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by BritishGAS
10 Jun 2011, 12:53
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Geoff Harrop
Replies: 39
Views: 3806

Geoff Harrop

Bristol Rovers youth coach Darren Patterson has left to become assistant manager at Rotheram.

From what I have read on our vital site(Which is never wrong) Paul Buckle will again be raiding Torquay United for Geoff Harrop, who I think I am right in saying is your head of youth?

This is getting silly now.
by BritishGAS
10 Jun 2011, 03:05
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

Kinky John Fowler wrote: THAR SHE BLOWS!

Frenchay closer to the City Centre than Ashton Vale???....Frenchay isnt even in the same COUNTY as Bristol City Centre :lol:

I like the way you have also mentioned Bristol Parkway. Isnt the term 'Parkway' traditionally used for railway stations that arent actually in the City/Town for which they serve? (I could be wrong, dont think I am).

I knew if I prodded the surface of the water with the 'one team in Bristol stick' you would appear...and you didnt let me down :rules: good man!

Now then, tell me BritishGas...all this about TUFC taking 6k hundreds of miles to Old Trafford (think it was 7k actually), do you not think its a bit rich when your boys dont even take 6k to your own ground?

As for Irene...utter dirge, a song with strong suicidal overtones and stolen from Plymouth Argyle (not the only thing youve stolen from Devon is it? :whistle: )
Im just glad ours is Drink Up Thy Zider, miles better.


Dont mug yourself, my little doolally red friend. I live in Frenchay, and when I recieve my mail each morning, it clearly states I live in Bristol...Whereas on the other hand Long Ashton and Ashton Vale is in Somerset.

The fact that it is called Bristol Parkway and not South Gloucestershire Parkway, Kind of gives that away, dont you think? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: All Parkway means is it is similar to a park and ride, but with trains instead of buses.

I just come back to amuse myself at your pathetic ramblings.

Hahahaha Irene is utter dirge? Yet drink up the cider, sang by a bunch of bearded, Wurzel Gummidge lookalike carrot munching inbreds from Somerset is good? That is hilarious?

And didnt you do the same to Yeovil when you stole that fat knobhead and his bellend son?

You are right we havn't had big crowds at The Mem, because it is a shithole and the football on offer has been about as dire and ludicrous as your pathetic drivel, but the fact Bristol Rovers took more than Bristol C*ty to both the Millenium and Wembley, took 8k away fans to Fulham outnumbering them, Took 9k fans to Derby and 5k to Southampton, proves that when we play well and for the big games we can generate good support. It wasnt so long ago that you were averaging about 6k at Trashton, so sh*theads can hardly talk either. It was only a bit of friendly banter with the Gulls but again you have to plague this thread with your idiotic warblings.

You can say the same about Baadiff and Swansea when they were playing at Ninnian and The Vetch at this level they were getting crowds of 4k, Now they are better supported than you, especially Baadiff by some distance.

And Glostergull ,there wont be any problem with the nimby's this time mark my words, Horefield Rose who were the main culprits who scuppered The Mem development, have come out and publicly stated that they are in favour of Sainsbury's. It is not going to be a huge supermarket, It will be a Sainsbury's local with other developments like appartments, Flats etc.

While up the road South Glos council want this stadium, BRFC want this stadium, UWE want this stadium and Bristol Rugby want this stadium, This time the nimbys have 4 hurdles to overcome unlike just the one. Also the fact that it will be a one of a kind stadium in regards it will be the only University linked stadium in the whole of the UK and it is something the region needs very much, and lots of other ventures will come from that.

Also the memorial gates cannot be moved as they are listed.

Trust me there wont be much hassle in this getting built whatsoever.

I am sure Kinky John stinkweed will be back in the morning to amuse me some more. UTG
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 23:51
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

Trojan 67 wrote:Me, Myself and Irene.

Smell it ?

Gas of course, Me and Myself have been smelling it on here for some time.

It's getting late now, so it's goodnight from me and goodnight from myself. As for Irene . . .

(8) Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams . . .

