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by Alpine Joe
08 May 2017, 14:18
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The next General Election: who will you vote for?
Replies: 85
Views: 52106

The next General Election: who will you vote for?

Different electoral systems of course, but Le Pen got a similar share of the vote to that of Cameron's Tories at our last General Election. Yet Cameron with his about 36% of votes was seen as fairly wide spread support and a relatively comfortable victory. Whereas Le Pen's 34% of French votes means she's widely unpopular and slumps to a heavy defeat.
by Alpine Joe
07 May 2017, 18:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Nathan Smith
Replies: 21
Views: 4365

Nathan Smith

'Bog standard League 2' is a fairly generous assessment coming from Brucie. And several levels above where he rated Angus's future to be.
Overall, I think Brucie generally provides a reasonable assessment of most players, and it could just be that analysing central defenders is his weak spot ? :)

by Alpine Joe
01 May 2017, 21:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Season tickets
Replies: 74
Views: 19799

Season tickets

Southampton Gull
In all seriousness it's been created by an individual not an organisation.
Has anyone suggested anything other than that ? In fact had it not been my good mate Hector who instigated it, I wouldn't have bothered attempting to find fault, and with the total lack of seriousness that I indicated by the attempt at a little humour and the big smile at the end.

by Alpine Joe
01 May 2017, 15:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Season tickets
Replies: 74
Views: 19799

Season tickets

Four options whereby you might still eventually end up buying a Season ticket. Yet for all the myriad of reasons there could be for not buying one, such as moving to Scotland, starting a new job requiring you to work on Saturdays, or you've never bought one and won't be changing the habits of a lifetime.......the one reason you're allowed is to have to say you don't trust G.I.

There's no serious attempt at wanting to find out accurate reasons here....the whole emphasis is on skewing things so as to allocate the one 'approved' reason to all non season ticket buyers.

If the Herald Express came up with something this biased, I'd never buy it again in protest ;-)
by Alpine Joe
17 Feb 2017, 17:25
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 72883


Before replying to this, I thought I should first check what the official definition of a hate crime is :)

And the Crown Prosecution Service tell me:

A Hate Incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someones prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.

If you, or anyone you know, has been called names, been bullied or had anything happen to them that you think may be because of one of these factors, then you should report this as a hate incident ... ate_crime/

Mr.Bashir, isn't gay, transgendered, isn't disabled, has no religion, and is the same race as those people he's complaining about. I can't see how the police can slot this into a hate crime category.

Brietbart tell us that Mr.Bashir said that local Muslims began to terrorise his family. Are the Bashir's now lying low in the Outer Hebrides hoping these terrorizers don't discover where they are ? Evidently not. Bashir and family live just over a mile up the road from their old house.He takes his kids to and from the same school, and no one bothers him in the slightest. Yet now, in 2017, he's going to the local newspaper trying to stir things up again, and presumably has no problem with the newspaper twice splashing his address for everyone to see within their report. Unusual if you've been terrorised or the victim of hate, wouldn't you say ?

Fasial Bashir, of Mayville Road, Ilford decided to stop practicing Islam in the summer of 2014 .
The mobile mechanic moved from Connaught Mews to Mayville Road with his wife, 11-year-old daughter, and eight-year-old son in June 2015.

Bashir stopped attending the local mosque, but not only that, he became an atheist. 'These people knew I had become an atheist' Brietbart report Mr.Bashir as saying. I wonder how they could have known you were an Atheist, Mr. Bashir ?....could it have possibly been because you told them ? But just what is Bashir's complaint ? “I was called an apostate, a non-believer', haha, in other words an Atheist, the very thing that YOU said you are !!

Your old pals try to save you from eternal damnation by giving you some useful reminders, 'I was told I had betrayed my God and my faith' and being the ungrateful sod you are, you somehow try to twist their concern for your mortal soul into a hate low can you get Bashir ???

Bashir was the local nutter, the Police could recognise it and probably wish Pickfords had moved him more than a mile up the road.

Mr. Bashir was told by police that the hate campaign was a “nuisance” report Brietbart. The police never said there was a 'hate campaign'. That's solely your description Brietbart, as you attempt to spice up this rather weak article ;-)
by Alpine Joe
14 Feb 2017, 10:32
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Players/Loan
Replies: 242
Views: 50443

New Players/Loan

Also too; the manager's individual distribution of his budget could bear scrutiny with one particular signing allegedly doubling the salary he was on at his previous National League club

The calculation that I'd like merse to do, as he's at least likely to be able to make a more accurate guess than most of us,is the percentage decrease between what Lathrope was on and the new amount that Aldershot were offering to pay him.

