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by Minneapolisgull
03 Feb 2018, 20:51
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Barrow 3/2/18
Replies: 115
Views: 22452

Torquay United v Barrow 3/2/18

If we could pick up an away win next week against Maidenhead, Back to back wins and more importantly unbeaten in 3 as we head into 2 home games in four days. Who knows. Confidence must be growing for whole team and management. Lets not forget it was only Barrow's second defeat in 6..
by Minneapolisgull
03 Feb 2018, 17:49
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Barrow 3/2/18
Replies: 115
Views: 22452

Torquay United v Barrow 3/2/18

I think most of us agreed before the game, It was a must win! a draw or loss, I think even the most optimistic fan would have accepted the inevitable. Dreaded relegation. So the pressure was really on, Cometh the hour cometh the gulls... Fantastic result and to do it in such style, can only bode well. I also agree with Forevertufc, we can not underestimate the importance of last week 1-1 draw. Isn't nice to be able to say two games unbeaten especially after the run we were on...
Still much to do but you have to start somewhere, So much to still play for.. I honestly believe we will survive. Purely on the assumption no one can play as bad us all season we are due a run of form and this could be it.. The only downside of a fantastic weekend, Bloody Orient beat Dover in the FA vase which means the 24th Feb away game will be re-arranged.. Can you believe how the world works travel 4000 miles timing my trip to watch 3 games and Orient who's season is almost been as bad as ours, Pull some result out of the bag and boom my trip has been shattered...... Oh well at least have the two home games to look forward too!
by Minneapolisgull
27 Jan 2018, 18:34
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Macclesfield Town v Torquay United 27/1/18
Replies: 128
Views: 24082

Macclesfield Town v Torquay United 27/1/18

Last week I posted on the Bromley game thread. "Come on Torquay the great escape starts today with a win as we begin our rise to safety. Leading us to the away game at Orient (providing Orient get thumped by Dover in the FA vase) Saturday the 24th Feb will see us win for 7th time in a row as we lift ourselves out of the relegation places dumping Orient in our place....... OK maybe 6 wins Macclesfield away next week might be tough ask for a win, will settle for a draw!!!"
Just Maybe the great escape was destined to start a week later than we all thought!! Come did anyone seriously think we would could a point at Macclesfield especially after going one down and especially after last week. If we win next week who knows.... Still plenty to play for and least we have some hope this week..
by Minneapolisgull
21 Jan 2018, 23:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Survival: Could we do it?
Replies: 121
Views: 20076

Survival: Could we do it?

Madgull I keep thinking the same if and when the survival run is going to start where could possibly pick up points ... I really thought a win yesterday would give us a slim chance, Maybe at last kick start some hope!!! But after yesterday mauling I have now resigned myself to relegation. Just hope with the remaining games we go down with some dignity..
The last couple of interview with Owers he seems he has lost the fight to, and looks resigned to relegation or losing his job.. Maybe bringing in a new manager might give us some bounce. But that seems very doubtful.
Saw his post match interview on the Torquay website... All you can really hear are the police sirens in the surrounding area! I had visions of the Police coming in and arresting Owers mid interview the crime impersonating a Football manager......
by Minneapolisgull
20 Jan 2018, 03:11
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Bromley 20/1/18
Replies: 157
Views: 25161

Torquay United v Bromley 20/1/18

Come on Torquay the great escape starts today with a win as we begin our rise to safety. Leading us to the away game at Orient (providing Orient get thumped by Dover in the FA vase) Saturday the 24th Feb will see us win for 7th time in a row as we lift ourselves out of the relegation places dumping Orient in our place....... OK maybe 6 wins Macclesfield away next week might be tough ask for a win, will settle for a draw!!!
by Minneapolisgull
18 Jan 2018, 04:35
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: 17 games left to save season
Replies: 8
Views: 1804

17 games left to save season

I agree 11 wins should see us survive, It has got to start with a win Saturday. This really is the proverbial must win game. We have to start to get a winning run together. Not sure if I am ready to put any money on getting a 11 wins just yet!!! Maybe if a win comes on Saturday it is time to bet on survival?
by Minneapolisgull
16 Jan 2018, 05:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Hope or Hopeless
Replies: 23
Views: 4387

Hope or Hopeless

I appreciate the brutal honesty of the responses! Maybe we will already be down and out by the time I get across the pond for the Dagenham home game!!! As mentioned it is the Hope that kills you.. but sadly it is all we have! Just maybe we will go on one of those runs that will see us rise like a phoenix from the quagmire of this disastrous season!!! Start with a win Saturday!! And the sky is the limit. Last season York were relegated in 21st place with 50 points. We require a minimum of 11 wins end the season with 53 points and that will hopefully see us safe! We have to believe it is possible.....
by Minneapolisgull
14 Jan 2018, 21:22
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Hope or Hopeless
Replies: 23
Views: 4387

Hope or Hopeless

Lets hope they get beat then!!
by Minneapolisgull
14 Jan 2018, 19:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Hope or Hopeless
Replies: 23
Views: 4387

Hope or Hopeless

I am a exiled Torquay fan following from a far ( Minneapolis USA). Followed Torquay for many a year and remember those heady days of automatic promotion to the 3rd Division.(lived in the area for a few years and got hooked) Seems a long time ago now!!! So most of my Torquay information is garnished from this site. Things seem very ominous and relegation seems almost a inevitable, especially from what I read from those who witness the performance's first hand. So the only thing i console myself with is hope!! I keep telling my eleven year old daughter why there is a mathematic chance we have still got to have hope. If there is no hope what is the point!!! I have managed to time a trip home to visit family that will also enable me to catch UTD 3 times first game Feb 17th against Dagenham second home game 20th against Sutton and then 24th away at Orient. If we win a few before then put a run together still 17 games can we escape?
So my questions to the forum
1 Does anyone think we can survive and stay in this league?
2 I keep listening to Owers talking about bringing new people in he was saying this at Christmas when the window opens! Who else are we talking to? Everyone kept talking about the guy from Tiverton giving him a shot.. Is there any news on those expected to arrive at Plainmoor.
3 What are the chances that Owers will get the sack and someone coming in for the last quarter of the season? Performing a miracle?
3 Finally if the nightmare does not end and we get relegated. How likely is it that it will be the end for Torquay? I again keep reading the owners want relegation so they can dissolve the club? How true is this and more importantly what do they gain from relegation?
Any re-assurance would be greatly appreciated!