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by samuel
24 Dec 2018, 17:24
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Truro City (Boxing Day)
Replies: 82
Views: 16604

Torquay United v Truro City (Boxing Day)

My prediction is a 3-1 win. Further, over these next 11 days we are going to win all 4 home games getting 12 points and also scoring 12 goals. Remember where you heard it first.
by samuel
16 Dec 2018, 16:55
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: The lowest of the low
Replies: 38
Views: 5355

The lowest of the low

Easy - 14th April 2007. Peterborough home - drew 0-0 and relegation out of the league.
by samuel
14 Dec 2018, 09:45
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United announces board appointments
Replies: 80
Views: 12289

Torquay United announces board appointments

Hopefully it will not happen, I am quite happy with the sentiments expressed by Standup and MF68. I like Plainmoor, easily my preferred option.
by samuel
13 Dec 2018, 17:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United announces board appointments
Replies: 80
Views: 12289

Torquay United announces board appointments

Personally, I don't have too much of a problem with this MOU. There is only 1 place in Torbay for such a stadium - Clennon Valley - on the site of that useless strip of tarmac they call a velopark. At the same time they could revamp the 1970's leisure centre now coming to the end of its life. Lets hope GI embrace the 'openess' propounded in the MOU, a word they are not familiar with. Let's hope the council inform the public of the various proposals put forward. I would hope that any councillor or council committee seconded to this project are fully compliant with the Nolan Report seeing the problem with freemasonry in the past.
by samuel
12 Dec 2018, 16:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United announces board appointments
Replies: 80
Views: 12289

Torquay United announces board appointments

Not as strong as an Agreement in Principal either. Just a letter or memo saying the Council are open to ideas to Torquay United shifting away from Plainmoor. This memo could also state if a suitable replacement stadium is built first coupled with further housing development.
by samuel
11 Dec 2018, 13:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Racism in Football
Replies: 77
Views: 7518

Racism in Football

How heartening to see the posts from Torregull and Modgull on the positive action taken. Principled behaviour especially when considering racism like this was not treated so seriously in the 80's. I would like to think any gay footballers who came out would now be afforded the same level of protection.
by samuel
10 Dec 2018, 13:03
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Racism in Football
Replies: 77
Views: 7518

Racism in Football

Rare for me to start a thread but just an observation on the debate on TV this morning. Flitting around the channels trying to avoid politics I came across Piers Morgan on ITV holding court on the Raheem Stirling incident plus other matters involving racism generally. Morgan was sounding off, drowning out the two people who were guests putting their case forward that racism is still around in football. Over-talking them, not listening and being nothing short of a hectoring bully with his co host meekly, almost cowering beside him, Morgan almost made the case for the guests. After his diatribe and dismissive end to the conversation I switched over to BBC. After a few minutes John Barnes was on. What a contrast. He put things in to perspective in such an eloquent manner. I could have listened to him for ages. What an ambassador for the game and full credit to him. I would encourage anyone with catch up TV to see the contrasts between these two interviews. Well done John Barnes and shame on Piers Morgan.

I cannot remember any racist language or chants at Plainmoor, no doubt it has happened. Perhaps in my youth I didn't take any notice of such things in the 60's and 70's although I would like to think so.
by samuel
07 Dec 2018, 15:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United announces board appointments
Replies: 80
Views: 12289

Torquay United announces board appointments

No matter where the alleged new ground will be - Nightingale being a non-starter from the off - this 'being in a new stadium withing three years' from July 2017 proved to me their process is a farce. A computer generated stadium plan which they plagiarised from Grimsby via India just shows the level of amateurism. An insult to fans and the people of Torbay. I mentioned on BTPIR, the start up cost on that land at Nightingale would be at least 250k. All of Torbay is a Critical Drainage Area, the land has standing water on it already. Some savage engineering would be needed and that is without touching the contamination issues. You will never get planning for a new stadium and infrastructure within 3 years, anywhere. Impossible. As Southampton Dave, Merse and TUST say, we must all remain vigilant. Great things on the pitch but the foundations are still shaky for our club. Our owners, grateful as I am to them for the investment, have a plan which in the longer run, has absolutely nothing to do with the welfare of our club.
by samuel
27 Jul 2018, 15:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Gordon Oliver Open Forum Tonight
Replies: 31
Views: 4778

Gordon Oliver Open Forum Tonight

Having been a regular at Plainmoor since 1962 I obviously have great affection for the place. However, as a multi use stadium the facilities are somewhat lacking for anything other than football. It is surrounded by houses with no parking.

