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by SBP
30 Aug 2018, 15:33
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Jake Andrews and Opi Edwards
Replies: 68
Views: 12380

Jake Andrews and Opi Edwards

Good luck to both of them. I m sure both played in the pre season friendly for City against us.

So whats the plan now then GO??
by SBP
30 Aug 2018, 10:54
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 72128

Go G.O!!

I have lost all confidence in GO's ability to coach this team HE has assembled. To have to go out for loan signings within the first few weeks due to his squads inability offensively to create chances is poor. This is not for injuries or suspensions this is completely down to his recruitment and tactics.
He seems to have a charmed life with the owners who appear to be backing him.
by SBP
26 Aug 2018, 14:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 72128

Go G.O!!

notnow wrote: 26 Aug 2018, 14:27 precisely, get him back in the [highlight=yellow]driving seat now[/highlight], regardless of the politics. If he did come back fair play to him, he would get the players to respond that's for sure, otherwise what? get some other chancer! take us down another league yeah, **** hopeless the lot of them, dreamers!
He's had enough of driving the bus :)
by SBP
26 Aug 2018, 11:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 72128

Go G.O!!

Jamie Reid isn't the only one not performing under Owers. In fact I cant think of a single player since Owers took over who has improved. Many take a backward step.
Shouldn't we be developing players and making improvements??
by SBP
25 Aug 2018, 19:22
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Hampton & Richmond 25/08/2018
Replies: 213
Views: 29454

Torquay United v Hampton & Richmond 25/08/2018

I m with FOREVER on this, his post is spot on. I also do not blame the players. My initial thoughts at KO I didn't see the usual players huddle that we ve seen in the last homes games.
First half they set up 4-2-3-1. This clearly was not working as an easy pass out of defence to Reid's feet went aimlessly long. Bantom had very little service and when he did hes another that is lacking games and confidence. Most of the time Williams was isolated alone up front , not a player even close. When any player looked up to pass we had no natural width so we were unable to complete simple passing or movement or go through the zones.
It was so very easy for the opposition to close us down, they never had to break a sweat.
Looking at the dug-out there is no enthusiasm, guidance or anything positive. The subs just huddle up like there on the naughty seat. I have never seen them warm up so much just to get out of the way.
Second half he subs off Bantom and bring on Keating and adopts a 4-4-2. I really feel for Bantom. Owers does this time and time again with Reid and Keating. This is just wrecking their confidence, they must absolutely detest Owers.
So now the 4-4-2 isn't working because Dickson nor Reid are not natural wide players. Midfield is congested and they keep going back. Well that's fine keeping the ball and passing around in defence but we are 2 nil down.
Its so dysfunctional, I repeat I do not blame the players, I understand their frustration. Wynter has had an absolutely shocking game, lucky not to go in the book. But you can see it happening to him over the last few games hes slowly got worse, doesn't know whether to go forward or stay back, he miss places passes and his delivery into the box is just terrible. So in a matter or 4-5 games we have watched him get steadily worse.
The players have no spring in their steps, Dickson who looked like quality just cannot influence the game at the moment. Asa Hall and Nabi just look poor.
There is only one outcome that I can see for these players to improve and that is for Owers to go. He's skulking around the dugout waiting to jump on any player for any mistake. Who would ever in their right mind would want to play in one of Gary Owers sides.
by SBP
25 Aug 2018, 11:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Niate out...
Replies: 8
Views: 1622

Niate out...

I hope Owers does change the formation. We are at home, lets set things up positively and attack. Wynter and Davis licence to attack, please please can i see midfielders raiding forward, we need to create more chances.
Probably asking too much??
Not sure if i can deal with another home negative performance like the last two.
by SBP
20 Aug 2018, 14:32
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Slough v Torquay United 18/08/18
Replies: 157
Views: 23638

Slough v Torquay United 18/08/18

I m sure Owers wont mind you sitting on the bench with him MF68 if thats what you want, you could cheer the subs up so they havent got to listen to Owers, anyway do some work you half day lay about
by SBP
19 Aug 2018, 11:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mr Owers steps down
Replies: 611
Views: 72128

Go G.O!!

