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by Fred Perry
02 Aug 2017, 11:32
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

British Gas are clearly stating you can " switch " to another fuel provider .

There are plenty of " new kids " on the block , normally CHEAPER e.g. Octopus, OVO.

You can partially blame the EU , for driving down wages, for many ( not all of us ).

Those coming from poorer EU countries , will often accept lower income , because they are receiving more , than the likes of Romania , Poland etc.

In addition ex pats ( often different families ) from another Country, will be more likely , to live together in one property , thus making their overheads lower.
by Fred Perry
30 Jul 2017, 22:52
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Some people say Angela Merkel is having a "guilt conscience " on what happened in World War 2 / World War 1.

It is good , to see the error of your ways , but her and Tony Blair do not see their consequence of their actions i.e. a free for all , where many in the EU are drawn to the likes of the UK and Germany , not realising many of us already living in these countries are trying to better ourselves , but do not have degrees and do not speak several languages, to enable us to do this.

Yes , we could try and go to Uni , but this is not always possible.

In other words , thrown onto the lower salaried job "scrapheap " , for some of us.

Many employers are now looking for degrees and where they see another language , a distinct advantage.

The UK needs to find a " balance " , where not all and sundry can come from the EU !...
by Fred Perry
30 Jul 2017, 18:10
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Around 70% of the UK things immigration is a problem.

Not just white people ssying it.

No , this is not a " racist " statement.

It will say this , on internet.

Education and the BBC in particular ahould be neutral on their EU stance.

Young people can be easily lead by biased teachers , who tend to be brainwashed by what the Guardian says.

Project fear has not really materialised e g. Interest rates are still low.
by Fred Perry
30 Jul 2017, 17:59
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

forevertufc wrote: 30 Jul 2017, 17:39 The thing is, the remain campaign and their supporters are now getting more, and more desperate. Staunch remainer Tony Blair's own institute for global change commissioned a poll, where 56 % said they would be happy for the UK to leave the EU with out a deal in place, and 75 % said they thought our country's immigration policy was to open, there's no doubt , there's has been a further narrow shift towards vote leave amongst the British people, suggesting the likely result if the referendum was re-run, would be another narrow victory for vote leave.

So project fear is being ramped up. All negative news being put front and centre, any positive news ignored, we saw stories like, British holiday makers could only get 0.88 cents to the pound in airports, but the same news stories neglected to say, the bone idle, lazy or stupid holiday makers who couldn't be bothered to shop around, could have got 1.13 euro's to the pound on the same day at various retail outlets.

The new story, British planes won't be able to take off after Brexit, my god, just how desperate are they becoming. We only have to look at how the British aerospace and tourisms industry is worth to the global economy to realise, it will not take minutes, but seconds for a new, and relevant agreement to be put in place.

The remain campaign continue to mock, ridicule, and just generally refer to leave supporters as ignorant and thick every time they express an opinion, why, because they do not want the British people armed with to much knowledge.

They don't want us to know about single market tariff's, placed on good goods and services coming into member states from outside Europe, these of course would be slashed after Brexit, of course meaning that certain goods and services may well be cheaper to British consumer, but I'll just dream on.

They don't want you to know about the IMF's growth forecast's as posted by SG, that show the British economy is likely to out perform that of France and Italy, the 2nd and 3rd largest in the Euorzone, and only trialing Germany's the largest by 0.1 %, if to many people knew this, we wouldn't believe all this economic doom and gloom.

They don't want us to know anything about a recent CBI report, showing British manufacturing output at it's highest level since 1999, order books at there highest since 1988, manufacturing sector, currently employing people, Brexit was supposed to be costing us jobs, that's why it's another story swept under the carpet. They don't want you know about Amazon, Google, and many other companies committing to the UK.

They don't want to many people knowing, German car manufacturer BWM chose to build it's new Mini in Oxford, rather than Germany or Holland.

They don't want to many people knowing, the German chambers of commerce is already reporting, Brexit is damaging the German economy, just as some of us said all along, that it would, backed up calls from the free democratic party of Germany, for a special Brexit team to protect their country's vital interests, so if we knew all of this, would the British people believe all the nonsense spilled out, that the EU holds all the cards, they clearly don't.

I think talk of a transitional three period after 2019 just makes common sense, if we have to wait an extra three years to get free from the EU, so be it, there always was going be a need for compromise, and of course we need to protect our own interests.

Reaching out for the status quo, because we're scared of change, reaching out for the single market, believed to be worth 12 trillion pounds, when there's a global market our country can tap into worth a reported 40 trillion is nonsense.


The " remainers " are getting desperate.

The voting age in England and Wales is going to stay at 18.

Diane Abbott often plays the " race card " , but appears to have acted maturely on this latest black teenage murder in London.

You only have to look up her on the internet , to discover , she often implies everyone ( other than black people ) are racists , when black people are killed or have committed a crime.

