

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Re: membership scheme

by Dave » 04 Aug 2011, 16:35

Oh dear !!, oh well lets hope they have a system in place to keep track of member's payment's then.

Re: membership scheme

by mcgull1 » 04 Aug 2011, 16:22

forevertufc wrote: With the number of member's the club has it should not be to difficult to keep track of, should it :)

And also it depend's if the they mean standing order or direct debit, direct debit would appear as a bounced payment, not to sure about a standing order.
Definately a standing order, that the supporter can set up themselves, going into one account at the club with no reference required. They must think that we're a totally trustworthy bunch around here!!

Re: membership scheme

by Dave » 04 Aug 2011, 16:15

mcgull1 wrote:Not sure if its me being slightly naive here, but quick question about this scheme.

If paying monthly, you need to pay first installment of £13 when you apply at the club and they give you your membership card. What is there to stop that member either not setting up a standing order to the club in the first place, or cancelling it after a couple of months? Would the club be any the wiser?
With the number of member's the club has it should not be to difficult to keep track of, should it :)

And also it depend's if the they mean standing order or direct debit, direct debit would appear as a bounced payment, not to sure about a standing order.

Re: membership scheme

by mcgull1 » 04 Aug 2011, 15:44

Not sure if its me being slightly naive here, but quick question about this scheme.

If paying monthly, you need to pay first installment of £13 when you apply at the club and they give you your membership card. What is there to stop that member either not setting up a standing order to the club in the first place, or cancelling it after a couple of months? Would the club be any the wiser?

Re: membership scheme

by Gulliball » 27 Jul 2011, 19:17

How do you actually join? Last summer I seem to remember there was a form to download, but I can't find anything like that now.

Re: membership scheme

by bixieupnorth » 26 Jul 2011, 21:16

link is here for anyone that wants to contribute? ... 31,00.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: membership scheme

by portugull » 26 Jul 2011, 19:39

Bixie if you go on OS click on Tickets and you will find it is still there.
Tim Herbert did email me and perhaps I am being unduly pessamistic. Time will tell.

Re: membership scheme

by portugull » 26 Jul 2011, 19:32

I think the club are phoning all members in the hope that a majority withdraw so they can pull the scheme.
I do not think it has the Boards support and without that support it is "dead in the water"

Re: membership scheme

by bixieupnorth » 26 Jul 2011, 19:11

just combed the OS and i cant find anything to do with this at all, looked around 6th july news and also in all the seemingly obvious places. get it stickied on the home page, with link to club shop, travel club etc

Re: Membership Scheme

by bixieupnorth » 26 Jul 2011, 19:02

sorry didnt spot this one, please merge the two

my position is that i "overpaid" £15 a month, they suggested a minimum donation of a tenner initially. guess i'll get another call tomorrow

should be permanent front page on OS, and allow those of us content to roll on forever the facility to do som without the unneccessary phone call every twelve months

just hope i keep my membership number as had grown rather fond of it staring at me in my wallet!

Re: membership scheme

by portugull » 26 Jul 2011, 17:58

Yes Bixie I had a call here in Portugal. I told the young lady that last year I had set up a Bankers Order for £100 which I was happy to pay to support my home town team. Now Bill Phillips has decided for some very strange reason to move the goalposts and change the arrangements to a 10 month cycle because we do not play in June and July!!.
From day one this scheme has been completely mismanaged and sad to say I have cancelled my Bankers Order out of sheer frustration.
If run and marketed professionally this scheme could be very successful. However I do not think the powers that be at Plainmoor have the faintest idea how to run it so it will probably die a quiet death which is sad.
I did post a thread on this subject a few weeks ago when TUAFC announced the new prices and arrangements but got little or no response.

membership scheme

by bixieupnorth » 26 Jul 2011, 16:58

anyone else get a phone call today?

had an answering machine message asking if i wanted to continue with the scheme, wonder why they are doing this, i assumed it was a forever deal, hope i get to keep number 0001!!

unfortunately this is bound to lead to a drop in numbers as some will decide that its not an economic deal, some will be uncontactable for whatever reason and their subs will therefore lapse.

should've been a great scheme, but never took off, and now you would struggle to find details of it on the OS

phoned back to confirm that i wanted to continue, but after half five so returned the compliments with answering m/c message of my own!!

Re: Membership Scheme

by portugull » 06 Jul 2011, 20:50

The OS confirms today that the Members Club will continue. Last season it was £10 permonth OR £100 ifyou paid in advance.
This season, for some strange reason, it is £13 for 10 months only OR £120 if you pay in advance.
I think this will cause a lot of confusion with the bankers orders. My current order is £100 annually on 1 August. Has this been thought through properly.A 12 month system is far easier. Just because Council Tax is paid this way does not mean it should apply to the Members Scheme.
Will we market the Club on the OS in the match day programme etc?

Re: Membership Scheme

by AndyC » 30 Jun 2011, 21:07

Nowhere near 100 - I was 47 and last time I went they were marking people number was right near the bottom of the list. 60 maximum.

Re: Membership Scheme

by portugull » 30 Jun 2011, 21:00

Just out of interest I have just paid in advance my Membership to SC OLHANENSE the team I support in Portugal. 80euros for my seat in the main stand. 75euros entrance fee for 15 league games. 84euros for my Membership(12months@ 7euros a month. Total 239 but Iget a 10% discount by paying up front. Net total 215euros works out at 14.33 per game.Not bad when we play the likes of Benfica FC Porto and Sporting Lisbon.
If Andrew is interested I do have plenty of info on Membership Schemes which I think have a lot of merit for community clubs like United.