:clap: :bow: :clap:

" onclick=";return false;
Last Saturday night, I got married, Me and my wife settled down in bed, now me and my wife are parted, Im gonna take another stroll down town.

Sometimes I live in the country, Sometimes I live in the town, Sometimes I have a great notion, to jump in the river and drown!!!!

You could have chosen the original Leadbelly version, or at the very least the late great legend Johnny Cash, but apart from that, Well done!!!!

The best football club anthem by a mile.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 23:07
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

Kinky John Fowler wrote: I wouldnt have a problem taking my cat for a walk around 'Frenchay Village Green' mate, the only difficulty is that it is a hell of a long way out of Bristol
I dont know if Badgerline even go that far. =D

(*) (*) (*) (*) WARNING (*) (*) (*) (*)

The blue touch paper has been lit...

Imminant Gas Explosion! <!> <!> <!>

KJF, One Team In Bristol
There is no need to lie Kinky John just because you are on another clubs forum. Frenchay is in Bristol, and it is far closer to the City centre than where your sespit was planned to be built. Also at least our stadium will be in a metropolitan area, You know where there is actual civilisation, it is 5 minutes walk away from BRISTOL Parkway, where there is actualy people around, and has great transport links, Unlike where your stadium was going to be built which is surrounded by Cows, Pigs and Sheep in the middle of farmyards and other general compost like squalor. You stinkweeds are not called The sh*theads for nothing pal!!!!

SuperNickyWroe, you of all people cannot bang on about attendances when you are probably the worst in the whole football league, and only take a paltry 6k to Old Trafford. You may as well have played that match at the f*cking Mem instead of putting all your supporters in 1 mini bus and driving all the way to Manchester.

Remember we took 45k in the equivilent game in 2007, which is a record for play off final in the bottom 2 tiers, Even Shrewsbury managed to take double what you did.

Dont worry about us ,Me Ol' Mucker, I am sure the stadium will be full most weeks, Until we play the likes of Torquay in the 1st round of the League Cup.

I love the banter!!!!
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 18:08
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

happytorq wrote:
This just in - Bristolians also not good at irony.
Neither are Devonians, obviously.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 17:49
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

happytorq wrote: Absolutely true. But at least I'm a moron with good grammar and spelling.

FYI, you didn't need to capitalise "Pedantic" after the comma there :lol: :) =D
**** hell, I am not writing an essay for an English degree.

Sorry sir, I promise not to make such schoolboy errors in future.

Like I said, pedantic people, (even with good grammar and spelling) are morons. You have indeed proven my point conclusively.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 17:20
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

cambgull wrote: Firstly, you got his name wrong.

Secondly, you call him an "idiot!!!"... merely proving that you aren't capable of making your point without using three exclamation marks. This is usually quite a good indication as to the identity of an idiot.

Thirdly, if you have a soft spot for Torquay and you see this dwindling away, perhaps it is your (and others) presence on the forum which causes our forum users to feel the need to 'get back' at the Bristol Rovers fans who have shown us quite a bit of disrespect at times since you (they) have been visiting the forum.

Fourthly, the reason we have vented our anger towards you is because the comments made by your fellow fans (and I believe you have used the 'we're bigger than you' card at least once) have riled up our fans and caused us to retaliate. Quite a few of these forum users (including myself) have never really had many dealings with Bristol Rovers fans in the past and had always considered it to be a friendly rivalry, which in the most part, it is. However, the attitude of your fellow fans towards us has been... ungracious at best. I for one now think that the general population of Bristol Rovers fans are d*cks.

I have said it nicely in the Zebroski thread and this will be the last time I'll say it nicely again. The debates have been great at times but before both sides start doing damage to the relationship between the two clubs, it is about time you leave. What has happened, has happened and it is now time for both clubs to move on. We have a new manager soon to be announced and a new start for the club and it is fair to say, you guys are very much in the same boat. I think it is now time for us both to be concentrating on our own clubs.

Of course, you are more than welcome to come back here before the 2 games between us next season. But just leave, before you tarnish our relationships.
Firstly, Pedantic people are usually morons.

