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by BritishGAS
06 Jun 2011, 12:47
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Everyone else's INs and OUTs
Replies: 12
Views: 1193

Re: Everyone else's INs and OUTs

gashead josh wrote:Matt Gill has just signed for the gas.

Another reason for you to dislike us haha.
And so has Bevan.

2 new signings in the space of minutes, since Buckle has come back off his holibobs.

It certainly looks like it's going to be an exciting few weeks ahead.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 23:59
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

ferrarilover wrote:Ok British, properly bored with you now, consider this your first and last warning. We are a tolerant bunch on here. We do virtually no moderating at all because the place is self governing, but I for one am getting to the point with you, where nothing you say is relevant to the threads in which you post, and most of it is just the same old rubbish, repeated over and over.

I don't care if you have a lot of time for Torquay, I don't care if you 'mean well', be funny, be interesting or go back to your own board and be boring over there. You've had your say, no one cares now.

Fair enough.

I am just repeating what Josh has just said, I think its best we left for a while, and let you grieve at your own pace and let you come to terms with it.

I will have to disagree with you somewhat, as most of the threads on Zebroski(not about Zebroski) were indeed started by Gulls fans having a pop at Rovers, so being fans of that club felt it was obliged to stick up for them somewhat.

The nonsense about Rovers being close to administartion couldn't be further from the truth and could be classed as slander and was bismerching our club, I think you will find that was very much off topic, yet nothing was said about that and wasn't moved to the banter section?

I also stuck up for you, when the bellend Simonb started spouting his b*llocks.

Of course I may have repeated myself, it is only natural when the nonsense being written about my club is just repeated left, right and centre.

We both support the clubs we do and nobody likes to see their club being badmouthed, I was just sticking up for them, which is part of the course when you are a supporter.

I just found it quite odd and highly amusing that some Gulls fans were complaining about Gasheads taunting, belittling, being disrespectful, call it what you will, yet on the other hand they were doing the exact same thing to BRFC.

I apologise if I have caused any offence, I will leave you alone for a while and leave you be, and maybe come back when the fixtures are announced to see when we will be playing eacthother.

Peace Out and Much Love <3
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 23:36
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

gashead josh wrote:It was in reply to allez mons who stated BRFC were on the brink of admin. The same thing has also been repeated numerous occasions on various other posts. As I said, I appreciate it's a TUFC forum but based on the fact that so many people are repeating the same false information I thought it might be worth mentioning the facts.

I've got alot of respect for your club so please don't feel this is a dig. Infact, I've been to Plainmoor on 3 occasions this season and always look out for your results.
Josh it seems that a few Gulls fans get great pleasure out of spouting utter nonsense and lies, and like to badmouth Rovers, but seem to blabber and cry when anything deemed unreasonable is said to them, even when it is not disflamotory in the slightest.

I think most Gasheads on here, like Myself, you and friendlyGas have been nothing but admirable and have stated that we have a lot of time for Torquay, yet still get shot down in flames.

Maybe the whole Paul Buckle escapade, has angered them greatly and they are still grieving, and need a little bit more time to come to terms with it.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 22:55
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Again why do you have to resort to such pathetic, petty bullsh*t, You cry like babies when you get offended when I say something which isn't offensive in the slightest, but find it ok to slander my club with such complete and utter drivel. What is with all the hypocritical, Contadictory, Pot, Kettle, Black bollocks?

The majority on here reply with honest, reasonable, inteligent posts, others even say they welcome me on here and like what I have to say, but a few have to resort to such ignorant, shoddy, pathetic nonsense. I suppose every club "Has it's sh*ts" to quote Alan Partridge.

1. Why would scousers still support Everton, while their nearest neighbours have won 5 European Cups and 18 League titles always living in their shadow? Because of loyalty, Family ties passed down from generation to generation, brought up to support who you support thats why. What a stupid question that was.