There are good and bad in ALL Ethnic members of UK society.
by Fred Perry
30 Jul 2017, 15:54
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Diane Abbott often plays the " race card " , where as a white person saying similar things in " reverse " would be perceived as being racist !...

Labour " conned " voter at the last General Election , in a ploy for a SOFTEN Brexit.

Most people working in Education read the Guardian ( not exactly beutral on their political stance ) !... They are not that bothered about ILLEGAL students , as it keeps their jobs safe and UK education receives funding from the EU.

Alot of teachers /,lecturers tend to live in nice " leafy suburb s ".

Many people in Brum from non UK origin , voted to leave .

How do I know ?.

I work for a leading opnion poll company .
by Fred Perry
30 Jul 2017, 11:45
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

The EU has driven down wages in certain employment sectors like mine , where we can't do business , when English cannot be spoken fluently , from those coming from the EU. In addition , " Health Tourism " in our NHS is still rife.

Basically the majority voted out , because the UK was becoming a " soft touch " .

Many were attracted to come from the EU, by the high wages - some still send back the likes of child benefit to their home countries.

I have nothing against multi - culturilism , but this needs to properly CONTROLLED.

Our NHS , roads , housing struggles as it is.

I don''t necesssrily support UKIP , but we voted to Leave.

If we voted to Remain and there was a second Referendum to leave or Remain basically became Leave , equally people would become very unhappy.

Regarding riots , I note there have disturbances in London , due to a black teenager being killed.

Both the left and the right have " history " for causing trouble in the UK.

By the way , Corbyn , by all accounts want to leave the EU , despite the " free " Student fee con , in the last Election .
by Fred Perry
29 Jul 2017, 22:49
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

I thought this thread was about " The European Union: We're Out ...!! ".

It is not a thread about Donald Trump.

Phillip Hammond ( the Remainer ) appears to be using "stalling " tactics on us leaving the E.U.. If he remains in charge with Theresa May , we will probably get a really SOFT Brexit , where it will not be much difference to Staying In the E.U., but where we pay the EU , AROUND £ 81 Billion in the process !...

Riots on our streets would probably happen, if a proper Brexit does not materialise or there is a second Referendum.

F CK OFF Brussels .
by Fred Perry
28 Jul 2017, 20:06
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Fred Perry wrote: 27 Jul 2017, 13:19 Despite the demise of UKIP , it is they who achieved the Brexit Referendum .

At least they " say it things as they are " , rather than the double standards over the top , political correctness , rubbish E.G. from Diane Abbott , some might say !...

Yes , there are lots of illegal immigrants , that have come into the UK - Our Border Control force does not, at present, have ample sources to deal with this.

In many ways it is imperative , that UKIP gets a new Leader , this September, who is not too extreme , but has the welfare of the current UK citizens living here, at heart and is also welcoming to those who come to live here LEGALLY.

A strong UKIP leader also puts pressure on Theresa May , to deliver a proper Brexit , where things " are " beneficially different , from us remaining in the EU.

This does not necessarily mean I currently would vote UKIP , but many of us can switch political parties and the UK did vote to Leave !...


Once again...

" Politicians SHOULD be HELD more accountable for what they SAY / PROMISE " !... ( to entice voters , for their support ).

That means dismissal , for blatant lies.
by Fred Perry
27 Jul 2017, 13:28
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors 26/08/2017
Replies: 13
Views: 8261

Solihull Moors 26/08/2017

lucy6lucy wrote: 26 Jul 2017, 20:12 Great memories from Solihull away last season. Great club house and friendly bunch of locals. Boy did it pour down at the end, but sparkles made it a great night. Good luck to Solihull this season, a team doing the right things without being bank rolled.
Nice one , thanks for the compliments.

We probably have the best, homely club house in the League - as three separate bars at the ground - the one bar set aside " totally " for away supporters , with a good following e.g. Torquay.

:lol: :scarf: ( We " both " play in yellow and blue ). :whistle: ( More terracing hopefully returns to grounds now !... )
by Fred Perry
27 Jul 2017, 13:19
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Despite the demise of UKIP , it is they who achieved the Brexit Referendum .

At least they " say it things as they are " , rather than the double standards over the top , political correctness , rubbish E.G. from Diane Abbott , some might say !...

Yes , there are lots of illegal immigrants , that have come into the UK - Our Border Control force does not, at present, have ample sources to deal with this.

In many ways it is imperative , that UKIP gets a new Leader , this September, who is not too extreme , but has the welfare of the current UK citizens living here, at heart and is also welcoming to those who come to live here LEGALLY.

A strong UKIP leader also puts pressure on Theresa May , to deliver a proper Brexit , where things " are " beneficially different , from us remaining in the EU.

This does not necessarily mean I currently would vote UKIP , but many of us can switch political parties and the UK did vote to Leave !...

by Fred Perry
27 Jul 2017, 01:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Tallan mitchell
Replies: 4
Views: 1638

Tallan mitchell

Northampton _gull

Is it true Northampton Town are going to install German style " safe terracing " ?

