by AustrianAndyGull » 12 Dec 2011, 21:48
Says it all about Accrington really when the 'highlight' of the day is a bowl of pie and peas served with a spoon. Cheamgull, you may have actually deterred me from going on saturday as the weather is looking grim, i need the cash for xmas and i just can't face driving up there again. I was gonna go but unless i have a change of heart then i don't think i'll be there. I usually support the Gulls regardless but Accrington is so desperately grim that i don't think i can do it. The thing about Accy is that its not just one thing thats depressing - its absolutely everything. The place itself, the ground, the weather, the crowd, the programme, the facilities. I can't do it again.
Says it all about Accrington really when the 'highlight' of the day is a bowl of pie and peas served with a spoon. Cheamgull, you may have actually deterred me from going on saturday as the weather is looking grim, i need the cash for xmas and i just can't face driving up there again. I was gonna go but unless i have a change of heart then i don't think i'll be there. I usually support the Gulls regardless but Accrington is so desperately grim that i don't think i can do it. The thing about Accy is that its not just one thing thats depressing - its absolutely everything. The place itself, the ground, the weather, the crowd, the programme, the facilities. I can't do it again.