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by LocalGull
13 Mar 2014, 06:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Joss Labadie
Replies: 236
Views: 34683

Joss Labadie

ferrarilover wrote:Having supported him through the external process, we'd look a bit silly sacking him now. If we're going to go down that road, we'd have to have an internal investigation and come to the reasonable conclusion that his conduct amounted to gross misconduct.

If it turns out that the FA found him guilty on no more evidence than some mouthpiece on Twitter and 8 seconds of video which looks like it was shot from the ISS using a mobile phone from 2006, then, when the case inevitably comes to a proper Employment Tribunal (which, unlike the FA, actually assesses evidence and makes decisions based on facts. Probably has something to do with accountability, a thing grossly lacking in the case of football's governing [shambles] body), the club will be stiffed with a large bill for costs and an award for compensation - as well as much more negative publicity.

If, and it's a big if, there's some actual evidence (if anyone from the FA is reading this, perhaps look up the concept in a dictionary), then we might be able to give Ladders the boot, but on what we've got so far? No chance.

This is where someone who has a little bit of knowledge about a subject thinks they are an expert...It is very likely we could sack labadie based on the FA ruling along with an internal investigation. He wouldn't even get access to an employment tribunal so talking about that is nonsense. There would be little to no risk in sacking him for the club from a financial point of view. I do hate when people talk like they know everything.

Great player for us but probably the last we will see unfortunately.
by LocalGull
18 Jan 2014, 10:31
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Northampton Game OFF
Replies: 158
Views: 15219

Northampton Game OFF

God your negative Brucie
by LocalGull
14 Jan 2014, 21:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Rene Howe
Replies: 70
Views: 7727

Rene Howe

AustrianAntheaGull wrote:I'm inclined to comment negatively about Rene but it could have been so different. The first few times I watched him I saw he had ability but his workrate was appalling and in addition, the manner in which Ling played the game didn't play to his strengths at all. As his career with us wore on he actually did knuckle down and despite continued petulance costing us his services on a few occasions he did actually get about the pitch and put some real work in when he DID play which I appreciated.

His goals last season contributed to keeping us up and often he manufactured one out of absolutely nothing and although he did score a lot of pens, he still had to put them away.

My opinion of him changed when I learned he had a contract offer on the table since Christmas before he left and obviously he refused to sign it but the last few weeks of him being a Torquay player saw him put in some atrociously lazy performances, all hands were on deck apart from Rene who knew he was leaving. At Morecambe last away game where we all but secured our league status with a 2-0 win he was absolutely pitiful. Swaggering around and not doing anything apart from getting another petulant booking 10 minutes from time which conveniently meant he missed the last match of the season at home to Rovers. Unforgivable his attitude towards the end.

He also scored just twice (one a pen) since his penalty winner at Sid James at the end of January. Eat your heart out Karl Hawley. :~D

He then protracted his departure which he was perfectly entitled to do but it just seemed again, petulant. Then when we all thought he would move on to bigger and better things he joined Burton. IMO it had to be for the money because he certainly wasn't using his time at Torquay as a stepping stone back to the big time. Obviously he is perfectly entitled also to choose a club who will pay him the most but if that were me I would just be honest about it and not try and make excuses. I would have thought a bit more of him for being honest. Also the fact that he joined Burton means really IMO that his football career is just a means to an end and that is incredibly sad when he had the ability to play higher up the football pyramid. Severe attitude problem the last few months of the season really led Rene to go well down in my estimation. Better that league 2 but not prepared to back that up with the application and desire needed to get there.
Good post!
by LocalGull
13 Jan 2014, 10:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Mozika Contract
Replies: 47
Views: 8680

Mozika Contract

hector wrote: I suppose if he ends up at bury, it will just go to confirm what a super player he is, and how far out of our league he is.

