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by gullpower
18 Nov 2016, 19:58
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Can we raise £400,000. Yes or No?
Replies: 105
Views: 17620

Can we raise £400,000. Yes or No?

ferrarilover wrote:Olympic standard backpedalling here. Well done everybody.

You’re berating fans for not jumping to pledge through your Crowdfunder. But what are you asking?

You’re asking them to hand over £400 that you will give to Dave Phillips and the current Board who will use the lion’s share of it to pay off debts that they have incurred. And for what in return? What guarantees do you have? Whose to say that once the loan to GI is paid off they won’t decide to sell the club to Peter Masters? What if that’s a complete anathema to some fans pledging? What say in the future of the club does the fan’s £400 gift give them? You’re asking fans to put an awful lot of trust in the Board.

The Board, while benevolent in their original investment, do not have the best track record when it comes to making decisions about who to sell the club to or who to accept loans from. OK, so you can argue that if they hadn’t received those loans we would have been relegated. But wasn’t it at that moment, when that money was needed, that the Board should have allowed the fans to invest in their club through TUST? Fan ownership doesn’t necessarily mean 100% or 51% ownership. TUST could have organised a community share issue for the 6 figure sum banded about in return for a smaller percentage and the Board wouldn’t have been paying interest on a loan.

I will give £400 to keep TUFC alive, but not as a gift to the present Board and only if it gives me a share in the club and in some way or another a say in how the club is run.
by gullpower
14 Nov 2016, 18:01
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm
Replies: 135
Views: 18531

Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm

S4fedr1ve wrote:1/Blame the manager. Well he's doing the best he can on half a shoestring. Last seasons turnaround was amazing. I trust him to do it again.
2/ Blame the board. Well sure mistakes have been made. They are doing what they can to keep the club running on very little income.
3/Blame the players. Well maybe but if they are generally not good enough for this level then as long as they are doing there best!! can you really.

So the blame in my humble opinion should be directed elsewhere

A/ The previous administration, for getting us in this s**t in the first place just chucking around the Bristow family money. and watching it disappear.
B/ The greedy premier league while they rake in the millions in tv revenue the small clubs are just forgotton.
C/ The fans of these premier league clubs who live hundreds of miles away from these places but would rather watch Manchester sainsburys v Manchester tesco or chelsea waitrose v arsenal morrisons on telly than go a mile down the road and support there local team Torquay cornershop.

points AB and C really p**s me off :clap: .
by gullpower
13 Nov 2016, 12:19
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm
Replies: 135
Views: 18531

Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm

forevertufc wrote:
From the manager and coaching staff, to the players the board, and yes even us fans, we all have our role to play in the clubs success or failure, can we all do better, yes we can.
I agree with this part of your analysis. When things are going as badly as they are you can feel the tension in the ground - the lack of singing and chanting especially - this can't help the players. Crowd atmosphere is organic and remedies difficult to prescribe but somehow we all need to get behind the team and do our bit.

Suggestions anyone?

How about the drummer belts out a rhythm come what may?

COYY! :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf: :scarf:
by gullpower
12 Nov 2016, 20:39
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm
Replies: 135
Views: 18531

Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm

Nicho must stay. As someone else posted recently - even Jose Mourinho couldn't get a result with the current squad - you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

We need some quality - and quality costs money - so there needs to be some investment. Mr Phillips - are you listening? You wanted the gig - and we're all very grateful for your generosity that got us out of the mire back along - but you're now about to go down in history as the chairman that presided over the demise of the club. Accept an offer or swallow your pride and go to TUST.

ferrarilover - your his best mate - have a word before it's too late.
by gullpower
08 Nov 2016, 07:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Owners - Soon?
Replies: 163
Views: 33733

New Owners - Soon?

I feel that I have been duped.

I came away from the forum last week with the impression from the Board that there were two others being spoken to but there were two definite offers on the table - the Board were choosing which one was best for the club. Now we are told "We've been talking to people today. It shows promise, but until people actually come up with an offer, we're still considering all of the parties that have approached us."

So what happened to the two definite offers? Did I get that wrong? Or were they just a ruse to appease fans at the forum?
by gullpower
07 Nov 2016, 07:13
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

exilegull wrote: You're rather putting words in my mouth there gullpower however as you asked the question...

