category a and b

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Expand view Topic review: category a and b

Re: category a and b

by Trojan 67 » 22 Jun 2011, 17:37

The last home game of the season against Crewe is Cat A because we'll be bang on for being League Two Champions ? :| :rofl:

On another thread someone mentioned about the issue of vouchers at preceding games before a Cat A match. Good idea. :clap: For the Argyle and Bristol Rovers games it's a must.

Re: category a and b

by royalgull » 22 Jun 2011, 10:14

I agree with hector. The categorised games are only needed if you are selling out. Admittedly with the reduced capacity it makes the chances of that greater, however unless BRadford are top of the league they won't sell their allocation and we certainly won't. I don't think Crewe would even if they were top and a sell out for Crawley last year was only down to it being FA Cup 4th round day, not because the two sides would get 5000 every time they play.

Bristol Rovers, Argyle, Swindon and Oxford are the only 4 I would be confident of 4000+ for regardless of how the teams are doing.

Re: category a and b

by hector » 22 Jun 2011, 08:49

I accept category A prices could be applied to Plymouth, Bristol Rovers, Swindon and at a push Oxford. However, the remaining games are ridiculous. Crawley is just a chance to cash in on what they think may be a grudge match but it could have the opposite effect. Asking people to pay £18 to watch Crawley may instead put people off going.

Similarly, just because Bradford are a big club it does not mean they pack the away end with support and that extra police would be required.

There is just no need with us. We do not get the crowds that warrant it.

Re: category a and b

by AustrianAndyGull » 21 Jun 2011, 21:52

Comments taken on board Nickgull but i had no idea that costs for policing, extra staff etc for more higher profile games are passed onto the consumer, in this case the Torquay fan. I find this secenario utterly disgraceful. Aren't we penalised enough as fans? I pay a set amount to watch mediocre league 2 teams. I do not expect to pay more just because demand for tickets is higher.

Re: category a and b

by Plymouth Gull » 21 Jun 2011, 21:38

Gotta disagree, slightly there, Andy. Clearly the reason they've done it is because in the category A games, there needs to be more policing, security, etc. Especially when Plymouth, Swindon and Oxford come to town.

I'm certain those 3 will sell out, and with our reduced capacity, tickets for them (Plymouth especially) will be snapped up quickly.

Re: category a and b

by AustrianAndyGull » 21 Jun 2011, 21:35

happytorq wrote: Actually, I can see Crawley being a real aggro match.

Because they're a bunch of wankers.
Chippygull, Happytorq, just let it go. You can't spend all your waking hours being eaten up inside by hatred for Crawley and their fat **** of a cheating **** manager! We all know that they are a load of crooks! However, in my opinion to even have categories of games, ie certain games that cost more than others IN LEAGUE 2 is nothing short of a disgrace. At this level all games should be a uniform price end of. Robbing twats. I'm talking about Torquay now and not Crawley! :red:

Re: category a and b

by happytorq » 21 Jun 2011, 13:48

chippygull wrote:Crawley?? they should pay US to come and catcall that fat b&stard, his sh)thead sidekick and bunch of cheating mercenaries.
Actually, I can see Crawley being a real aggro match.

Because they're a bunch of wankers.

Re: category a and b

by chippygull » 21 Jun 2011, 11:37

Crawley?? they should pay US to come and catcall that fat b&stard, his sh)thead sidekick and bunch of cheating mercenaries.

Re: category a and b

by bixieupnorth » 21 Jun 2011, 10:48

guess its because its towards the end of the season and they're expected to be challenging for promotion?

Re: category a and b

by Plymouth Gull » 21 Jun 2011, 10:45

Crewe? CREWE? Seriously?

Re: category a and b

by CP Gull » 21 Jun 2011, 10:41

I see from the OS that we now have confirmation of the Cat "A" games and whilst it's no surprise to see the likes of the Plymouth, Bristol Rovers, Swindon, Oxford and Bradford games categorised in this way ... I am a little surprised that the like of Port Vale, Crewe and Crawley (!!!) have been deemed as such!

Re: category a and b

by happytorq » 20 Jun 2011, 15:24

scottbrehaut wrote:If you win $300 million (I'm guessing that's about £250 at the current exchange rate), maybe you could buy the club instead?
Slightly misleading - that $300m figure is assuming you let them invest it. Cash upfront payment would be about half that, and then they make you pay tax (about 35%) so I'd be looking at *only* $100m or so, which works out about £65M in real money.

I mean, I could. But I don't want any of you people to hate me. Any more than you already do, at least :)

Plus I'd have massive swimming pool to fill, and those playboy models won't get there by themselves.

Re: category a and b

by Scott Brehaut » 20 Jun 2011, 14:53

If you win $300 million (I'm guessing that's about £250 at the current exchange rate), maybe you could buy the club instead?

Re: category a and b

by happytorq » 20 Jun 2011, 14:14

bixieupnorth wrote:you still wouldnt get more than 3,500 home fans in!!
If that happens my next my purchase would be a small thermonuclear device to wipe out Paignton. That'll learn 'em, apathetic gits.

Re: category a and b

by bixieupnorth » 20 Jun 2011, 14:11

you still wouldnt get more than 3,500 home fans in!!
