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by tauntongull
05 Mar 2014, 20:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: The Blame Game
Replies: 88
Views: 13978

The Blame Game

We have been here before and still had plenty of great support from our fans. The difference this time around is that I, and I am sure there are many more, don't have the belief in a squad of players who have under performed all season that they have what it takes to win games. When the hope and belief is gone, so are the fans!
by tauntongull
28 Feb 2014, 17:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Enoch Showunmi
Replies: 42
Views: 30801

Enoch Showunmi

hopefully this'll be the end of wilkinson and o briens loans!
Here! Here!

I was expecting an announcement that Wilkinson had gone back Wednesday morning. Lad clearly had an attitude problem when substituted on Tuesday night, prior to which he was clearly uninterested in playing and contributed about as much effort as the steward in the men's toilet's - what was that all about.

At a time like this you need unity with every player giving 100%. You only needed to see the difference when Stockley came on. We need warriors at a time like this, not spoilt teenagers who think they are better than they really are! If only they put as much effort into their football as they do their tattoos we would turn things around over night.
by tauntongull
28 Feb 2014, 15:07
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Enoch Showunmi
Replies: 42
Views: 30801

Enoch Showunmi

Really pleased with this signing, just hope the hype matches the performance!
by tauntongull
23 Feb 2014, 13:09
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Accrington Match day thread
Replies: 203
Views: 21806

Accrington Match day thread

For me there really isn't anything left to say that hasn't been said before. Yesterday was inevitable in my opinion and most of my fellow regular supporters felt the same before a ball was ever kicked.

Gutless, spineless and with zero confidence, the story of most of our season. I have said countless times that the team chemistry, confidence and morale are the key factors behind our poor season and I personally think Hargreaves just does not have the necessary credentials to lift a team bereft of hope, least of all ideas.

Even in the past during epic relegation battles I have always had confidence in the spirit of the team. Not this time. Too many changes in personnel always with the hope of finding a miracle that is as elusive as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I have never known Plainmoor so quiet. Each week I think I can't see us playing worse and each week we always seem to manage it.

As usual next season most of the squad will have moved on, unfortunately for us it will be the fans as usual who suffer. I have never seen a Torquay side so devoid of ideas on how to actually play attacking football and with so little ability in some fundamental aspects of the game.

I cannot justify a 120 mile round trip on Tuesday night to see it all over again sorry. I just don't have it within me.
by tauntongull
15 Feb 2014, 14:00
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: What has happened to Shaun Cooper?
Replies: 4
Views: 606

What has happened to Shaun Cooper?

Given the clear targeting of Nicholson by Knill and Co during the Northampton game and the poor decision to play Mansell at right back, we were discussing this morning the signing of Shaun Cooper and why we haven't seen him yet? or has he played in an away game. Apparently he is versatile and can be played anywhere across the back!

I'd like to see Cooper - Downes - Pearce - O'Connor as a back four based on the fact I thought O'Connor played really well the last time he played there.

Seems bizarre we have signed Cooper and he has never made the bench!

Would be interested in other views
by tauntongull
12 Feb 2014, 08:50
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: NEW: v Northampton Town - GAME ON!!!!
Replies: 283
Views: 33889

NEW: v Northampton Town - GAME ON!!!!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

If you didn't know that Hargreaves was our manager, would you have known that Knill was not still in charge? No real attacking impetus on our part as far as I was concerned. Back again to stroking the ball back and forth across the pitch, remarkably on occasions turning an attack into a retreat to our own 18 yard line. Want to see midfield players driving into the box, committing defenders and at least taking the game to the opposition. Far too slow out of the blocks 'again' looking like we really haven't played football for 5 weeks. You have to win your home games and pick up points on the road if you can. I have real concerns over our pitch and if the weather persists into May as the media predict it will, god help us. I know it's the same for both teams but I think the current state of our pitch is a factor in our performances to a point and may undo us.

Regardless of the manager in charge, this is a team of professional players who know how to play football. When Chappell got the ball and whipped in a cross, we looked like we could create something. Without that it was the long ball to Stockley / Hawley (who I have to say is not a personal favourite of mine!). Northampton played aggressively, albeit a little too much so at times but at least they had fire in their belly's something seriously lacking from us - you would have thought they were playing at home. Some of the team need to look at their contribution and decide whether they think they earned their money last night.

