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by BritishGAS
08 Jun 2011, 18:15
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7089

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

Boom Boom wrote: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Course mate. :~D
I will be happy to come back to this thread in 5 years time and see where both clubs are.

I will put a wager on with you if you like? That we will be at least 2 divisions above Torquay in that time.

Maybe everybody associated with Torquay should show a bit of ambition and fight, and stop mocking other people who do have ambition and can see their club being succesful.

Maybe then managers and players would'nt leave you for a "joke" club in the same division. :nod:
by BritishGAS
08 Jun 2011, 17:26
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7089

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

ferrarilover wrote:Why don't you Brizzle folk seem to grasp the concept of conversation? Bradford are relevent because they get larger crowds than you, negating the "bigger crowd" suggestion. Crawley pay more money, negating the "loadsamoney" suggestion.

"I don't wanna give it billy big balls, but we're the biggest and best team in L2"... No, you're not.

If, if, if. If we get a stadium, if this benefactor is stupid enough to pour money into BRFC, if it all comes off..... zzzzzzz.
If my aunty had balls, she'd be my uncle.
If you hadn't been abjectly woeful last season, you'd still be in L1.

As for very few teams better than you in L1, pray tell, why did you finish so low if you are so much better than everybody else?

Is this the stadium which you have been talking about for 25 years?

Time to face up British, you are in L2 and, by virtue of this, you are considered to be the same standard as Torquay.

First off, you win this division which you are so much better than, then come back here and tell us all that you are a sleeping giant, down in the doldrums of English football.

When did I say we were the biggest team in League 2? In our entire history which is 128 years we have only spent 5 of those years in the bottom tier and those were in the last decade, that is what I meant by better.

You are right we were absolutely pathetic last season. We finished so low because of piss poor management by Paul Trollope who wasted money on the wrong players. That's what happens in football sometimes, That is why the likes of Leeds, Leicester, Nottingham Forest, Southampton, Charlton, Norwich, Sheffield Wednesday and United and even Man City ended up in the 3rd tier, Would you say that Southampton are not a better club than Dagenham??? They played in the same division last year, by your logic Dagenham are on the same par with the Saints????

It is the same stadium that we have been after for 25 years yes, but the difference is that Bristol City Council couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery as our South Bristol red friends have found out to there cost aswell, but this new venture is in South Gloucestershire which is a totally different council and are far better run and better organised than the knobs at BCC wil ever be.

You keep on reading what you want to read, and not what I have actually written.

Paul Buckle coming here is in the long run a step up, I dont see how you can deny that? It might not happen this season, because it will be a brand new squad and it will take time to gel, but we wont be down here for 5 years like last time.

Its a game of opinions, you have your's, I have mine.
by BritishGAS
08 Jun 2011, 16:57
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle could be a mistake
Replies: 110
Views: 7089

Re: Buckle could be a mistake

ferrarilover wrote: Well, since both player signings and the three back room signings you have made thus far have been as a direct result of PB, then, eerm, yes actually.

I mentioned Bradford and Crawley, because they were relevant to the point I was making, in response to your comments, do you not understand how conversation works?

None of us are looking for sympathy, certainly not from a club who got a right royal shafting last season, but we are perfectly within our rights as supporters to be a bit naffed off that the very promising young squad we did have are moving away. Not even to a better club, but one in the same division.

Indeed you might be, but TUFC is a bigger club than Matlock Town, but during our brief dalliance with them, not once did any of our fans feel the need to mention the fact on their forum.

Why are Bradford and Crawley relevant? Bradford are skint and Crawley are a mickey mouse club and there house will come crashing down sooner rather than later. Just like Rushden a few years ago and up in Scotland Gretna.

I dont want to seem like I am giving it the large one, as you lot dont seem to like that, But Bristol Rovers along with Bradford have the most potential in League 2, and that is a factor whether you like it or not. Paul Buckle along with Bevan, Gill and Stanley all came here because they have a chance to improve themselves, you keep on saying that they should have left for a better club and not one in the same division, but there isn't a better club in this division and there are very few in the league above. I am not giving it the "Billy Big Bollocks" because if you have read some of my other posts, I dont like that and have had a word with fellow Gasheads for doing that, but that is a fact.

On Thursday an announcement will be made about a wealthy benefactor coming in, and a New 25k stadium to be built, which will hopefully give Bristol Rovers the platform to fulfill its potential.

