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by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 23:00
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14
Replies: 245
Views: 20898

Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14

ferrarilover wrote:There is no fair or reasoned response to someone who makes a judgement that the owner of a football club doesn't care about it or its supporters because of a single, two second encounter where she wasn't banging out show tunes and dancing in the aisles.

I shout at morons (you, for the avoidance of doubt) when it is appropriate because it is not worth my time to form a cogent repost. My attitude is a reflection of that which is presented to me. Make a sensible point based on something more solid than an elderly person not being the life and soul of the party after losing a million quid in an hour and a half and you'll find me surprisingly accommodating in my replies. Make f**king stupid snap decisions about people based on next to nothing and prepare for scorn. You'll notice that I've not responded similarly to anything else you've written. I wonder why that is...

So by your own admission you shout at people when it is not worth your time to form a cogent repost? The question then must be asked - why bother responding at all? Why waste your time at all, Matt? By shouting at people you do not help matters, you cause more issues.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 22:56
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14
Replies: 245
Views: 20898

Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14

hector wrote: So you choose 5 games - which, in any case, hardly illustrate any support for your argument that Knill is any use - to overlook the entire appalling record he had at this club. Would you judge a film by the last 5 minutes of it you happened to watch? No, you would judge it on its entirety. You keep throwing up this 'ancient proverb' but that is the see what you want to see, based on a tiny fraction of Knill's entire, sorry record here.

I have asked you once, so I will ask you again - please explain how a win percentage of less than 19% is any good? Please explain which of Knill's signings worked out? Just explain, what he actually did for TUFC that makes his departure (from your point of view) regrettable?

It is interesting that you offer his role as an assistant manager, as evidence of his success. Is none of it down to Chris Wilder? You know, that manager who had success at Halifax and Oxford before he took on Northampton. Afterall, as manager, it would be him making the decisions, not Alan Knill. You only have to look at Rotherham, scunthorpe and Torquay to see what happens when it is Alan Knill making the decisions.

It appears that you have backed yourself into a corner in your, frankly, bizarre defence of our worst manager of recent times, that you have to make up 'facts' to prove it.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 22:42
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14
Replies: 245
Views: 20898

Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14

Typical Matt through and through. Whether on here or on Twitter, if someone disagrees with you, they are immediately wrong and must be insulted.

At the end of the day, my opinion is based on what I saw. Opinions are based on the perception someone has of a situation or circumstance and therefore that makes them no more right or wrong than anyone elses. Everyone has the right to form their own opinion. When you see someone smile and say lets go home loud enough for those around her to hear then an opinion was formed by people that she doesn't care about what just happened. Coupled with the fact that everyone else came out and apologised whilst she did not even try to make conversation meant the feeling was further compounded. You say I am disrespectful but then Thea could not even acknowledge the fans that put money into her investment. I do not care if Thea is shy or not, she is the owner of OUR club and it would not have hurt her to spend 1 minute thanking the fans who had stayed behind for making the trip. Everyone else had the guts to do it regardless of the response they may or may not have received.

What is unacceptable in all this Matt is your treatment of fellow fans. Your attitude is crass and frankly, appalling. No comment deserves derision and insult as the only response. This is a typical response from someone who is a bully. You think it is OK to put others down because they dared to think differently to you or speak their minds - how dare I. Instead of being rude, why not try a fair and reasoned response which may just endear you to the OP and the forum and may garner a better response out of people. Forums such as this one exists for all fans to talk and express their opinions and as such, no-one should have to put up with the language and ferocity of certain comments that appeared last night.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 21:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 35
Views: 4477


Lets see how the rest of the season goes. I am not a CH defender nor will I jump on his back over a situation that is largely not his fault.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 20:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 35
Views: 4477


EddUK12 wrote:13 games to save a season, and how many has CH been in charge for? Looking at the clubs position when CH arrived and if the club gets relegated, i think future possible employers will ask him the question 'what went wrong?'I wonder what his response would be?

What went wrong was he was brought in when the club has already well on the way down, confidence, morale was rock bottom and there are far too many sub standard players on the books :)
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 20:23
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Samba dancers and beer to save the day
Replies: 14
Views: 956

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Ummmm..... no. I will hold on to it after your abuse :)
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 17:17
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Samba dancers and beer to save the day
Replies: 14
Views: 956

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

I can see your point. Just one question - if we brought in the youth, would the experience help or hinder their development? Could see both easily happening depending on how the rest of the season pans out. Would not like to see the youth have their development hit from being a part of what has been a very poor season.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 17:15
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14
Replies: 245
Views: 20898

Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14

Dave_Pougher wrote:Deary me

Another bellend arrives to have a pop at the person who saved the club
Why do you feel the need to insult people constantly for viewing their opinions on an open forum?[/quote]