2. United are one of the biggest clubs in world football, and Forest have won league titles, FA Cups and 2 European Cups, while Stoke have always been far bigger than Port Vale, and what is with the Spurs/Barnet example????...How can you equate and compare the 2 Bristol clubs with them? That is the funniest thing I think I have ever read.

City are a better club at the moment, nobody is desputing that whatsoever, but they have not got more supporters than Rovers, and to even compare the sh*t, with United, Forest and Spurs is absolutey hilarious. They have a rich owner ploughing money into them, that has taken them to where they are now. Thats all. Comparing Bristol C*ty with those genuinly big clubs is absolutely priceless and has had me in stitches for quite a while, Your as mental as they are deluded if you think that is the case.

As for the other bullsh*t, yes we had to move to Bath because we were skint, but we dont rent from the Egg-chasers, we own the ground and are going to rebuild it into a 20k all seater top class stadium, which will hopefully help us achieve our long term goals. It is very similar to Brighton, they had to leave The Goldstone Ground, and move 80 miles away to Gillingham to play for a few years, and had to play in The Withdean for a decade, I bet a few morinc buffoons on here were mimicking them to, now look at them, they are leaving a number of clubs in Their shadow and I would not be surprised to see them in The Premier League in a few years.

As for Zebroski like I have said previously I dont really know a lot about him, So I am not to bothered whether he comes here or not, but if I was Zebroski I would just look at the number of top strikers we have produced over the years Like Devon White, Marcus Stewart, Peter Beadle,Craig Bellamy Jamie Cureton, Barry Hayles,Jason Roberts, Nathan Ellington, Bobby Zamora, Junior Agogo, Rickie Lambert, Scott Sinclair and Will Hoskins, and think that Rovers produce and make better players out of strikers more than any other league club, and think that we could indeed do the same to him.

Dont believe everything you read, If Rovers were on the brink of administration then we wouldn't of paid compo for Paul Buckle would we? and we wouldn't be offering a lucrative contract to a Championship goalkeeper, and we would not be scouting a number of players that Buckle and North have put on their hitlist. The money was there last season, we had players like Gavin Williams, Scott Davies, Conrad Logan on big pay packets, Unfortunatly we didn't appoint penny until the end of January when the window shut, so had to make do with loan signings. Anyway most Gasheads think that relegation was a blessing in disguise as it lets us start again and get rid of the deadwood Trollope dross that got us in this mess and start a fresh with a new management set up and a new set of players with a new ethos.

Whether Buckle is shacked up with R.Lowe is irrelivant, whats that got to do with the price of fish?, I dont care who you are, If you were offered a far bigger wage salary, a bigger budget to work with, a bigger house in an affluent city, and a lot more perks in the job then anybody would take it.

So less of the contadictory bullsh*t and more of the general discussion would be nice. I wont hold my breath!!!!
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 17:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Replies: 16
Views: 1352

Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!

Boom Boom wrote:Obviously they're having their 5mins of fame being a bigger club then everybody else, probably weren't piping up as much in League One seeing as they were getting dicked 6-1 every week. Oh wait, we all know why that is because Paul Trollope ruined their club. But then again he'd be good enough for us because we're only little Torquay. To be honest I'd prefer the Gas faithful here makes a more interesting, banter innit.
Again you cant help yourself.

Maybe it must be little man syndrome.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 16:55
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Were in a bit of a Pickle
Replies: 30
Views: 2433

Re: Were in a bit of a Pickle

What did I tell you

There is already a thread regarding Branstons imminent departure to Rangers. ... entry31672" onclick=";return false;

Trust me when it comes to our rumoured signings, we are like voyeurs and are ever so vigilant.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 16:34
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Were in a bit of a Pickle
Replies: 30
Views: 2433

Re: Were in a bit of a Pickle

Is he heading to Bristol Rovers anytime soon?

I guarantee if you edit it to say he has joined The Gas it will be on our forum within seconds.

