Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

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Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by Dave » 23 Feb 2012, 18:47

I see no problem with this thread,having the ability to have laugh and a joke, more so at yourself, or in this case your football club and some of it's fan's, is a real quailty thats sadly dying out.

Yes nobody had moaned or goaned after the Bradfod game, however moaners and groaners are part and parcel of supporting a club like Torquay, and we have more than our fair share of them,chippygull quite clearly having a joke at the expense of our many moaners and groaners, so please stop letting life make you feel.. :@ And just have a.. :rofl:

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by ferrarilover » 23 Feb 2012, 13:37

Not from here it wouldn't. Regardless of your pre-conceived ideas about the squad, they have shown that they are capable of picking up 56 points from 31 games. The squad which you believed existed before the season began simply does not exist, so to vase your expectations upon it is akin to taking out insurance against a unicorn attack.

Yes, we have a couple of 'squad fillers', but in almost every position, we are greater than or equal to last year's quality. I'm really not sure how far we are going to have to progress before you (and others) take us seriously. We are 2/3 through the season, every team is in its current position on merit. Dagenham, Northampton and Plymouth are crap, Swindon, Crawley and Cheltenham are exceptionally good. This is a fact, not one of your usual 'facts' (which are almost always opinions) but a real fact which can be proven with a quick look at the BBC website.

On the present argument about whether this thread is funny, I'd like to suggest that it is. I like to have a look about on the boards of other teams and often, one thread in three is of this nature, except serious. Petty arguing (unlike the very serious arguing that Camb and I do on here) is rife, and it makes me very glad that we can have a thread like this one on here, taking the piss out of all those who would take it seriously.


Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by brucie » 23 Feb 2012, 11:50

Its a pretty ridiculous thread to be honest though. We have had to listen to the "punching above our weight" line ever since Buckle got here. However now he has gone it is for once actually true.
I have seen the Dagenham,Northampton and Cheltenham games but missed the Bradford macth.
Only a fool would be carping about getting beat by Bradford. A realist would probably say that a lineup containing Chris Mcphee and Ashley Yeoman was probably quite likely not to win (this is afterall professional football).
i would be suprised if we could maintain our form and get to the play offs but a mid table position with the resources that the manager has at his disposal would be an admirable achievement in my view.

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by the_shredder » 23 Feb 2012, 06:55

To be fair, i run my own business too, 6 years now, and i only work 5 hours a week, it's not hard, and i dont read a paper - if i did it would be the sun.

Also, i tend to sympathise with DTG's point here.
While i see where the OP is coming from (we do have a history of grumpy people round here) since our bad run ended, the only negative words have come from brucie, and even he has been very high in spirits lately! I think what DTG is saying is, if you don't like moaning - stop moaning about it! The 'comedy' doesn't change the fact you're bringing something up that isn't and wouldn't have happened ... so looks like having a moan, about moaners...? ^.^

I guess it was funny after all, if you like irony :na:

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by DTG » 22 Feb 2012, 16:44

cambgull wrote: This is probably the most brilliant case of making assumptions and looking like a d*ck whilst doing it. :-D

Firstly, being dead behind the eyes and dead between the ears means pretty much the same thing, there isn't much in there. So thank you for proving my point, you are a moron! As for the "Sun reader types", far from it, I run my own business and considering the amount of work I have to do to run it, I'd have to be quite a way from being a "Sun reader" to be able to do it.

And then, in the last couple lines you managed to look like one of those opinionated old fogies who doesn't really understand anything about the 'youth of today'. Don't worry Grandad, the more intelligent of us will be perfectly capable of rinsing idiots like you and your fellow knuckle draggers for every penny you've got when you've gone senile! :na:

That's more like it, comedy. Nice one Camb. :)

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by Gazzableedsgull » 22 Feb 2012, 14:52

So some of you are implying that people who read The Sun aren't intelligent? I read a number of Papers but I buy the Sun for the Football and Rugby League write ups and to see if Kelvin McKenzie has put his foot in it again :lol: However to imply that me and millions of people who buy it are thick is really disgraceful. Maybe if you read Tabloids from time to time you might get some common sense and a sense of humour.

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by kingsgull » 22 Feb 2012, 14:27

Chippy...i thought you were getting your coat ???

Camb and dtg ...lets keep things civilised...

think we all know what irony and sarcasm is ... and the point was only to say why the jibe ???

anyway enough said as like you all i'm bored with this all...lets move on....