Following on from Shrewsbury Town installing some.

Fantastic news , if this is the case.
by Fred Perry
27 Jul 2017, 01:05
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

The Labour " abolish university fees / wipe off student debt " con , was taken in by potential and existing students , together with many of their parents !...

Thus the Tory majority was "considerably " narrowed and thus a hard BREXIT could potentially be prevented . By hard BREXIT , most people would include proper Immigration control e.g. ( Australian points scoring system / Skill shortage occupations admitted only ).

England and Wales will keep the voting age at 18 - imagine what would happen if we lowered it to 16 , where the gullible younger voters could well be "brainwashed", by the many Guardian teachers / lecturers.

Education should be ashamed of itself , as it mainly promotes a " remain " agenda , rather than seeing both sides of the argument !...
by Fred Perry
26 Jul 2017, 10:29
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

merse btpir wrote: 26 Jul 2017, 09:28 You really need to read the Labour Party manifesto to comment with authority and by your statement it appears you haven't.......

Labour promised to write off the student fees of any university starters this autumn as part of its bid to lift £38bn worth of debt from student’s shoulders. The party had clarified tuition fees would be abolished for people starting their courses this year, to deter anyone who was thinking of deferring their place until 2018 ~ if Labour won the election.

Labour’s manifesto pledge was to abolish tuition fees from 2018 ~ for those part way through their course ~ which it calculates would reduce student debt by £38bn if fees rise to £9,250. Labour claimed the £9.5bn annual cost of abolishing tuition fees would be paid for by increasing corporation tax, and income tax for people earning over £80,000.

As laid out in its manifesto, Labour are committed to restoring the maintenance grants the Conservatives abolished in 2016. It argues tuition fees have held graduates back by starting their working lives “saddled” with debts averaging almost £45,000.

In their manifesto, Labour promised to scrap university tuition fees in England but there was no mention of writing off unpaid student debt; I have a copy of their manifesto here with simply won't find what you claim in there!

In March 2016, the total amount of debt owed by English students and EU students studying in England, who under the current system do not have to pay anything upfront, was £76.3bn. Speaking to the BBC earlier this month, Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner actually said it was the party's "ambition" to write off all debt but she acknowledged the cost would be "huge" and it would not commit to doing it "unless we can afford to". Those are the actual words used.

........and do you now really think you will get what you voted for?

Alot of people ( especially the young ) , voted Labour because they were under the " impression " , they would abolish University Tuition Fees / Get rid of Student Debt .

Corbyn promoted himself heavily amongst the young , too e.g. Glastonbury.

A lot of people similarly voted for BREXIT , for proper control of immigration and to govern with more of our set of rules.

BREXIT is going to go ahead , otherwise there would be a lot of trouble on the streets .

It remains ( no pun intended ) to be seen if previous " Remainers " , Theresa May and Phillip Hammond, have the real conviction , to see a proper , clean BREXIT taking place.

Yes , my wages and others wages have been suppressed.

No, I did not vote for 6 Common Market Countries ( similar economies ) to become 28 EU Countries ( with varied economies ) , where obviously you would be attracted to the likes of rich economies e.g. UK, Germany.

In addition , most of us from my generation , in the 1970s did not go to University to get degrees , as less emphasis on them !...
by Fred Perry
26 Jul 2017, 09:08
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113304

The European Union: We're out...!!!

merse btpir wrote: 26 Jul 2017, 07:53 Something we agree on!

But you'll need to change that "I would never become a member of a Party if I did not agree with the views of the leader" ~ standing up for your point of view and doing so from within; THAT'S how you change politics..........the grass roots power of Momentum has done much to underpin Jeremy Corbyn and get the feelings of the grass roots back onto the agenda. I rejoined the Labour Party because of that initiative; as did many others preferring to go with my gut reaction from listening and discussing the matter with my fellow citizens in the neighbourhood and totally ignoring the preposterous media campaign to deny the people their voice.

Politics is all about argument and disagreement; it's the very soul of the matter.
Labour really promised free University tuition fees and eradicating student debt, thus attracting the younger voter in the last election.

They now admit they couldn't fulfil this dream.

The majority voted for BREXIT , mainly on the grounds of proper immigration control and governing our own rules.
by Fred Perry
26 Jul 2017, 09:04
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Solihull Moors 26/08/2017
Replies: 13
Views: 8261

Solihull Moors 26/08/2017

Plainmoor78 wrote: 26 Jul 2017, 05:48 Hi Fred. How do you rate solihulls chances in the league this season?
Thought you lot did well last season until a collapse near the end.
Really think Solihull will finish in the top 10.

When we started to loose many games and really feared relegation , things turned around when we got thrashed at Tranmere !..

The players responded by paying for a FREE supporters coach to Macclesfield , where we won against all odds.

We may not be the biggest club around , but we give our players / management ALOT of stick for "below par " performances.

Our ground is right next to Land Rover , so we want to follow suit , by providing a good , solid showing !...
