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by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 13:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Were in a bit of a Pickle
Replies: 30
Views: 2433

Re: Were in a bit of a Pickle

Its obviously a wind up, but in all fairness the SPL aint much better than League 2
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 13:16
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

exmouthgull1 wrote:And why would he go anywhere? He is 24 years old and at his 5th club, after all the trouble he has had in the past he has finally found a club he feels comfortable working at and an area he feels comfortable living in.
Everyone knows that Rovers are a sham. Like has been said before it's difficult to get players to Torquay but once we have them they love it. Our own Mr. Branston seems more willing to stay than follow Buckle to the sinking ship that is Rovers.
Torquay are a club moving forward, hence the apparently high quality and long list of potential new managers. Rovers are not.
But you needed to reply, whats wrong with some of you?
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 13:14
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Richinns wrote:Doubt we would be BritishGas if we goading you after taking you manager / coach and starting talking crap about stealing your players aswell.

Think on before posting crap like that will you.
C,mon You really are a sensitive bunch, who has been goading you?

Certainly not me, thats for sure, There is a complete c*nt called Simonb who came on here acting like a ****, and he quite rightly got shot down, but I have never came on here and been deflamotory.

I was just responding to some hypocritical and contadictory comments made by a lot of Gulls fans. Last week you were all saying I hope he stays, now a week later you are calling him all sorts of unsavoury things and slagging him right off.

And also slagging my club to the ground, I thought I had good reason to respond.

But I have never once slagged of Torquay, you can carry on slagging off Rovers and Gasheads if it makes you feel better. Thats why a few of us came on here in the first place because you were all saying bullsh*t about us, saying how Buckle deserves better than BRFC and sh*t like that, how he should be looking at Championship clubs.

Now your all saying he aint that good :rofl:
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 12:57
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

gullsflyinghigh wrote: Oh you're sooo boring. Stevenage are a club on the up (up into L1) and they took 3500-4000 - much less than we did! So what?

Look at the size of Bristol then look at the size of Torquay - then you'll realise why you're a bigger club than us.

When we beat you next season I'm gonna go onto your forum (which is obviously boring as hell seen as you spend most of your time on here) and give you a taste of your own medicine. Can't wait.
How old are you? f*cking hell another numpty.

Stevenage are not a club on the up at all, why because they got promoted? they will be back down again next year, its hardly a club on the up.

Blackpool and Swansea are clubs on the up becuase they have gone up 4 divisions in a short space of time. Or QPR because they have 3 wealthy benefactors spending millions to get them to the promised land, not bloody Stevenage.

Exactly you said it, So what?

There are loads of Torquay fans on our forum aswell, but we welcome then and dont spout drivel towards them.

You will be welcome on our forum :-D
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 12:51
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Boom Boom wrote:No chance, Westley without a doubt had the upper hand. Blatantly obvious on occasions long balls were planted over our left-back's head, dragging Branston out all the time. Incidentally led to their goal. We always leave 3 men upfront when the opposition for corners yet Westley obviously scouted us & new this, everytime Stevenage got a corner at the last moment one of the players at the back marking would rush into the box free. Little things like that.

Buckle had the edge over Graham Turner? Err Jake Robinson had the edge over Graham Turner. No coincidence again that we fared best against Shrewsbury than any other club in the league because, oh yeah, we have a very intelligent Shrewsbury player on loan for us. Don't have to be a rocket scientist to listen to Robinson about their weaknesses & strengths.

You're right for once saying you won't walk it. I doubt we will be "there or thereabouts" as we aren't a club on the up, Torbay ain't got a support for their football team & we only took 6,000 to Old Trafford for our biggest game of the season, so on that assumption because how many fans you have is such a deciding factor according to you lot we'll probably get relegated because we'll have a minus fan difference of 34 people.

The only reason I'd want you go go up is if you denied the chance of Crawley promotion, because I'm bitter about Mr Arrogant's departure. :)
ahh I see, so its because of everybody else, but nothing to do with Paul Buckle whatsoever? He took you from the depths of Blue Square football to one game away from League 1, yet it had nothing to do with Paul Buckle.

Just because your not a club on the up, doesn't mean that you wont be there or thereabouts next season, Rovers aint gonna take your whole team, plus with the compo from Buckle, and the money from maybe Zebroski who will have more funds than you will have had for a long time and will have more money than the majority of League 2 clubs.

Again you have to turn it into a dig.

Having bigger support will help you progress yes, You will probably take this the wrong way again, knowing you, but to compete in higher divisions, you have to have a nucleus of a decent fanbase or you cant compete, unless like Crawley you have a wealthy benefactor. That is why teams like Barnet, Macllesfield,Cheltenham, D and G and now Stevenage will not stay long in League 1 for long which has been proven over many years.

You may be able to sustain play off pushes in League 2, but unless you can get averages of above 3k, you aint going to survive above that.

Its just common sense.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 12:20
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Boom Boom wrote:For 75K we could do better too. You are all wetting yourself at the appointment of Buckle being appointed, so much so you keep coming on the forum banging on about it. I doubt you would've paid attention but our run into the playoffs coincided with introduction of Craig Stanley (thanks Milton, no not you Buckle) which suggests some of the contribution to our recent success has been behind the scenes.

You've must have seen the laughable subs that Buckle used in the final, brought off our left back Kevin Nicholson who is our set piece specialist. You know, creates goals out of nothing due to his corner & free-kick ability. He replaced him with Rowe-Turner, another left back, who's featured about 5 times this season. We were chasing the game. I'm grateful for what he's done but sometimes he just quite simply leaves you scratching your head & I expect like the final he'll be outhought by managers like Westley so many more times next season.