Obviously you are rightly p*ssed off about Buckle leaving the way he did, but dont spout nonsense about him joining the wrong club and not a better club.

He could have joined a club in League One like Brentford, but that would not be much of a step up from Torquay IMO. Bristol Rovers in the next 4-5 years if everything comes off, have the recources and finally(hopefully) the stadium that we have needed for donkey's years to actually establish ourselves in higher levels and push on as a club.

BRFC have been in the doldrums for far to long, but this time relegation could really be a blessing in disguise.

Obviously Buckle, North, Bevan and Stanley have improved there salary's by coming here, but all the reasons I have listed above are bigger factors IMO.
by BritishGAS
08 Jun 2011, 11:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Zebroksi the next Buckle target?
Replies: 13
Views: 1831

Re: Zebroksi the next Buckle target?

regiment wrote: just my opinion, but Matt Harrold and Kuffour better than Zebs ??? behave.
Zebs career to date has mainly been at Blue Square and League 2 level and he has hardly pulled up many trees with his goalscoring record. Jo Kuffour throughout his career has always played at a higher level than Zebs, and his goalscoring record is still better . Jo Kuffour is not a player you can rely on to score goals, yet he scores more than Zebs.

That is why I think he is better. Of course Zebs has age on his side, and maybe can improve, whereas Jo Kuffour is getting close to 30. Jo Kuffour is still a better option though, In my opinion.


I wouldn't worry about the legal ramifications, The fact that it is total bullsh*t and utter lies is what I would be more concerned about.

An initial offer was made to Jamie, which didn't meet both Jamie and his agents demands, but negotiations are still ongoing and I fully expect him to sign within the next few days.
by BritishGAS
08 Jun 2011, 04:14
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Zebroksi the next Buckle target?
Replies: 13
Views: 1831

Re: Zebroksi the next Buckle target?

MidDevon wrote:Cureton has shall we say an "interesting" reputation in Bristol. Buckle is brave if he brings him back to the City.

I think we all have to calm down a bit, we must remember the Torquay team last year only finished 7th in league 2 at the end of the day, it is not as if Buckle is pulling apart a Championship winning team.

There are countless players available at the moment and I am pretty sure every manager who has applied for the job has several in mind already...and has no doubt sounded many players out.

Just like Buckle has wasted no time in building his team (as he knew he was on his way) I am sure that our new manager will move pretty sharpish
What reputation is that then MidDevon?

There were rumours doing the rounds a decade ago, which were complete and utter bullsh*t, when he departed for Reading. I take it that is what you are getting at?

Jamie lives in Bristol, has alway's had a house here, his whole family still live here and is a lifelong Gashead.

He should be signing within the next few day's, and as stated previously Matt Harrold looks like he may be on the way, and also Ashley Grimes and Clayton Donaldson have been heavily linked.

I would say Zebs is way down the pecking order, as those 3 and Jo Kuffour who we already have are all better options. If we fail with any of those then we may come in for Zebs. Who Knows?

But I would honestly say that I think Zebs, Branston and O'Kane will be safe with you. Unless of course they have other offers.
by BritishGAS
08 Jun 2011, 03:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Buckle interview
Replies: 46
Views: 3510

Re: Buckle interview

gullno4 wrote:Who knows what offers the board are going to accept :@ I think he'll be back for zebs, obviously branston, and probably okane who they won't be able to afford
What makes you think we wont be able to afford O' Kane?

A big announcement is to be made on Thursday, apparently an unnamed wealthy benefactor is going to be pumping some £s into the coffers, add to the £500K we recieved for Hoskins and the £250K clause we got from Saints for the Rickie Lambert deal, we have got cash to throw around.

I dont honestly think we need O,Kane anyway, as we have already signed Gill and Stanley and already have Wayne Brown who techically must be the best midfielder in League 2.

I doubt if Zebs will be needed either as Jamie Cureton should be coming back in the next few days and Clayton Donaldson, Ashley Grimes and Matt Harold from The Shrews have all been heavily linked, And we still have Jo Kuffour who is arguably just as good as Zebs anyway

I dont want Paul Buckle to sign anybody else from Torquay as it is making us look bad, and if this was to happen to Rover's then we wouldn't like it.

So I think Zebs, Branston and O,Kane will be safe. Unless anybody else wants them.
by BritishGAS
07 Jun 2011, 20:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Scott bevan.. gone.
Replies: 125
Views: 10419

Re: Scott bevan.. gone.