It's cool... I readily accept that some people in all walks of life are incapable of holding a reasoned, intelligent debate and therefore resort to the lowest common denominator - insults and name calling.[/quote]

Ok, I accept that but this ROARing guy constantly does it, gets berated for it goes away for a while, then comes back and does it again he must get a sick kick from it. I've offered to meet him to explain the errors of his ways but it seems his roar is worse than his bite[/quote]

Lol, appreciate the heads up. Lets move on, life's too short :)
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 17:13
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 35
Views: 4477


Dave_Pougher wrote: I have absolutely no doubt of that and given the opportunity to come back I don't blame him for doing so. But it is obvious to most he hasn't been good enough for a long time and I do I'm afraid have to question if his and other players interests lie in us remaining a league club.
I think his interests lie in us remaining a league club. He said yesterday he has 13 games to save the season and his career. Despite all the will in the world though, he is not L2 standard and as you said, hasn't been for a while. With TC injured though, what can we do? Yet another loanee or someone who on the face of it, appears to actually care?
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 17:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Samba dancers and beer to save the day
Replies: 14
Views: 956

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

AustrianAntheaGull wrote:No I disagree. If Downes and Poke and Nico are care that much then they should be shouting in the ears of those around them who have been taking the piss and tell them if they aren't up for the battle then they are no team-mate of theirs and should take a hike. Lead by example and take command. I don't want the players and our manager to say they care, I want them to SHOW me and bloody well quickly.

If you want to go and support players who say one thing then do another on the pitch then fine, have the wool pulled.
Easier said than done. Downes is a consistent performer, Poke is better than Rice by miles regardless of the mistakes and Nicho tries even though he his now lacking in skill and talent. If we tell the ones who don't care to take a hike then I feel we will be lacking in players!!
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 17:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Samba dancers and beer to save the day
Replies: 14
Views: 956

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Before too many questions arise - myself an Tom Kelly were the two in receipt of the £20 Chris handed out. At no point did we mention money, wanting our money back or anything close during our conversation with him. We offered him messages of support regardless of what happens. The only other thing we mentioned was that the majority of the players and backroom staff failed to come over at the end of the game. I know that will probably spark some wild debate but for the 91 of us there, a small gesture of coming over and applauding us for making the trip would have been appreciated. CH fully agreed with us on that and offered his apologies to all of us for that. CH and LH looked very down and as they went to board the bus, CH came back and offered the £20 to us for a beer. He mentioned something about money off the players before leaving but wanted us to know it was the least that he could do. I was shocked that he even made the gesture and appreciate his honesty and kindness.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 17:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 35
Views: 4477


lucy6lucy wrote:With regards nicho, I feel it's because he does actually care for the club. No disrespect but those on loan will say hey ho, I'm back to my parent club, thanks.
Totally agree. Seeing Nicho after the game yesterday, he looked like a guy that could burst into tears at any minute. Skill or lack thereof aside, the permanent players (regardless of contract expiry) get what it means and although I am sure the loanees care to an extent, they have the luxury of returning to their parent club at the end of the season in a higher division.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 16:56
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Samba dancers and beer to save the day
Replies: 14
Views: 956

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

taxilady wrote: ... story.html

more recognition for the fans that went, & he says that the players care too !!!
I am sure they all care and have their own ways of showing it but Nicho, Hargreaves, Hodges, Downes, Poke all very visibly looked completely pi$$ed at the result. Nicho and Downes summed it up most - some are fighting for their careers and they have 13 matches to save Torquay's season and their own careers. Poke, Downes and Nicho all said that they love the fans and the support and they need all the support they can get for the rest of the season. I know it is difficult to go when things are really bad because you are spending money to watch us probably lose (you never know....) but we all need to do our bit now. We need to make Plainmoor loud for the rest of the season. We need to get behind the players during the 90 minutes they are on the pitch.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 16:42
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14
Replies: 245
Views: 20898

Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14

Dave_Pougher wrote: Why do you feel the need to insult people constantly for viewing their opinions on an open forum?
It's cool... I readily accept that some people in all walks of life are incapable of holding a reasoned, intelligent debate and therefore resort to the lowest common denominator - insults and name calling.
by aldershotgull
02 Mar 2014, 00:38
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14
Replies: 245
Views: 20898

Hartlepool United v Torquay United - 1/3/14

potnoodle wrote:Tell me, come on you highlight it in red so explain yourself?
whilst questioning Thea, when the board came in and bought the club it couldn't have come at a better time. It saved us. It brought us stability after a season of complete stupidity from everywhere in the club. We can question the past 24 months with managers, money, facilities etc but cant deny what they did 7 years ago to assure tufc did not die.