I maintain, that he is no big loss...a mercenary...if he is/was on big money, then he never did quite enough to warrant it. Decent enough player but nothing special.
Was an ok engine room player that when fully fit could of done a good job I think, but classy? No chance. Had no guile about him at all, and one of the most awkward players I've seen at times since the days of Jean Pierre Simb. Had a good physical presence and with time would have done ok, but let's not kid ourselves that he was a superb baller.
by LocalGull
13 Jan 2014, 09:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Rene Howe
Replies: 70
Views: 7727

Rene Howe

nickfrench82 wrote: Playing up front on your own doesn't excuse you not scoring, or lacking discipline, or not being fit, or thinking you're better than you are. He is exactly what you say he isn't, an average league 2 striker. Nothing in his performances or statistics suggests anything different. If he were a good striker, he would be attracting interest from the next division up, or he would be consistent, or he would be scoring goals regularly. He is doing none of these things.
Type of ignorant quote I've come to expect on here. No questions he had a poor attitude and could of been fitter. Of course playing up top by yourself limits your goal scoring opportunities?! His performances do suggest he was more than an average league 2 player, if you actually watched him play. Ling got the best out of him which nobody else has done. Really good ability and could be class, but yes, his attitude let's him down. He did have lots of clubs from higher divisions eyeing him up when he was with us, which it was why it was such a shock he went to burton. He hasn't been playing so it's pretty hard to score when that happens. Sounds like he's not been playing because of a fall out with the boss at burton, big bra cause he's a bad, or even abate age player. Rene is one of the best we've had for a while up top. I do despair.
by LocalGull
11 Jan 2014, 22:04
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Rene Howe
Replies: 70
Views: 7727

Rene Howe

Let's not forget most of the time he played up top by himself too. Ling always used to comment how hard it was for him to play that role by himself. He led the line well and did more than just score. He also relieved the pressure on the midfield and defence-something we find hard to do these days. When he was on form he's one of the best forwards in the league, no question. But does seem to have gone off the boil. Ridiculous to claim he was a poor player or even an average league 2 striker. I've send plenty of them and Howe was miles ahead of them with his ability. He couldn't put it to best use every game but I'm grateful for what he gave as was a very good player for us. Could really do with him right now
by LocalGull
11 Jan 2014, 17:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Rene Howe
Replies: 70
Views: 7727

Rene Howe

Totally agree Nick. Howe was good for us. For a big man had a lovely touch, good pace, was very good at hold up play and bringing others into the game, and had a deft finish on him. To say he is a bad footballer is absurd and makes me question whether some people on here have actually played the game! All season we've been crying out for someone like Howe so let's no pretend he wouldn't improve our front line and play. Yes, poor attitude and terrible disciplinary record but at least he put himself about and made things happen as well. I hope he turns his career around but he may be a journeyman that fails to settle anywhere and probably had his best time with us. I know many an opposition fan that feared him and would comment about how much of a threat he was for us
by LocalGull
29 Dec 2013, 17:50
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MOTM - Exeter
Replies: 23
Views: 1444

MOTM - Exeter

Bodin-was excellent
McCourt-very good show -no way should of come off
Downes- solid as always winning his battles
Mansell- good first half with a couple of cheeky flicks
by LocalGull
29 Dec 2013, 17:46
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13
Replies: 227
Views: 22072

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Great post Gulliball-right in the money. Particularly with regards Hawley, and Bodin, with the latter I agree having a superb performance and showing the quality we know he has in his locker. Please play like this every week billy! If Chappell gets some form and we can draft in a decent striker then we have a good forward line.
by LocalGull
29 Dec 2013, 17:35
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13
Replies: 227
Views: 22072