I wouldn't put money through a community share issue without it being very clear it had the realistic financial plans to sustain Torquay United for at least 2 seasons at conference level for a competitive wage budget and a plan of how to progress beyond that. I'm wouldn't put into anything that only takes ownership and address the GI loan but by the end of this season is out of cash and scraping around to try and prove to the conference it can compete another season.

As far as I'm concerned it would be irresponsible for TUST to pour its members money into a blackhole for the sake of keeping the life support machine on for a few extra months and I don't see that TUST can do much more than that - maybe I'm wrong. Where I think TUST should be ready and where I would support is if the worst does come to pass and the current business does go under, TUST is ready to step is and support the club at a realistic level and turn it into a proper community club and build from there.

Rather than waste a couple of hundred thousand of members money and still likely end up in the Western League with nothing, restart the club in the Western League with a couple of hundred thousand of members money.
Rather reluctantly I have come to agree with your sentiments (and Plainmoor78's) in the last two paragraphs due to the recent revelations over the size of the debts.

As PhilGull points out there are more than those that go to matches at Plainmoor who would invest through a community share issue. But would they do so if they knew that a large chunk of the funding raised was going into property developers pockets? And would TUST be able to run a club successfully with what was left of the community share issue after the debts had been paid off?

I have come to think that for a community funded club to stand any chance of being a phoenix club rising from (as Plainmoor78 has indicated) the 9th tier [or as Plainmoor78 has corrected 8th tier - but what's a tier between Gulls supporters!?], TUST would need to start with a clean balance sheet. Hopefully Torbay Council will allow FC United of Torquay to play at Plainmoor.

Fingers crossed for some good news this week.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 20:04
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Soupdragon wrote:ferrarilover (yeah, aren't we all?): I'm more than happy to put in £500. I'm more than happy to give time, too. But you need to understand that it would not be with the current board in charge. They have not demonstrated that they would act for the best for either the club or its fans.

Any money or time I put in, glven the club's current circumstances, I choose to do it via TUST. I suggest you ask someone is a TUST member to let you have sight of the chairman's latest email; it will answer a lot of your (quite blinkered, to my mind) objections.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 20:02
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Can we raise £400,000. Yes or No?
Replies: 105
Views: 17620

Can we raise £400,000. Yes or No?

hector wrote:It could probably be done fairly rapidly if push came to shove. The issue is what happens to the club if fans have made such a massive investment without anything in return (eg representation on the board or ownership of the club)?

Does that £400k go down a black hole of paying off GI/Masters and the rest being used by the current board to prop up their directorship? Does it safeguard the club for a while until the next GI come along? Is it used as a carrot to dangle in front of a potential investor who gets the benefit of fans money to serve their own agenda?

Or could it be used by TUST to buy the club and safeguard its future for fan ownership or until a suitable investor comes along who supporters get to vote on buying the club?

TUST ownership does not necessarily mean the club is fan-run forever. It would, however, ensure that supporters get to decide, whether or not to accept a potential new owner.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 15:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

exilegull wrote:Completely agree with Matt. Without major investment to drive other revenue streams the club can not be run sustainably at this level or the level below so TUST are not currently an option. Going part-time is not feasible as there simply isn't the pool of part time players available in the area - clubs need to be near a big city to make that work.

The club is in the worst possible position at the moment, running full time but languishing at the lower end of the Conference with support drifting away. To turn it around, without making significant investments to generate new revenue streams, someone probably needs to be prepared to put at least £1million in over the next 2-3 years to build a stronger team to challenge for the playoffs and hopefully start to pull crowds back in.

Possibly if the club can be challenging in the conference, have a good cup run and bring some transfer funds in, losses can be narrower.
So are you saying, that if the very worst were to happen and the only way to save the club was through a community share issue, you would not invest in the club?
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 14:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Rjc70 wrote:I believe Dave Phillips or Rob Stanley said at the meeting we should have takeover news in a couple of weeks and that is just over a week away. I am content to ultimately judge them on who they can sell us to, rather than who we defaulted to, so am looking forward to the information given at the forum bearing fruit very soon.
Well said. But their record on selling the club so far isn't that great.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 14:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

hector wrote:Do you really think Mike Bateson was pouring money in towards the end of his time? He was essentially just balancing the books, not spending anymore than the club earned as income. Why is it supposed that TUST could not do the same? A club on gates of over 2000 if things were not so bad and probably more if supporters are galvanised by owning the club themselves. That would still - even without investment - generate more revenue than most clubs in this division.