Secondly, I called him an idiot!!! Because that is what he is making himself be, by posting such, bitter, jealous bullsh*t. Why would he laugh at our ambition to build a state of the art stadium?

Thirdly, why would you need to get back at me? I actually like genuine banter and have had quite a lot with some Gulls fans, I even put a wager on yesterday of £500, which will go to a cause that I believe is close to Torquay Uniteds hearts, I have also shot down fellow Gasheads for coming on here and giving it the big one. I really do not get this sudden animosity? Several Torquay fans have been made welcome on our forum, I know one is a user on here called Hector, he came on our forum and was recieved well, I dont see the problem if it is just general banter, Obviously there are always a few who spoil it. This got me though, I must admit,Just because I questioned your reason for trying to mock us for actually showing some ambition and wishing our team some success, I was shot down and ridiculed for being delude and arrogant again by some Gulls fans, Yet a thread is on your main forum regarding the same thing, but is full of sensible debate, In which every Gulls fan is in agreement, Funny that? I dont see how you think I have disrespected Torquay.

Fourthly, I dont think I have ever mentioned the "bigger than you" card, If I have then I apologise, but what makes me laugh most, Is that all you Gulls fans play the "Little old Torquay" card, yet you get all emotional when you think other clubs fans call you that? I mean seriously what is that? I think even your own fans are discussing that on your main forum? I dont see how you can justify calling us ungracious and dicks?

Of course Torquay fans are always welcome on our forum whenever they please, Good old fashioned banter is rife on our forum.

My advice for Gulls fans getting in a huff about us, Is pump your chest out, Man up and look to the future!!!!...After all we are a "nothing" club I recall a lot of you saying.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 16:41
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

wivelgull wrote:'The despise is recificated'.

Congratulations! You have won the Syntax Police award for 'Message of the Month'.
Caught red handed, making a typo.

Arrest me forum police!!!! :whip:
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 16:32
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

royalgull wrote:Bristol City >>>> Bristol Rovers always have been always will be.

But Rovers have a nicer badge, kit and better song.

so it probably evens itself out. On the care factor I'd probably put it up there with the latest Peter Andre news but there we go.
No it doesnt go like that at all, but your entitled to your opinion. I take it you are from Reading that is like saying Reading>>>> Oxford.

Boom Boom dont be silly the biggest club in Bristol will alway's be Mangotsfield :bow: I agree with you on the other point though, We are both sh*t.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 16:25
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Stadium
Replies: 22
Views: 2109

Re: New Stadium

Glostergull wrote:The Big news up here today is Rovers have unveiled new plans for a stadium out by the ring road.Seeing they have shafted us and left su in the lurch. wouldn't it be funny if we all went for walks on the field proposed for their new stadium and then put in a claim for Town green status which would prevent them building it.
City have fallen to that trick and I can just see the City fans laughing to themselves.
Rovers announce yet another new stadium. The fourth and not one has yet been built or rebuilt
They have now opened themselves up to ridicule again. Maybe we'll see justice served after all when it all crashes down around their ears
Well done Gloster Gull, Feel better now?


Like I have said many times, I have always had a soft spot for Torquay, but it steadily evaporating with people like you spouting crap like this.

It is similar to Yeovil, getting carried away.

Instead of venting your anger towards us, Why dont you show just as much passion and fight into your club, instead of trying to mock us for showing a bit of ambition for ours.

I have heard it all now.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 15:51
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

Kinky John Fowler wrote: I apologise for this Gulls fans, for the sake of accuracy I just want to reply to the above post made by BG. I know this is your Main Board and I promise not to post any further non TUFC items on here. For those of you who have absolutely no intrest in Bristol football (all of you I would imagine) please ignore this post

FAO BritishGas...Firstly, you know full well the land in Ashton Vale is not and never has been a nature reserve, in fact the plans for the new stadium include actually creating a nature reserve for the first time on that particular piece of land. Secondly the land has never been classed as a Village Green, some local residents have applied for this status (so far not approved) so they can derail the new stadium plans. The land in question has always been used for either grazing purposes or as a waste dump

The Ashton Vale site is within the city boundry's, your new stadium is not in Bristol, however, this is in your favour. As you rightly point out BCC are utterly useless where as South Gloucestershire Council seem to be a bit more forward thinking.As a football fan I say congratulations to you regarding this news and fair play to your board. I believe you will have a new ground years before we do. Obviously though I still hate you and hope you get relegated to the BSP. :@

Once again I apologise to Gulls fans for posting this on here.