NickGull wrote:big? Bristol Rovers?

Boom Boom, I'm disappointed. :~D
Yeah Boom Boom, Im disappointed too. C,mon fella!!!

We're "Massive", We all know that.

Be a bit more careful with your wording in future. :-D
by BritishGAS
07 Jun 2011, 14:34
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Craig Stanley
Replies: 130
Views: 15044

Re: Craig Stanley

nicktufc wrote:I'm disappointed that Stanley has gone, but not angry about it. I can 100% agree with the him wanting to go to a club with a genuine chance of promotion, and being paid far more than if he'd signed for Torquay. And he was never really outr player.

Bevan seems to have screwed us a bit, with the news that he was offered a contract and was supposedly in negotiations with the club, then signing for BRovers with no decency to let the board know that he was off.

Buckle was clearly preparing his BRovers squad for some time, AS EVERYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN CAN SEE. The blame for our situation is placed firmly at his door, for putting that doubt into the players minds at some point during the play offs.

The board also need to take some of the blame for the casual attitude towards finding a successor. It looks to me, as though we're heading for a first time manager, with no assistant, no scouts, no coaches and no expreienced head to help him. I am hoping Nicky Forster gets the job, but a normally optimistic fan is now expecting Kevin Hill to get the job, and a host of league rejects on conference wages to be brought in.

Not looking forward to next season, but if BRovers fans cannot see PB's ethics yet, then god help them when he leaves for a bigger challenge(maybe Swindon or Yeovil).
That made me laugh.
by BritishGAS
07 Jun 2011, 14:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Craig Stanley
Replies: 130
Views: 15044

Re: Craig Stanley

SDYellow wrote:I cant believe it, two gas fans arguing on a torquay forum. If you want to argue do it on your own site.

I welcome your queries and questions and so do alot of other torquay fans.

1979 you cant understand our frustration.

Buckle signing a month before the end of his best season here.

Poaching our best chances

Northy and Milton

You lot coming given us the small club talk and thinking that your better than us. Im sorry if thats not what you meant but it certainly sounds like it from here.

You can understand why some are a little bit pissed off.

To tell you the truth i think we could be better off in the long run, i might be wrong and ill hold my hands up if i am.

My point is dont argue between yourselves on another forum do it on your own.

Anyway BritishGas i personally think Stanley was class. Always putting in a shift, his passing was good. His composure was decent, He always put in the challenge and took alot of pressure off the defence.
Cheers for that, SDYellow.

He certainly sounds like a player we desperately need.

Stuart Campbell has been a great servant for BRFC but has had to carry Chris Lines for 3 years and has had to do all his donkey work, and it has taken his toll on Cambs, and combined with him getting to the twilight of his career has seen his form dip.

I think you will be alright next season, like others have said you did alright in the play-offs without Stanley(Well for 2 games anyway) and from what I have read you dont seem to be to bothered with Beavan leaving. Buckle has obviously just gone for players he knows, and trusts which is a good thing, whether they will be regular 1st teamers and will be at BRFC that long remains to be seen, but it is a solid start for life back in League 2.

It obviously must look bad for you lot having players "stolen" from you, but I think you will still be a force in League 2 next season, and with a decent manager appointed soon, I would imagine you to be there or thereabouts.

Put it this way I am sure there will be plenty worse sides than you.

Also sorry for the slanging match with the other Gashead, I just dont like our fans giving it the "look at us" and "Little old Torquay" card.

Please dont hate us, after the last month. We are not Millwall, Leeds, Nuts C*nty or BRISTOL C*TY.
by BritishGAS
07 Jun 2011, 13:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Craig Stanley
Replies: 130
Views: 15044

Re: Craig Stanley


Dont come on here and give it the billy big b*llocks.

A few Gasheads have come on here and spouted the same drivel. It is making us look bad.

We are League 2 mate, and as such need to look at League 2 players, what makes you thinkthat we should be looking at better players?

I am pleased Sir Jamie Cureton looks like he is coming back, but he is the only player that we are looking at that has any pedigree at a higher level, and he is nearly 36.

Dont mug yourself off.

Also yes we have more supporters than Torquay, and are a "bigger" club, but we aint Real Madrid mate.

And yes we have the potential to entice people to come through the turnstiles, if we are succesful and the exciting news about the new stadium looks promising.