Give it a try?
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 16:14
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Fonda wrote: Can't argue with that. Apart from perhaps the Yeovil bit. I'm not sure how big their crowds were when they were non-league but would be very surprised they were averaging those kind of numbers? I don't see us as being any smaller than them - they've just got the shiny stadium that we haven't got. Perhaps our new grandstand will put 500 on the gates...
I think you are historicly a bigger club than Yeovil, obviously you are an established Football League club, whereas Yeovil have only been in the league for about 10 years, but Yeovil were always one of the biggest non league clubs in terms of attendances, FA Cup runs etc.

I would also go as far to say that Plain Moor is just as good as Huish Park, Huish Park is quite modern, but I dont think it is much bigger than Plain Moor.

And also Yeovil has a lot of Somerset support, I know a lot of Somerset people jump on the bandwagon and support C*ty and Rovers, but it is still quite a big area to generate support from. Whereas Torquay has Plymuff and Exeter on its doorstep.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 15:59
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: A tune for Rovers fans after a few months of Bucks!
Replies: 22
Views: 1916

Re: A tune for Rovers fans after a few months of Bucks!

simonb wrote:You silly mare ... well im nto going to give our club the harry small bollocks am i.. you donut... just sayin hes moved onto bigger and better things nothing wrong with that ... i dislike torquay as a football team i have ever since i first went to their ground ... i havent give anyone a bad name ... every football club has its nice polite plastic supporters like you.. then theres me a loud abusive winding up C**NT
I dont expect you to give our club the "Harry small bollocks", but we aint Barcelona incase you aint noticed, we are a League 2 club mate, and yes I agree with you we have the potential to go onto bigger and better things, and hopefully Paul Buckle is the man to do that, but we dont have some devine right, just like last time we were in this sh*tpit league, it took us 6 years to get out of it, and we finished 2nd bottom one year and any other would have seen us drop down into non-league.

I dont know where your dislike for Torquay comes from, what because they have small ground? In case you aint noticed again ours aint exactly the f*cking Nou Camp.

I aint a plastic supporter I am a realist, and plus it costs nothing to have manners, whats the point on coming on here and acting like a c*nt? Makes you feel hard does it? I aint got the foggiest who you are but if I ever bumped into you at The Mem, I can assure you wouldn't act the tough guy, hard nut then.

Your just a c*nt full stop mate, and an embarrassment to BRFC.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 15:38
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: A tune for Rovers fans after a few months of Bucks!
Replies: 22
Views: 1916

Re: A tune for Rovers fans after a few months of Bucks!

simonb wrote:f**k of british gas he said a song about us so i said infact we will be singing the other .... british gas your just one of them ass licking fans who is all about fair play ... sod that .... its all a bit of banter why dont you be a politician of a MP if you want to get into a deep conversation... you take everything so seriously chill out dude.
Dont be a tw*t all your life.

There is nothing wrong with banter, if it is 1.Funny 2.Intelligent and 3.Interesting

But all you have done is play the billy big bollocks card and it is embarrassing, I dont mind other fans coming on other clubs forums if they contibute something and be constructive and be honest.

All you have done is be a complete bellend and give other Gasheads a bad name.

f*cking grow a pair and man up and stop being a complete and utter c*nt.

Sorry Richinns for insulting you and comparing you to this complete tool
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 15:22
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Yeovil to be fair to them, have always been a decent supported little club, even though they have been in non league all through their history, they have still managed to average bigger gates than Torquay. Even when they were down in the now defunct ISIS League they were averaging about 3.5k to 4k.

They wont sustain it though either, I think they will go down next season.

Rochdale have been in League 2 for 50 odd years without a promotion, and yes fair play to them, they got promoted and did well in their 1st season at that level, but again they wont be there long.

And Exeter are about as good as they will ever be, but they have been where they are before, its not a real surprise to see Exeter in League 1, they went down to their lowest ebb a few years ago when they went down to the Blue Square, but have came back up, Ever since I have followed football they have been either League 1 or League 2.

