by Awayday » 30 Nov 2010, 13:03
I do hope the cheeky chaps from upnorf remember to get their passports up to date ready for when they cross the border.
I just hope they manage to sell their allocation of 45 tickets, otherwise this isn't going to be the money maker we were hoping for. If they do struggle I am sure we can hand out the remaining 22 tickets to the local refuse collectors to see if they will make up the numbers.
I do hope the cheeky chaps from upnorf remember to get their passports up to date ready for when they cross the border.
I just hope they manage to sell their allocation of 45 tickets, otherwise this isn't going to be the money maker we were hoping for. If they do struggle I am sure we can hand out the remaining 22 tickets to the local refuse collectors to see if they will make up the numbers.