by AustrianAndyGull » 03 Oct 2011, 19:11
I think Bucks is a bit like a shit lower league Arsene Wenger. He likes to pass the ball around and arse about with players in the wrong positions whilst making bizarre tactical decisions. He also signs players who he thinks are good but are in fact shit, just like Wenger. If Bucks made common sense tactical decisions then Rovers would be in the top 3. He is just too stubborn, or perhaps blind to the obvious. Ala Wenger.
I think Bucks is a bit like a shit lower league Arsene Wenger. He likes to pass the ball around and arse about with players in the wrong positions whilst making bizarre tactical decisions. He also signs players who he thinks are good but are in fact shit, just like Wenger. If Bucks made common sense tactical decisions then Rovers would be in the top 3. He is just too stubborn, or perhaps blind to the obvious. Ala Wenger.