Kinky John Fowler I live in Frenchay and I have a Bristol postcode as does Frenchay Hospital and the UWE Campus. Yes it is classed as South Gloucestershire, but it is still Bristol. It is certainly concidered as part of Bristol far more than Ashton Vale, which is in the countryside and is in Somerset, surrounded by fields full of cattle. Ok, I worded it wrong Ashton Vale is not a nature reserve but it is considered a nature conservation area.

At least we agree on something, The despise is recificated. I hope you once more go bankrupt, only this time I hope you dont get any back handers and get bailed out. I hope your horrible little club, dies a slow painful death and dissapears, which might be quite soon when Mr Lansdowne realises the money he has wasted trying to build your deluded stadium, and spunked on 40 year old prima donna goalkeeper and other sh*t mercenary's, and wants his money back.

Other than that, I hope your well.

I reiterate Kinky Johns sentiment. Sorry Gulls fans.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 10:39
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

Boom Boom wrote:Nice Plans for the stadium, looks like it's a supermarket in a retail park tho. Who helped designed the front of it, TK MAXX?

All jokes inside one of my mates is a big Bristol City fan & I seem to remember they had a stadium in place, only for the council to refuse...? Not too sure on the facts but he wasn't happy.
They did, they applied for planning permission and agreed a deal with Sainsbury's and sold it 2 years ago. They had difficulties because where they were planning to build was a nature reserve and classed as a Village green.

The difference is, like I said in previous posts is that The sh*t are relying on Bristol CC and they are the most inept bunch of tossers imaginable. Hence why we have decided to go with South Glos CC in a venture with UWE.

That is the only downside, although still in Bristol, it is in South Gloucestershire.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 10:34
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

NickGull wrote:how is it? Because it's bigger?

You have one stand that would look in place at somewhere like Weymouth! (Uplands Stand). We'll compare that to our Grandstand. Even though ours is dogpoo, it's better than that! Plus we should hopefully be getting a new one next year so fingers crossed.

The DAS Stand; the main bit looks alright, but it looks like it should be at a cricket ground! Then it has two little stands on each side of it. Compared to our Family Stand, again, I think ours is probably better. A whole stand the same size for a start!

The South Stand; a temporary stand for away fans, is it not? Compared to our away end, it's pretty poor. Not saying our away end is amazing, but it's a terrace and it can cope with demand 9 times out of 10, with no real problems.

Finally, the Blackthorn End. I guess this would be more like the Popside. Yours probably bigger, but it's older, has supporting poles running down the front, blocking views etc.

Obviously you're opinion will differ, but at the moment the Memorial Ground is shocking." onclick=";return false;
You dont need to convince me fella, I have been watching the Gas in sh*t grounds for 25 years.

In terms of quality it is one of the worst in the country, After all it is a Rugby Ground. The only thing in its favour compared to other sh*t grounds is its capacity.

Plainmoor is better, well in terms of charm and character certainly.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 09:35
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

Just to let you know how the press conference went this morning. ... 98,00.html" onclick=";return false;

Due to be completed before the 2013/14 season.
by BritishGAS
09 Jun 2011, 00:43
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7159

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

rodneyjackjackjack wrote:I'm really hoping Buckle will be a complete failure at Rovers. He is a very arrogant man and I'm looking forward to shouting abuse at him when he comes back to the hell pit.
What you and Torquay's 10 other fans?

I bet he's sh*tting himself!!!!

It was meant as a bit of light hearted banter. I dont mean it!!!!!!