Blaming individual players is not the answer(Reid or Williams). We are not creating chances. We do not get enough players in the final 3rd. If we were creating chances and not hitting the target then fair enough you could look at the forwards. Punting useless balls at Williams or Reid is not the answer unless you provide them with support.
I completely blame Owers for his ineffective formation and tactics. His man management from what I can see is totally non existent. You can plainly see that some of the players are just not responding to him.
You can get as many strikers as you want but if they don't get the right service how are they effective.
by SBP
16 Aug 2018, 10:37
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Oxford City v Torquay United 14/08/18
Replies: 89
Views: 17804

Oxford City v Torquay United 14/08/18

This is the issue for me. I just cant see Gary Ower's changing or even trying to learn. We are stuck with this.
by SBP
15 Aug 2018, 11:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Oxford City v Torquay United 14/08/18
Replies: 89
Views: 17804

Oxford City v Torquay United 14/08/18

Nothing surprises me anymore with Gary Owers. His tactics, his man management and his philosophy of his teams. Absolutely shocking.
I feel for Keating, he wound that lad up last week, he scores 2 goals on sat and then he does that to him last night. Owers selects Williams as his captain! Are you kidding me. Yes, he turns up fit but captain material, never. Tactically Owers has just not got it. Its plain to see, we are not creating chances, the forwards have no support or the delivery is poor. The warning signs were there last season, nothing has changed.
I certainly wasnt getting carried away with his recruitment over the summer like some on here.
by SBP
11 Aug 2018, 18:36
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v East Thurrock United 11/08/18
Replies: 85
Views: 15109

Torquay United v East Thurrock United 11/08/18

Not much of a spectacle today. Owers was going mad at McDonald during the 1st half. His distribution was slow and inaccurate which was frustrating everyone.
The 1st half was very similar to the Bath game except we had more time on the ball. Liam Davis had so much space and time. We just couldn't function in the final third until Keating scored just before the break.
We came out stronger in the 2nd half, Owers had obviously had words with McDonald .Keating's second goal was a well placed header coming from finally a descent cross. I understand that Keating's dad came to watch so really pleased for them.
McDonald produced two great saves today, I m not sure how much he knew about the first. As a reserve keeper he is doing very well. Sort his distribution out and he will be playing at a higher level in a few years.
The final pass was really poor today. Thurrock were poor today, our fitness levels were far superior.

Maybe somebody can tell me why is Hedges in the dug out?? I thought he was dealing with watching the opposition and providing Owers with match reports and stuff.
I counted four coaches in our dug out, why cant one of them get out during the break and do something constructive with the subs, why cant the goalkeeping coach do something with the keeper(sub). It annoys me watching them during the break just booting the ball to each other.

Anyway 3 points in the bag and not even playing well.
Well done Keating, you deserved your MOM
by SBP
08 Aug 2018, 12:08
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Bath City 7/8/2018
Replies: 90
Views: 18626

Torquay United v Bath City 7/8/2018

Alot being posted regarding Reid and Williams. The one thing i would say is that neither gets much support from midfield and lets be honest some of the crosses and balls into them is poor. Many times they just get isolated and outnumbered. They need support from midfield and the wingbacks.
by SBP
07 Aug 2018, 22:56
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Bath City 7/8/2018
Replies: 90
Views: 18626

Torquay United v Bath City 7/8/2018

The first half was about as bad as it gets. We just couldn't get to grips with Bath's passing and movement. Their no7 is a good player and was certainly making them tick.
We gave away silly fouls, we couldn't retain the ball, it was just aimless and dysfunctional throughout.
2nd half and two immediate changes. Nabir and Keating on, Regis and Reid off. By this time the crowd was getting restless and starting to voice their frustrations. Then 65 min and we started to push forward and Dickson really got into the game. We had some good possession and a few corners. Both wing backs were getting further forward and then the goal. Davis took his chance well. The crowd were lifted which gave the players an extra spring in their step. Bath still had a couple of descent chances however we just about did enough to deserve the victory.
There are several players who really need to up their games.
Anyway 3 points and an ugly win. I will take that any day.
by SBP
07 Aug 2018, 10:10
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Bath City 7/8/2018
Replies: 90
Views: 18626

Torquay United v Bath City 7/8/2018

Anything other than 3 points tonight will be disappointing for me. I have high expectations with this squad in this league.
by SBP
06 Aug 2018, 14:41
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Chelmsford City Vs Torquay United - 4/8/18
Replies: 75
Views: 17209

Chelmsford City Vs Torquay United - 4/8/18

Scott Brehaut wrote: 06 Aug 2018, 14:16 Well, I’m disappointed with the score line (even taking into account the mitigating factors, and having read the various available at home reports).

I don’t want to come across as billy big bollocks either, but the fact is that we are a full time team in a part time league. We should be fitter and sharper than many of those teams we come across. At this stage of the season we have a full Pre season behind us, and have been in training full time for a few weeks now. Most of the teams in this league won’t have had that.

I get that we are in this league for a reason, but we shouldn’t just allow ourselves to just accept our fate - I’d like to see fight, goals and a load of wins from our team - especially against those that look at us with our transfer and wage budget in envy.

Appreciate it was the first game of a long season, but I haven’t read anything that excites me about Saturdays game, and certainly not read anything that suggests we were unlucky to not win. I accept we won’t win every game, but let’s hope that we put in some effort across the whole pitch, and show that we are full time for a reason!!
Exactly my thoughts