At the moment, I can't help feeling the new deal might have been so pathetically small that Damon might have given it less than 10 seconds consideration or insinuated he'd be better off taking a job sweeping the Aldershot streets. The figure (possibly the exact figure) of Aldershot's offer is known. His wage at Torquay has allegedly been hinted at to do this calculation......but the figure that's missed out, and would put the whole thing in context for me, would be even a rough guess of what he actually was on......and I'd be surprised if he hasn't taken a pay cut for this season in comparison to last.

My suspicion is that it might be a situation with rough similarities as with us easing Ryan Jarvis out of Plainmoor. Knill in the Summer telling the player that he was unlikely to be a first team choice, that he had no real desire to keep him, but if he wanted to hang around as a squad player we'd pay him peanuts. In other words offer a derisory wage which you know the player isn't going to accept, in order to help ease him out the door and look for another club.

Knilly's exact words being:
‘’We offered him a deal and to be fair, it wasn’t the most money. I more or less said to him that if someone came in with a better deal and at his age, with another baby coming, he would have to take that". ... 26614.aspx

You can bet it 'wasn't the most money'.....and if Jarvis wanted to pay the mortgage and feed the kids, the message in our offer was clear...'find another club !
by Alpine Joe
18 Jan 2017, 16:57
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 113576

The European Union: We're out...!!!

Why were the leading brexiteers telling us we would not have to nescecarily leave single market in referendum campaign?

I must admit, S4fedrive has a better memory than me for who said what. If I'd had to guess I'd have said both sides gave the clear indication that Out of the E.U meant no more Single Market membership. Here's a reminder of a few of the opinions at the time.
by Alpine Joe
27 Dec 2016, 16:55
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Forest Green Rovers National League Mon 26 Dec 2016
Replies: 68
Views: 13707

Torquay United v Forest Green Rovers National League Mon 26 Dec 2016

sn't it still the case that a player cannot be offside in his own half of the pitch? And surely the offence is committed by the player who is offside, not the player who kicked the ball. Some rule changes only seem to make matters worse.. :(

It's not as if we didn't have enough to talk about yesterday, but the positioning of the free kick (7 or 8 yards inside our half) for the offside offence given against Nathan Blissett, certainly prompted some discussion within my section of Bristow's Bench. Had Nathan followed a ball back caught in a swirling wind, and touched it in the penalty area, would we have had a penalty awarded against us due to his offside positioning 20 seconds earlier we wondered ? :~D

Here's a reminder of FIFA's wording, as well as the new rules, that tell us to get used to seeing free kicks for offside awarded in either half of the field, depending on where the 'offence' is committed.


Image ... le-changes
by Alpine Joe
23 Dec 2016, 20:03
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Turning up on Boxing Day!
Replies: 26
Views: 3637

Turning up on Boxing Day!

Some sensible points made by Dazza, and also by Hector when he says there 'may not yet be evidence that they have malevolent intentions regarding TUFC'. But the suspicions are there, and they'll be around for a good while yet. Therefore I feel it would be reassuring for a significant number of fans if a Supporters Representative could be sat around the Boardroom table. If those malevolent intentions should ever appear, then an ever vigilant TUST member stands a far better chance of spotting them early and raising the alarm, if they hold a position at the centre of proceedings.

If such an opportunity presents itself, I'm sure that TUST realise they owe it to their members, and to the wider fan base,to accept such an offer, which would also give them a greater chance of influencing the future direction of the club.
by Alpine Joe
21 Dec 2016, 09:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Re-wind January this year
Replies: 5
Views: 1348

Re-wind January this year

The club was 13 adrift at the bottom of the league. Relegation an almost certainty. The repercussions of relegation to the conference south would no doubt have led to part time football but most likely administration. If GI had not invested to help the great escape
You're on a slippery slope with this sort of talk, lucy6lucy. It's necessary to be careful, as the next thing you know someone will be suggesting that Angus MacDonald would never have signed a new contract with us in the Summer had it meant agreeing to a season of National League South football, and he would have therefore have left us on a 'free'. That's as bad as saying that without G.I's loan money coming in, we would never have generated that £100k transfer fee, and that we'll soon have recouped almost as much as we borrowed from that one transaction alone, even before taking into account the greater income levels from staying in the National League compared to having sunk to a lower level. They're not the sort of thoughts most Forum members will feel comfortable dealing with.
by Alpine Joe
11 Dec 2016, 13:52
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2016
Replies: 2
Views: 1119

BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2016

Ched Evans refusal to meekly accept injustice has been an inspiring highlght from a sportsman this year. Murray might have added millions to his bank account, and others held aloft cups and trophies, but the real heroes are to be found further down the pecking order. The unsung dedicated people who work tirelessly for their clubs's, often with little reward or thanks. Wasn't there some lower league manager who drove his side to away matches in a minibus ? Find out who that was and give him the prize. That's the sort of personality who real is a credit to Sport.
by Alpine Joe
11 Dec 2016, 13:38
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Thought For the Day
Replies: 371
Views: 40769

Thought For the Day

No one will ever win the battle of the sexes. There’s too much fraternizing with the enemy.'
Henry Kissinger
I bet back when old Henry (he must be catching up Kirk Douglas by now) said that he wasn't anticipating on 'gender' emerging and coming to the fore. I think there are new ones of those popping up all the time, and as for the 'genderfluids', well they can be in the 'friends' camp one day, but classifying themselves as one of the 'enemy' the next. The battle would be much too complicated for Henry to even start making sense of these days ;-)
by Alpine Joe
11 Dec 2016, 09:45
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: FA Trophy First Round, Braintree Town v Torquay United, Sat. 10 December 2016
Replies: 63
Views: 13440

FA Trophy First Round, Braintree Town v Torquay United, Sat. 10 December 2016

Southampton Gull
Has anyone said he IS perfect?
Yes, Kieffer Moore did, only a few days ago :)

"The lads took me in and made me like one of their own, and the fans, the manager – they've all been perfect". ... story.html
by Alpine Joe
04 Dec 2016, 17:49
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Graham Westley
Replies: 1
Views: 905

Graham Westley

I'd agree totally with Rob, and this latest episode comes hot on the heels of former F.A Compliance Officer, Graham Bean, leaving his post as Newport's club secretary a few days ago.

"I have left the club, Graham Westley is an impossible man to work with. I’ve been in the game for 20 years and I very rarely fall out with anyone but he needs to learn some manners and start treating people with some respect. I reported my concerns about him to the board and if he were to leave the club I’d consider returning.But there’s no way I’d be prepared to work with someone of his character". ... m_Westley/

But while Newport County are a terrible example of Trust ownership, having sunk to the bottom of the League, and with disorder and infighting behind the scenes, we must acknowledge the right of this Community owned club to reflect that community in the way it sees fit. Their choice is Graham Westley, and, as their Board made clear on Thursday, they couldn't be happier with him:

"The Board wishes to place on record that Graham Westley has the full trust, support and confidence of Directors, Players and Club Officials". ... 46681.aspx
by Alpine Joe
12 Nov 2016, 08:25
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: News you might not have heard
Replies: 240
Views: 39862

Anti Islamic Opinion I Want You To Read

Islamic Finance: this should be required reading for all our politicians: ... f-muslims/

While this thread is mainly a vehicle for publicising opinion pieces that coincide with Gullscorer's own views, rather than actually highlighting any news that we might not of heard, it still does serve a purpose ;-) .

Do 'our' politicians, and if you knew whose interests they're mainly concerned with furthering, you'd find good reason to question the use of 'our' really need to be reading a one-sided piece from the rabidly anti Muslim Tim Dieppe ? The guy spends his life attacking Islam on any pretext he can dream up, as his twitter account reveals

Tim has spent a huge chunk of his life serving the cause of global capitalism:

Tim started his career in 1992, and worked on several equity fund management teams, finally joining the SRI Team at Henderson Global Investors in 2004, when he took over management of the global SRI funds. Tim managed some £400m of global multi-thematic SRI funds, working as part of a highly integrated collaborative team of six SRI specialists.

And in that respect, I do agree that with so much in common with our politicians, they'd feel an affinity towards Tim from the word go.

However, I'm sure politicians would get a far better grasp by reading something more balanced, rather than any of the regular denunciations of Islam put out by the bitter Tim Dieppe.