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by cambgull » 22 Feb 2012, 13:09

DTG wrote:
Why would it be aimed at me Dave? You won't have seen one word against Ling from me. As for being dead behind the eyes......better than being dead between the ears.......see, now that's comedy. :-D It's just sad that some of the threads are done by people from Joe Barlow's Tumble Tots and you end up with the Sun reader types being let loose. But I suppose they have some value at the lower end of the Torquay fan gene pool. If they weren't here they would be out roaming around their "no-go" areas pretending to be tough and looting. They do make a good case for eugenics. :whistle:
This is probably the most brilliant case of making assumptions and looking like a d*ck whilst doing it. :-D

Firstly, being dead behind the eyes and dead between the ears means pretty much the same thing, there isn't much in there. So thank you for proving my point, you are a moron! As for the "Sun reader types", far from it, I run my own business and considering the amount of work I have to do to run it, I'd have to be quite a way from being a "Sun reader" to be able to do it.

And then, in the last couple lines you managed to look like one of those opinionated old fogies who doesn't really understand anything about the 'youth of today'. Don't worry Grandad, the more intelligent of us will be perfectly capable of rinsing idiots like you and your fellow knuckle draggers for every penny you've got when you've gone senile! :na:

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by chippygull » 22 Feb 2012, 10:41

"It's just sad that some of the threads are done by people from Joe Barlow's Tumble Tots and you end up with the Sun reader types being let loose. But I suppose they have some value at the lower end of the Torquay fan gene pool"

Hmm.. shurely shome mishtake? I'm a librarian at Oxford University, never read the Sun in my life, have a Ph.D and a good line in irony and wouldn't even know how to start a conversation with the said Mr. Barlow. :slap: The point of the original post was "wouldn't it be funny IF the moaners started to put a bandwagon together from their Lego kits?" But obviously wasted on at least one observer.. never mind...trebles all round!! Hic. <3

Irony (from the Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eirōneía, meaning dissimulation or feigned ignorance)is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or situation in which there is a sharp incongruity or discordance that goes beyond the simple and evident intention of words or actions. There is presently no accepted method for textually indicating irony, though an irony (punctuation) mark has been proposed.

Ironic statements (verbal irony) are statements such as "thank god I'm an atheist." They typically imply a meaning in opposition to their literal meaning. A situation is often said to be ironic (situational irony) if the actions taken have an effect exactly opposite from what was intended. The discordance of verbal irony may be deliberately created as a means of communication (as in art or rhetoric). Descriptions or depictions of situational ironies, whether in fiction or in non-fiction, serve a communicative function of sharpening or highlighting certain discordant features of reality. Verbal and situational irony are often used for emphasis in the assertion of a truth. The ironic form of simile, used in sarcasm, and some forms of litotes emphasize one's meaning by the deliberate use of language which states the opposite of the truth — or drastically and obviously understates a factual connection.

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by Southampton Gull » 22 Feb 2012, 10:39

So it never happens then? We don't witness a glut of moaners and whingers when on a losing run and hear nothing from them during a decent run?

I don't think the OP was directed at anyone in particular and neither was my post that DTG seemed to take so personally. Lighten up fellas.

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by Aussie » 22 Feb 2012, 10:05

cambgull wrote:I really don't think it's that difficult to understand, it's a sarcastic dig at the whingers and moaners who didn't complain when we're on a good run but as soon as we lose one game, we're the worst team in the world. Otherwise known as 'morons'.
I can see how this could be funny if someone had actually come out all negative about Saturdays game, but seemings no-one has, exactly who is the target of this so called comedy? These `whingers and moaners` haven`t said anything, if they had this thread would hold water but seeing they haven`t it is completely useless! It`s a bit like telling someone off for doing something they haven`t done!

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by kingsgull » 22 Feb 2012, 10:00

i agree with DTG....we all love a joke and sarcasm...but the opening thread is just a dig at other posters who have not even hinted at anything negative but allready people are trying to goad them into negative i said ...we all love a joke and if he put the opening thread not personall and just said LIng out etc etc i could say great sarcasm...
Lets just move on .....

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by Southampton Gull » 22 Feb 2012, 08:57

Dave, what's between your ears is sadly missing on this thread. You're way off the mark in your assumptions ;-)

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by DTG » 22 Feb 2012, 05:37

Southampton Gull wrote:Those that think it wasn't so great are probably the ones it was aimed at.......................

Why would it be aimed at me Dave? You won't have seen one word against Ling from me. As for being dead behind the eyes......better than being dead between the ears.......see, now that's comedy. :-D It's just sad that some of the threads are done by people from Joe Barlow's Tumble Tots and you end up with the Sun reader types being let loose. But I suppose they have some value at the lower end of the Torquay fan gene pool. If they weren't here they would be out roaming around their "no-go" areas pretending to be tough and looting. They do make a good case for eugenics. :whistle:

Re: Ling out! Sack the Board! Sell the lot of them!

by Southampton Gull » 21 Feb 2012, 18:58

Those that think it wasn't so great are probably the ones it was aimed at.......................
