by ferrarilover » 28 Dec 2012, 18:22
There's a surprise, a Plymouth fan more inclined to talk about attendances than the number of points they've managed to accrue. I had this same thing on Twitter, some green **** whinging on about "when was the last time Torquay were in the Championship" and other rubbish. Oddly, I never got an answer as to how many points Plymouth had this year. One day, clubs like Plymouth will wake up to the realities that it's no good telling everyone that you're a massive club stuck in the wrong division, because no one cares. The simple answer is that, if you really were all that powerful and mighty, you wouldn't be making such a bloody hash of getting promoted to where you "belong". It's a bit like a girl in her mid-thirties, trying to find a bloke. It's no good telling anyone who will listen that she used to be pretty and used to be able to go out partying all night and used to be able to go at it like a dog eating hot chips (name the programme), because that doesn't matter one iota, what matters is the here and now and here and now, Plymouth are one of the very worst sides in the Football League and for that, they have only themselves to blame. Spouting off about how many gullible idiots they manage to relieve of £20 every week really doesn't matter. If I send my 5 year old (my fictional 5 year old) in for brain surgery, I don't want the Dr to start telling me about how he is, in fact, one of the worst Doctors in the country now, but it's ok because this time a few years ago he was a really good surgeon and how he still has a big house in the country and a Porsche on the driveway. That's **** ing irrelevant, Plymouth, irrelevant I tell you.
There's a surprise, a Plymouth fan more inclined to talk about attendances than the number of points they've managed to accrue. I had this same thing on Twitter, some green **** whinging on about "when was the last time Torquay were in the Championship" and other rubbish. Oddly, I never got an answer as to how many points Plymouth had this year. One day, clubs like Plymouth will wake up to the realities that it's no good telling everyone that you're a massive club stuck in the wrong division, because no one cares. The simple answer is that, if you really were all that powerful and mighty, you wouldn't be making such a bloody hash of getting promoted to where you "belong". It's a bit like a girl in her mid-thirties, trying to find a bloke. It's no good telling anyone who will listen that she used to be pretty and used to be able to go out partying all night and used to be able to go at it like a dog eating hot chips (name the programme), because that doesn't matter one iota, what matters is the here and now and here and now, Plymouth are one of the very worst sides in the Football League and for that, they have only themselves to blame. Spouting off about how many gullible idiots they manage to relieve of £20 every week really doesn't matter. If I send my 5 year old (my [i]fictional[/i] 5 year old) in for brain surgery, I don't want the Dr to start telling me about how he is, in fact, one of the worst Doctors in the country now, but it's ok because this time a few years ago he was a really good surgeon and how he still has a big house in the country and a Porsche on the driveway. That's **** ing irrelevant, Plymouth, irrelevant I tell you.