I am not saying you need bigger crowds to survive, but unless you have a rich benefactor like Wigan or Crawley you aint never going to progress that far in the long term.

If Bristol Rovers, like Bradford, Luton, Oxford, Swindon etc get a decent team with success, you can see them progressing up the ladder because they have bigger fan bases than the likes of yourselves, Accrington, Morecambe, Stevenage, D&G, Macclesfield, Barnet the list goes on.

Its not banter its just that I am stating the blinking obvious, and stating common sense.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 15:08
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: A tune for Rovers fans after a few months of Bucks!
Replies: 22
Views: 1916

Re: A tune for Rovers fans after a few months of Bucks!

You're just as bad as Simonb

The world doesn't need another buffoon like that.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 14:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!
Replies: 16
Views: 1352

Re: Seriously BR Fans - CAN WE MOVE ON!


I agree, It is time to move on, I never intented to goad any Gulls fans, If I have unintentionally I apologise.

I was just responding to comments which were demeaning to my club, and like every supporter of their respective club, they obviously want to stick up for them.

I have already stated that people like Simonb, are a joke and an embarrassment and I have to apologise for his ramblings, We are not all like that.

Obviously certain people took offence to what I said, If it came across in the wrong manner, it wasn't intended to be how you interpreted it.

Hopefully we can have some sensible discussions without it being transformed into petty squabling and arguments.

Like I have said previously I hope we both have a succesful campaign next season, and hopefully our fixture at Plain Moor will be in the sunshine at the beginning or end of the season and not a pissing down tuedsay in November.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 13:46
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Dave_Pougher wrote: I would say Stevenage are definately a club on the up, in fact I don't think they've ever taken a step backwards, certainly considered more on the up than a club like say errr who shall we pick? Bristol Rovers! and like Nickgull says if consecutive promotions by a club isn't considered on the up then I don't know what is. I think Norwich doing the same) probably think their on their way up.

Re fan base, although you need support/cash obviously you have to consider teams like Bristol City their support although larger has never been that much bigger than yourselves yet year on year their more successful and will continue to be so
I agree with most of that, Bristol C*ty have a rich benefactor who has ploughed millions into them, that is why they are doing reasonably well at the moment, but if you compare them to say Blackpool and Swansea, they look pathetic as they have spent god knows how much more than them.

Likewise the same with us, the transfer fees and wages we have branded around, shouldn't see us in League 2, It just shows how money doesnt always guarantee success.

Ok Stevenage probably are a club on the up momentarily but they wont be able to susatin it. Unlike clubs like Norwich who really should be in top 2 tiers anyway. They shouldnt have ever been in League 1 and are now back to where they should be.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 13:38
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

NickGull wrote:Friendlygas, I saw you lot let Jeff Hughes go. What was the reasoning behind that? Injury prone? Too expensive? Likely to go to a bigger club?

I only ask because I always thought he was one of your better players, and we haven't had a left-footed winger since Buckle has been here (probably Buckle who released him!!).

Realistically, would we be in with a chance?
Nick Gull

I will answer you, if you will value my opinion.

Jeff Hughes was good for Lincoln in League 2 and always played well against us, I think that is why Trollope signed him when he became available from Palace.

On his day he can be pretty good, but unfortunatly his day only came about 3-4 times a season. He was always played as a winger here, and I dont think that suited him, I think he would be best suited to play in the middle, he does have good ability, but he is very lightweight, and when he played out wide he always drifted into the centre and made us very narrow.

His stats look decent, but his goal tally is boosted by penalties, he scored 11 last season but I think 6 were from the penalty spot and he scored a hat-trick away at D&G.

He was on about 3k a week here, I dont know what Torquay's budget is.

He will certainly be a decent signing at this level. I was surprised to see him released as we got relegated, If we would have stayed up then I could have seen him being released.

If you could sign him, he will be decent, but he certainly is not an out an out winger.