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Hawley up top was a poor choice IMO. Benyoun can play up top by himself if he needs to and has done many times for united to greater effect than Hawley ever has. I know he scored and he tried his best but we lacked such an edge up front today. We need someone like Marquis to play up top and if he had today I think things may have been different. As much as we had some poor moments today we weren't that bad. I'm really not a fan of Knill but he has changed the formation which works better for us and utilises our players, and we are trying to pass it and play good football. Bodin was very good today and most decent moves came through him. Hope he plays like that every week. They put 2 men on him 2nd half as they knew he was a danger. He'll be the player that the city fans are talking about in the way home as our danger man. Cameron was aweful and looked really leggy. Craig would of been a better option if Chappell was injured or fatuiged. McCourt was having a good game so taking him off was a mistake. I know we were chasing the game but Mozika or manse could if made way or change the formation. He could of created something. For those that were slagging off mansell earlier in the season saying he's past it, it's clear to see he operates very well in a midfield 3 and lots left in him. Thought he had a very good first half, although faded a bit 2nd. Yes O'Connor had some errors but he has been superb for us and is a young lad who's learning. He's still a very good player who has just had a bad game. We were in control until they got a wonder strike of a goal which changed it. Their next 2 goals were horrible defensively but for the amount of possession and chances we created/ balls in the box or getting into dangerous areas we should have scored more than one. As I said , I'm not a fan of Knill but it is still getting better with the formation and personnel so if we carry on and cut out the individual errors we will have a fighting chance. Desperately need a strong all round striker though. Billy-keep it going too! Horrible to lose to Exeter. Thought they were ok but nothing more than that, with Nicholls looking lively when he got the ball. We've been solid at the back recently which has provided a base for us so need to get back to that at argyle!
by LocalGull
29 Dec 2013, 14:56
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13
Replies: 227
Views: 22072

Torquay United v Exeter City - 29/12/13

Not sure about benching Chappell-wasn't at his best last game but still one if our best players! He does tire though so maybe needs a rest and can be an impact sub. Time for Cameron to step up but tough in a big game. Why he's opted for Hayley over benyoun will never know. Gutted no Marquis-he was looking quality and made a real threat up top and brought others into play. Will miss him massively. COYY
by LocalGull
29 Dec 2013, 13:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Exeter tickets
Replies: 83
Views: 6068

Exeter tickets

Good response sunnyside :)
by LocalGull
29 Dec 2013, 10:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Exeter tickets
Replies: 83
Views: 6068

Exeter tickets

Of course segregation is one of the reasons for making it all ticket. It's one of the main reasons. These decisions are taken at the start of the season. Imagine, as unlikely as it is, that us and Exeter are battling it out at the top of the league, there is fierce rivalry on the game, Exeter sell out there allocation and then flood home ends by turning up on the day of the game. It would cause big issues and everyone would be complaining about it. Plymouth, rovers and Exeter all have the capability to bring big crowds down and all the capability to cause trouble (which I've witnessed first hand). Most if not all other clubs have all ticket games for a variety of reasons from crowd control, segregation, policing concerns, history of issues etc. comparing it to a theatre or concert is literally rediculous. Why would you have an all ticket game and sell them on the day of the game-what is the point in that?! I also cannot see that it means we lose revenue. There has been ample opportunity to buy tickets in a variety of ways. How backwards are we if we can't buy match tickets before the day of the game, or the months before. I'd argue it heightens the atmosphere and expectation because it's more of a special event. I wonder if Exeter, argyle, rovers are complaining about having all ticket games. I doubt it.
by LocalGull
28 Dec 2013, 16:33
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Exeter tickets
Replies: 83
Views: 6068

Exeter tickets

God, this is the most rediculous thread I've ever seen. How many people would complain if tickets were sold on the day and Exeter fans were dotted around the stadium riling everybody with their presence? It's been well documented by the club in every possible way well in advance. I live round the corner from the stadium but due to work often can't get tickets in advance, hence why the on-line ticketing system is a massive benefit can actually drive sales not hinder them. In a world where everything is web based why are we criticising the club for having an e-option. How many of you did your Xmas shopping on line in advance of Xmas day? How did you all cope? Brucie-if you struggle so much to buy a ticket on line for a game that's been advertised as all ticket for months you're really gonna struggle through life. Your sob story is quite poor. You don't actually even need to print your confirmation, you just need the number, which you can write down and when you get there the number is just a back up ad they just ask you your name to pick up the tickets. Of course you can't have tickets available on the day of an all ticket game. Of course you can't have rival fans rocking up and taking places in the home stands. Really silly.
by LocalGull
15 Dec 2013, 13:06
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Southend United - 14/12/13
Replies: 240
Views: 25389

Torquay United v Southend United - 14/12/13

Dutchgull wrote: Class answer !!!!

That made I Laugh

:clap: :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Haha! Here to please Dutchgull!!