Mansell at right back wasn't a great performance; I think he tried but he certainly isn't the same player - something is not right! Lost count of the number of times again we couldn't get a ball accurately between two players. Thought Poke was poor for their second goal, right through his legs. Although O'Connor should have got a challenge in earlier.

Was impressed with Stockleys work ethic, I thought Pearce played well too again. O'Connor in my opinion played better at right back, still think we have a real problem at left back for fear of repeating myself again and again. I am afraid Nicho isn't even doing the things he used to do well anymore. Crossing the ball straight to their keeper on countless occasions is just wasteful. Another goal for our centre backs and our only shot at Duke resulted in it nearly going through his legs - why on earth do we not shoot more ? (answers on a postcard please!)

Northampton were shocking; certainly one of the worst sides to visit Plainmoor but then again I have seen a number of poor sides come to Plainmoor and steal a win; so what does that say about us.

I am as ever optimistic we can stay up but we have to start putting a real shift in, battling for every point otherwise we are going to find ourselves running very short of games. Strategy wise we have to be more creative and our midfield have to start trying to create more opportunities. I am not sure why Ladabie didn't get forward more last night as usually he is a more attacking midfielder as opposed to Lathrope who sits further back. We also need to start games at a faster tempo with an urgency behind getting the first goal.

Onward to Chesterfield and a hope that our performance is raised when we player better sides in the league.
by tauntongull
04 Jan 2014, 12:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Morecambe Match - GAME ON!!
Replies: 65
Views: 7227

Morecambe Match ON/OFF

Communication has never really been a strong point of the club. In the age of modern technology with access to the internet available everywhere - hoe difficult can it be to put up a simple one line statement.

Another way to alienate fans and lose revenue. Understand your customers. Surely the club understand to importance of making this decision public as soon as possible for those travelling. I will never understand why clubs don't call off games the night before - I personally would rather do something with my day rather than waiting for someone to play Russian roulette with my day. Come on TUFC - must do better! I share the Morecambe fans frustration having travelled all the way to Crewe on the advice fro Crewe that the game was on only to find the team coach coming the other way 10 minutes before getting to the ground. Only to arrive, be told the game was off and then have to turn the car around and drive straight back.

Come on Football League this is one if my major gripes and we must sort it out as the weather is not going to go away!
by tauntongull
01 Jan 2014, 11:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Game on or Off
Replies: 9
Views: 1042

Game on or Off

Given last nights weather and the battering of wind and rain we are getting in Taunton now does anyone know whether the game is definitely on? Why or why do we have the problem of late match postponements when surely it is easier to give people the chance not too travel as it is so expensive these days. Need to make a decision to travel in the next 30 minutes!
by tauntongull
02 Dec 2013, 12:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Should the club sack Alan Knill?
Replies: 293
Views: 31518

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Presumably as there was no official statement after the game on Saturday and still no statement today, the board have elected to adopt a "Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't" approach. I hope they know what they are doing!. To gain any kind of faith, I need to see some progression in the team in terms of each performance. I still feel Alan Knill is somewhat 'Rolling the dice' each game as opposed to having a clear strategy and regularly we are taking two steps forward, three steps back. I feel the players are aware of this too. Everyone has their part to play in trying to ensure our league survival and personally I would rather go down kicking and screaming every step of the way as opposed to wimpering out like an injured dog! - even at this stage there is hope, although some would argue very little. If you are going to take us down Alan, then show some balls and prove to the fans you really care as opposed to looking like a wet blanket - perhaps we might then too! :whip:
by tauntongull
30 Nov 2013, 17:03
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13
Replies: 199
Views: 20915

scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13

I think we have witnessed some of the worst football I have seen seen Torquay play in over 7 years under the Knill tenure. I think we just have to wait for the inevitable now!
by tauntongull
30 Nov 2013, 16:57
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13
Replies: 199
Views: 20915

scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13

If the club don't have the money to pay off the remainder of his contract - how do they sack him? Have they put themselves in a corner here having offered him a 2 year contract and now not having the means to terminate his contract. Presumably they had to offer him 2 years to get him to relocate? Would be interested to know how we actually do this if Thea does not bank roll this action?
by tauntongull
30 Nov 2013, 16:34
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13
Replies: 199
Views: 20915

scunthorpe United v Torquay United - 30/11/13

Looking forward to the post match "Sack him!" , "Don't sack him", "We can't afford to sack him debate!" - I know what I think! - one has to question our recruitment process!
by tauntongull
17 Nov 2013, 13:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Realism is needed!
Replies: 33
Views: 3206

Realism is needed!

For me the fundamental issues at present are a lack of progression and what appears to be a lack of cohesion within the team. Whether this is due to the chemistry between the players, the lack of strategy and tactic from the manager or effort from the players or even a combination of all of these factors, can and will be debated at length.

From the first initial games this season many fans agreed that as there was a significant number of changes to the squad, Knill needed 10 or so games in order to decide on his preferred starting XI and to build his team. We passed this milestone some time ago and personally I am no nearer knowing the preferred XI than I was at the beginning of the season. All I know at present is that the team look devoid of any real idea of how to create attacking football. Without going into any depth of the last couple of performances it is clear that we are not learning and not improving and this is the most worrying trend from me. Some bizarre team selections (i.e Why did we sign Mozika and exactly what did he do yesterday - answers on a postcard!), some bizarre strategy/tactics (When you are 2-0 down at home in the FA Cup, why do you play with such a low sense of urgency and insist on going backwards with the ball ?). I think we have a group of individual players at present but not a 'Team' - probably not helped by the consistent changes in personnel and positions. To me this is a manager who is starting to panic and his actions and decisions are starting to reflect this.

For a number of games now I have watched the same style of play from a disjointed team who regularly make fundamental errors. A basic requirement of a footballer is to pass the ball successfully between two players. I have lost count of the number of times we have failed in this basic area each week. We are regularly caught napping on the ball either by passing casually or dwelling too long on the ball. Teams are coming to Plainmoor with a great working ethic, giving us little time on the ball and looking for the win and we seem to be like 'Rabbit's in the headlights', stunned by what we are facing. Of course I could go on, but as a manager it is your duty to watch and analyse the game both during and after the game and then implement in training ways to address these shortfalls and to ensure the players are aware and carry out what is required of them. This is my basic point; it is this lack of progression, in fact 'one step forward, two steps back' that I fear is going to cost us dearly.

I don't expect to win every game but I do expect us not to make the same mistakes time and time again. Nor do I expect us to simply lay down and let other teams tickle our tummy either. If you want to win, get the basics right, play as a team (for eachother) and when you are 1-0 down don't stick your head in the sand and pretend it hasn't happened. Instead show the fans that you would rather lose 5-0 and play showing unity with attacking and fearless football - ensuring that any visiting team have to earn everything!

Everyone keeps saying 'But we have got good players' - Knill now needs to ensure he uses his man management skills to understand each players motivation and to get the very best out of them whilst at the same time adopting a clear strategy and style of play that all the players understand what is required of them, I am not sure they have this clarity at present! - The fans certainly dont.
by tauntongull
05 Nov 2013, 09:12
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: FA Cup 1st Round Draw - Sunday 27th Oct
Replies: 84
Views: 7423

FA Cup 1st Round Draw - Sunday 27th Oct

Does anyone know if this is all ticket? I'm a season ticket holder living in Taunton and obviously don't want to have to buy online and get them posted or drive to Torquay if I can either pay on the gate or buy them on the day. Normally would buy them at the previous game but no time to do this for this one?
by tauntongull
07 Sep 2013, 15:44
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Fleetwood Town v Torquay United - 7/9/13
Replies: 278
Views: 26994

Fleetwood Town v Torquay United - 7/9/13

Can someone explain to me why Knill insists on keeping things as they are when the midfield are struggling and Nicho is clearly not up to the job. At 2-0 down what have you got to lose is it not simply worth trying something new/else - can't understand it!