by Colorado Gull » 30 Dec 2011, 14:29
The FLS is pretty poor but the BBC is a disgrace to say their taking it off air due to budgetary reasons, when they pay Alan Hansen, Alan Shearer etc god knows how much to talk (with the most drowning of voices) about the game. The time it's on is bloody stupid as well. I try and stay up and watch it, but by the time league 2 is on it's about quarter to 1, I start falling asleep listening to Gary Lineker's voice at half 10 (MOTD) let alone at quarter to 1! Most people record the FLS nowadays and watch it in the morning, or catch the highlights online.
Sky Sports News does a show called "Goals Express (?)" or something like that and shows the goals from each game. However they do something much better than that called "Net Busters" which is just each game at a time showing the goals. No idiot gets paid to talk a load of tosh and gets to think he knows it all, it's just each game one at a time showing the goals. Net Busters is on for about 30 mins? Maybe 45 mins? But that's long enough, long enough for the real fans in football to watch their team’s goals! Why can't the BBC do something like that and air it on Sunday morning or something? That way I'm sure more fans would watch it.
The FLS is pretty poor but the BBC is a disgrace to say their taking it off air due to budgetary reasons, when they pay Alan Hansen, Alan Shearer etc god knows how much to talk (with the most drowning of voices) about the game. The time it's on is bloody stupid as well. I try and stay up and watch it, but by the time league 2 is on it's about quarter to 1, I start falling asleep listening to Gary Lineker's voice at half 10 (MOTD) let alone at quarter to 1! Most people record the FLS nowadays and watch it in the morning, or catch the highlights online.
Sky Sports News does a show called "Goals Express (?)" or something like that and shows the goals from each game. However they do something much better than that called "Net Busters" which is just each game at a time showing the goals. No idiot gets paid to talk a load of tosh and gets to think he knows it all, it's just each game one at a time showing the goals. Net Busters is on for about 30 mins? Maybe 45 mins? But that's long enough, long enough for the real fans in football to watch their team’s goals! Why can't the BBC do something like that and air it on Sunday morning or something? That way I'm sure more fans would watch it.