I play squash at Torbay Leisure Centre at Clennon Valley. I park at Goodrington Sands in the off season. Walking to the centre I walk past a 900 capacity car park in Tanners Road which is closed in the winter. This does not include the car park bordering Great Western Close or Goodrington Sands. I cross the road to walk through another massive car park outside the Leisure Centre. There must be room for 1500 to 200 cars in total. On the Brixham side of the Leisure Centre is a Velo park, a strip of tarmac that people cycle around in a meandering path which is hardly used. If they want a multi purpose stadium in the Bay this is the place to put it. There would be no houses in close proximity, there is plenty of room for a football stadium + other amenities (hotel etc). The car parking is massive, there is a train station opposite at Goodrington (I am aware the line from Paignton station to Goodrington is a private). The Velo Park is a complete waste of space. The council could then convert Plainmoor to housing if that's what they want to do. I know this is old hat but the council could make better use of it's assets. Shame they don't sell off their redundant land (including farms) and invest in the civic amenities rather than get in to bed with a developer who does not develop or have any interest in the community. Hell, I might even spend an half an hour on the CAD and draw up something better than the plan that was drawn up last night so I can get the mayors approval.
by samuel
26 Jul 2018, 23:17
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Gordon Oliver Open Forum Tonight
Replies: 31
Views: 4778

Gordon Oliver Open Forum Tonight

It is absolutely astounding that a developer backed up by the mayor would put forward drawings such as this. It is amateurish beyond belief. Craigs fag packet description is spot on. What annoys me about all this is that GI and now the mayor are treating the hoi polloi as persons of limited intelligence easily won over by their blandishments. It was a year ago that Mr. Osborne said we would be in a new stadium in 3 years. If he put the planning application in on the day he said it, it would have been impossible to achieve that target. And now this rubbish. I am still at a loss to work out what the game plan is, I think there are considerable machinations going on behind the scene between GI, the mayor and probably other money orientated players we are not even aware of yet. None of whom give a rats arse about the club. Thanks also to the people who have reported back so quickly, most helpful.
by samuel
24 May 2018, 19:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Pre-season friendlies 2018
Replies: 37
Views: 9924

Pre-season friendlies 2018

To up the 'sad git' stakes even further. The day Stockport almost won at Anfield was the 30th January 1965. I was at Plainmoor that day watching the reserves. Mike Turner was in goal for Torquay. When the half time scores were put up it showed Liverpool 0 Stockport 1. I commented to Mike Turner about this as I was gobsmacked by the scoreline and he completely ignored me, instead wandering off to the end of the area. Crestfallen, I told my step dad and he said 'What do you expect, he is a pro, can't get distracted'. A salutary lesson for me. Think Ernie Pym and Reg Wyatt were playing that day as well. And our opponents - Dorchester Town who we beat 2-0 and who we now play in a pre-season friendly on 28th July - so these 60's postings link nicely.
by samuel
23 May 2018, 21:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Pre-season friendlies 2018
Replies: 37
Views: 9924

Pre-season friendlies 2018

How lucky Stefano and I were to see a player like Colin Bettany. I was in awe of the man, my step dad was in awe of him. Unbelievably tough, I would love to see Akinfenwa play against him. Bettany had skill as well but goodness, a man of steel. Just look at team photos of him. No smile, a scowl. Stefano is correct, a toe to toe punch up in the centre of the field with the Stockport centre forward, a proper fight. There was a communal bath at Plainmoor until the start of the 1960-61 season. One bath for home and away teams. I don't know how the protocol worked, whether they all got in together but imagine having to share a tub with Bettany after he had been bullying you all match. Surprised he didn't drown anyone.
by samuel
24 Feb 2018, 15:22
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Just a thought & it's only a thought
Replies: 113
Views: 10066

Just a thought & it's only a thought

Jon Gibbes on the other forum has told me this wasn't a new video. This is my reply.
Oh OK Jon. I have been travelling the past week and haven't been on line much. Saw a video put on the forums. I thought it was one GI had put together recently. I never saw the original. My mistake and apologies for the confusion.
by samuel
24 Feb 2018, 11:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Disabled facilities
Replies: 42
Views: 22996

Disabled facilities

Our club may be having bit of a tricky time but some of our most loyal supporters are those who week after week make their way to the disabled section accompanied in most cases by their helpers. Soupdragon has come up with a great idea. She is willing to knit blue and yellow blankets for the disabled supporters if people can donate the squares. The squares need to be 8" and any blue or yellow shade will do but preferably the historical blue and yellow (like Brazil). The idea is that these blankets will be given out on match days. They can be stored in the first aid room in bedding bags. Soupdragon says, ask you mums, aunties, grandma's to search their knitting baskets for any odd bundles of blue or yellow wool that may come in handy. Handing out blankets to our most precious supporters will give them parity with the directors on cold days. It may be late in the season but this is a superb and kind gesture from Soupdragon and will be of great enduring benefit to these supporters. I will be at the Fylde game and will be in front of the disabled area between 2.30pm and 2.45p. I wear a home made blue and yellow scarf and matching bobble hat where I can receive squares. Alternatively you can take them in to the reception 9 to 5 in the week and from 12 to 5 on matchdays.