The damage, however, that has been done to the concept of TUST by the football club and the local press, now means that there are supporters who view a body of fellow supporters with suspicion. I struggle to understand this. Just who do fans think have the best interests of TUFC at heart - TUST or property developers?

There is no benevolent benefactor coming along. A Norman Smurthwaite (possibly) would be the best option but in the absence of such an option do people really want to chance their arm with GI/Peter Masters?

Matt expresses a hope that the current board will sell to the right people. Does he think GI are the right people? I also think he is a little naive when he suggests TUFC are no less a viable investment/project than any other club. That is clearly misguided as it is only when the noises started about Nightingale Park that suddenly these mythical Americans and Stadi UK/GI started making noises of their own.

Even if GI end up getting their way, and even if they actually do build a stadium (not that honouring this concept normally troubles them) is anyone foolish enough to believe that TUFC would end up owning it? More likely is that they'd be paying rent to a private landlord and not gain any of the ancillary revenue a new stadium could generate.

I think those that are denigrating TUST and shouting them down in forums will reap what they sow and end up with exactly the football club (if it still exists) that they deserve.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 10:34
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

S4fedr1ve wrote:Oh come on let's not look too deeply into the Exeter situation. Trust or no trust they would have dissapeared a long time ago without some lucky cup draws and one or two big money transfers. Yes maybe they made there own luck but nothing you can rely on.
That's true. But would they have been in existence to get those lucky draws and have the big money transfers if the supporters trust had not saved the club?

In an ideal world one of the hovering prospective buyers will purchase the club, have pots of money to spare and pump shed loads of cash into the club. But why would they? It's such a difficult ask to make a profit at Torquay.

They could of course accept investment from the supporters trust in return for seats on the board. One name omitted from the list of clubs where supporter ownership works was Swansea where supporters own 21% of the club and have two representatives on the board.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 09:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Glostergull wrote: I do wonder how Exeter work theirs. they seem to have quite healthy crowds and I can imagine that makes a big difference. but do they have forms of income stream they we don't. could we ask them for any ideas. No one has asked that question yet
There's a chapter on Exeter in Punk Football: The Rise of Fan Ownership in English Football by Jim Keoghan.

It's a good read for any football supporter and gives a balanced assessment of fan ownership, looking at the advantages, disadvantages, case studies where bad owners have bankrupted clubs as well as good owners and yes, at clubs like Telford, where after a period of trust ownership had saved the club, they VOTED to revert back to a private ownership model. It's probably not for those that have already made up their mind but for those with an open mind who want to know more about the philosophy and practicalities of how supporter ownership can work it's ideal.

For the detractors of TUST it might be an idea to read it so that you know what's in store for when a community share issue by TUST is the only thing that's going to save TUFC.
by gullpower
06 Nov 2016, 08:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Constructive ideas how the club can make some more money
Replies: 46
Views: 4866

Constructive ideas how the club can make some more money

TUST_Member_Rob wrote:The club memorabilia ideas are,all well and good but hasnt the shop been contracted out?
If this is the case then couldn't the club buy shirts for Nicho to sign then raffle them off on match days, have an online auction on the OS or add them to the 50/50 Crossbar Challenge draw.

No reason to buy the entire stock but it experiment by buying a couple to start with.
by gullpower
05 Nov 2016, 16:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 17185

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

PhilGull wrote:I would like to see some form of fan ownership but I think a more continental model of a paid membership or TUST owning 51% would perhaps be better than 100% TUST ownership.
I think a lot of TUST members (and maybe even the board) would agree with you. The continental 50 + 1 model allows the supporters to keep control of the club while allowing other investors to put money in. These investors cannot gain control of the club so would only invest if they had the club's best interests in mind. The club is therefore protected from sharks and property developers.