Admin Edit:
Post Removed.
If you want to remain welcome on our Board then you'll need to wind your neck in and stop being so offensive.
Added in 1 hour 6 minutes 36 seconds:
So sorry but no need
Search found 5 matches
- 17 Jun 2015, 22:19
- Forum: General Talk
- Topic: Hillsborough
- Replies: 10
- Views: 1329
- 17 Jun 2015, 21:07
- Forum: General Talk
- Topic: lookin forward to welcoming you to tranmere next year
- Replies: 6
- Views: 845
lookin forward to welcoming you to tranmere next year
Tell ya wot we have got some dam good comedians coming if you live in wigan only £12.50 OR 2 SHOWS FOR 20 IF YOU GO TO ECHO ARENA TO JOHN BISHOP YOU WILL PAY £40
- 17 Jun 2015, 18:30
- Forum: General Talk
- Topic: lookin forward to welcoming you to tranmere next year
- Replies: 6
- Views: 845
lookin forward to welcoming you to tranmere next year
Yep he was super duper we havent scored meney goals last few seasons hopin maynard an norwood get some. We got more commin in as well
- 17 Jun 2015, 17:10
- Forum: General Talk
- Topic: lookin forward to welcoming you to tranmere next year
- Replies: 6
- Views: 845
lookin forward to welcoming you to tranmere next year
Lookin forward to seeing different teams . Will defo be comin to you . We average 450/500 for away games . Wats your stadium like. We have had a major investment at prenton park new bars . New scoreboard. New function rooms . As well as lots of other new stuff . The new owners . Are gettin sponers for every nook an crannie. We have even . Got new training facilities being built. . The club are even just started a comedy club . The last one had over 150 people wich is great . We are goin in the right ddirection. Hopeyour new owners can do the same for you guys . Its a shame for the reserve team an the youth . As you mey struggle with a small squad .hope you do ok an have a good season
- 16 Jun 2015, 22:08
- Forum: All things Plainmoor
- Topic: Academy yes or no
- Replies: 119
- Views: 20156
Academy yes or no
hey guys tranmere fan in peace . was shocked to hear that your youth is closin down . sutch a shame remember playing in old dive4 with you an you were always a pain in the bum to us . you need to keep the youth . we do as well . we are spending 3.5m on a new traning ground an also shit loads on stadium . an team . realy hope things work well for you forward seeing you at pp next year . thats if its still prenton park . rumour has it we are gonna get a new stadium sponsor .