by HRG » 15 Sep 2011, 13:20
Firstly, if players play for England they are representing England, not themselves.
Yes it would be nice if our top footballers were squeaky clean, but they're only human. It's their personalities that make them what they are not their career choice. If they cheat, take drugs or drink too much it's because that is within them. Being a footballer may mean they can afford better prostitutes, more expensive drinks in celeb haunts and not have to steal to fund their habit, but being a footballer doesn't make them do these things.
Footballers that make it are usually the ones that want to play football, not the ones that want to get rich. So I don't get why they are 'launching' themselves into the public eye. You become a footballer first, then if you're good enough and popular enough other deals may come your way and could lead to a whole new life (a la Beckham). I can't really imagine Rooney or Beckham as kids in their academies thinking 'Blimey, I'd better work hard else I won't be in OK and have my own perfume in ten years'. And even Beckham who has become a massive brand still wants to play football, he still loves the game.
Having said that, those that are quite happy to sell parts of their lives to these trashy mags haven't got much of a leg to stand on when it all goes t*ts up and they want their privacy. Advertising, however, in no way puts their personal selves on show it's just a highly lucrative second job. They are showing off a product and the people who want to sell said product want a famous face. I do not have a problem with that. If anyone does have a problem, then they don't have to buy the product. As far as showing off their wealth, well if I had a lot of money I wouldn't be staying in my little house for fear of offending people if I buy a mansion. I'd get a nice car or two, buy a second home somewhere nice and go on some bloody nice holidays, might even eat in some posh restaurants too. Of course not being famous I wouldn't be followed by photographers so no one would see me splashing the cash but I'd be doing the same stuff, just anonymously.
As for the Prince William stuff, really? Princes (and other young men) have been at it with women outside of marriage since time began. Lets all put the Daily Mail down and slowly back away.
I do admire people who can be faithful, stay drug free and are generally nice people too, but I don't like cider.
Oh, and Rooney doesn't pull, he pays!
Firstly, if players play for England they are representing England, not themselves.
Yes it would be nice if our top footballers were squeaky clean, but they're only human. It's their personalities that make them what they are not their career choice. If they cheat, take drugs or drink too much it's because that is within them. Being a footballer may mean they can afford better prostitutes, more expensive drinks in celeb haunts and not have to steal to fund their habit, but being a footballer doesn't make them do these things.
Footballers that make it are usually the ones that want to play football, not the ones that want to get rich. So I don't get why they are 'launching' themselves into the public eye. You become a footballer first, then if you're good enough and popular enough other deals may come your way and could lead to a whole new life (a la Beckham). I can't really imagine Rooney or Beckham as kids in their academies thinking 'Blimey, I'd better work hard else I won't be in OK and have my own perfume in ten years'. And even Beckham who has become a massive brand still wants to play football, he still loves the game.
Having said that, those that are quite happy to sell parts of their lives to these trashy mags haven't got much of a leg to stand on when it all goes t*ts up and they want their privacy. Advertising, however, in no way puts their personal selves on show it's just a highly lucrative second job. They are showing off a product and the people who want to sell said product want a famous face. I do not have a problem with that. If anyone does have a problem, then they don't have to buy the product. As far as showing off their wealth, well if I had a lot of money I wouldn't be staying in my little house for fear of offending people if I buy a mansion. I'd get a nice car or two, buy a second home somewhere nice and go on some bloody nice holidays, might even eat in some posh restaurants too. Of course not being famous I wouldn't be followed by photographers so no one would see me splashing the cash but I'd be doing the same stuff, just anonymously.
As for the Prince William stuff, really? Princes (and other young men) have been at it with women outside of marriage since time began. Lets all put the Daily Mail down and slowly back away.
I do admire people who can be faithful, stay drug free and are generally nice people too, but I don't like cider.
Oh, and Rooney doesn't pull, he pays!