But our support is worse than Torquay's in comparison, If you compare the size Of Bristol to Torbay, and then compare the 2 teams attendances, then the percenatge of people that turn up at PlainMoor is better than ours.

Please stop it.

Anyway Gulls, What can we expect with Stanley? Which was my original question. Is he a "Free kick specialist" and is his passing top notch?
by BritishGAS
07 Jun 2011, 12:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Craig Stanley
Replies: 130
Views: 15044

Re: Craig Stanley

Boom Boom wrote:Gutted: YES.

Pissed off: YES.

Will Bristol Rovers piss the league next season: YES.
I wouldn't go as far as to say we are going to p*ss the league. We all thought that last time we were down here and we had 6 horrendous years and almost went out of the league altogether.

It is going to be a completely new squad with at least 8 new players in the starting line up, so it all depends on how it gels.

But with Jamie Cureton imminent, and Izale Mcleod and Ashley Grimes heavily rumoured aswell, I certainly expect us to be in the top 7.

I dont know anything about Stanley to be honest, apparently he is a "Free Kick specialist"? and has a great range of passing?. It looks like he is highly rated by Gulls, What are his strengths?

Please dont have a go, and call me patronising, I just want to find out a bit more about Stanley.
by BritishGAS
06 Jun 2011, 18:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Scott bevan.. gone.
Replies: 125
Views: 10419

Re: Scott bevan.. gone.

Boom Boom wrote: Of course Baker doesn't know what's going on, I would be thinking the same if Bevan ran off to the Buckle's boy scouts brigade without even respectfully declining Baker's offer by as little as a phone call or even a text.

Once again you're laying down the quotes... "I don't want to sound harsh" ...yeah of course. Soon as we suffer some misfortune we can always count on Mr Patronising to appear.
Like I said Boom Boom, Bevan not telling his current employer that he has been in talks with us, is not very good, But I expect you purpously didn't read that bit.

Again you take it the wrong way, what is it with you? Next time I will come on here and say "What a joke club you are" What a sh*t chairman you have" etc, I am damned if I do, damned if I dont.

I was just responding to a post that said that Torquay should sue us!!!!!...All I stated was that nothing underhand or illegal had taken place.

Christ, you are hard work, Pedantic people really are a nuisance.
by BritishGAS
06 Jun 2011, 18:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Scott bevan.. gone.
Replies: 125
Views: 10419

Re: Scott bevan.. gone.

Dutchgull wrote:Of course not you have a handled everything regarding the managers appointment and player recruitment in a perfect way at all times...
Nothing illegal about it though whatsoever.

Thats football unfortunately.

The fact that your official site still lists Paul Buckle and Shaun North as your manager and first team coach, say's it all really.

I dont want to sound harsh, but it seems that Mr Baker hasn't the foggiest what's going on.
by BritishGAS
06 Jun 2011, 17:56
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Scott bevan.. gone.
Replies: 125
Views: 10419

Re: Scott bevan.. gone.

Dave_Pougher wrote:Illegal approach then surley. SUE EM!
Nothing illegal about it Dave.

He has less than a month left on his current deal, which allow's other clubs to negotiate with him without the knowledge of Torquay United.

It makes sense as to why he has been signed now, instead of last week when Buckle first arrived here.

I agree with you that Bevan should have let his current employers know that he has been in talks with us,that would have been the decent thing to do, and indeed would have been common courtesy, but Bristol Rovers have not done anything underhand or illegal.
by BritishGAS
06 Jun 2011, 13:56
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Scott bevan.. gone.
Replies: 125
Views: 10419

Re: Scott bevan.. gone.

forevertufc wrote: It does appear so Brady,no worry as ive said before give me Jake Cole any day of the week before Bevan,just been on there forum pure comedy gold ,they really are getting wet around rim over signing Bevan,haven't got the heart to tell he can't kick,and has the mobilty of a carthorse down to the bottom corners.
I dont know where have you been looking, but we certainly are not getting wet around the rim as you put it.

Most of us want Conrad Logan between the sticks, and hopefully we still will have, and Bevan will be our adequate 2nd choice.

He may be sh*t at kicking, but didn't he keep 18 clean sheets for you last season? I read on here that most of you thought Mikel Anderson was dogsh*t too, yet he was the best keeper in League 1 for 2 years when he was here, and is highly rated at Reading and will be a top keeper.

We havn't got a goalkeeper, so 1 is better than none whoever he is. 18 clean sheets for us next season will be a miracle considering our pathetic defence.