Bristol Rovers to bounce back at the 1st attempt? Over confidence or arrogance......I'll go for the latter.
Nobody is wetting themselves, but Buckle is a young bloke really, and in his first managerial post, did well at Torquay, but of course he is going to make mistakes, I must admit that you were poor in the final, but to say he was outfought by Westley is a bit harsh, Stevenage are massive hoofball merchants and won on the day, but sh*t happens. In the other final Peterbrough were totally outplayed by Hudders, yet somehow came away 3-0 victors, it doesn't mean that suddenly Lee Clark got outclassed by Ferguson. Pterbrough just got lucky on the day.

On the other hand in your semi-final Paul Buckle whipped wily old fox Graham Turner, I am sure you were not saying he was inept then were you?

Its confidence not arrogant, we already have the best goalkeeper in League 2 by a mile signing soon, and already have a nucleas of 5 players that will be the spine. I am not saying that we are going to walk the league because Crawley are spending big, I imagine Swindle and Plymuff will be there or thereabouts aswell, as well as yourselves, Shrewsbury, Southen and the like.

But I am confident of at least a top 6 finish.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 12:02
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Boom Boom wrote:
Come off it, you're loving it. You must be enjoying the fact you've got Mr Arrogant & now by the sounds of things Zebroski.

Perhaps "the club on the up" was based on league positions?

I'm not emotional but you may well be if you're expecting Buckle is some lower league Mourinho. :rofl:

No wonder you love Torquay if you keep nabbing all our players & staff of us.........
Im not loving it at all, just dont like people being contradictory.

I must admit I am confident in regards to buckle yeah, I think Rovers will bounce back at the 1st attempt, and I think Rovers have appointed the right man for a change.

Who has said that Buckle is some sort of special one? What I do know though is that for someone who has barely turned 40 he has been pretty succesful in his short career to date.

I am not happy that we are nabbing your players, because with no disrespect we should be aiming higher than players like Zebroski, Rovers need players with the pedigree to play at a higher level and I dont think Zebroski has that, Plus for 75k we could do a lot better.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 11:55
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

No honestly Gasheads always new Paul Trollope was not a very good manager. The first 2 seasons it was all down to Lennie Lawrence. Paul Trollope inherited Ian Atkins side, and Lennie Lawrence signed the likes of Rickie Lambert to compliment it, to the outsider it may have looked like he was a good, young up and coming manager, but he had Lennie holding his hand doing most of the work. As soon as Lennie left, Trollope signed his own players who were nothing short of useless, on long, lucrative contracts and spent a lot of money on them, we spent more money than Millwall, Swansea, Peterbrough et al and look where they are now, and look at us, relegated to League 2.

I am just warning you, god help you if Trollope gets your job.

I agree there is more to life than size and money, but to a 24 year old lad, Big city life would appeal to him more than being down by the seaside which in all due respect is pretty dismal apart from when the sunshines for a few months.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 11:48
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

regiment wrote: I am not going to start slagging you off, but some Torquay fans really do chat utter nonsense.

Be honest with yourself please, I dont really know much about Zebroski, but I am sure a guy like that would like to live in the bright lights of Bristol rather than in Torquay/Torbay where it is pretty misrerable until a few months in the summer, also he will earn more at Rovers. I admire your loyalty but why would you deny a player the chance not only to better himself but earn as much has he can also? Like you said he is 24 and might have a young family to support, playing for Bristol Rovers will give him better financial rewards, and also a better chance of playing at a higher level, No disrespect intended.

How are Rovers a sham? And a sinking ship? Dont mug yourself off.

Torquay are a club moving forward? Is that why for your biggest game for a number of years playing in English club footballs biggest and best stadium, you took less fans than our very poor average home gate? And the high quality long list of potential new managers? What the likes of Paul Trollope and Dave Penney?

Now like I said Im not here to slag you off, but a lot of Torquay fans on here start crying about Gasheads being disrespectful to Torquay, yet you write drivel like that? Talk about Pot, Kettle Black.

Dont be silly and think that Zebroski is worth more than 75k, he isn't, he is a decent League 2 player, nothing more. Will Hoskins went to Brighton for 500k and he has got more talent in his left testicle than Zebroski will ever have in his whole body...Again it is not a dig but an honest assesment.

I like Torquay and have no malice with you whatsoever but some of your fans need to chill out and be a bit more honest with yourselves.
with all due respect, i'm guessing you thought he was a high quality manager once upon a time ??

like you, i'm not interested in slagging anyone off here, it's just opinions, but just because we had a "small" following to old trafford doesn't mean we're not a club progressing and moving forward. you might get bigger crowds than us, but it won't win you promotion. just ask a bradford fan. i'm from London, lived here all my life, it's a great city, but i also respect that people may prefer living in Bristol, Torquay, Afghanistan, etc etc, and so will i one day, i'm sure. Some people need to realise there's more to life than size and money.[/quote]
No honestly Gasheads always new Paul Trollope was not a very good manager. The first 2 seasons it was all down to Lennie Lawrence. Paul Trollope inherited Ian Atkins side, and Lennie Lawrence signed the likes of Rickie Lambert to compliment it, to the outsider it may have looked like he was a good, young up and coming manager, but he had Lennie holding his hand doing most of the work. As soon as Lennie left, Trollope signed his own players who were nothing short of useless, on long, lucrative contracts and spent a lot of money on them, we spent more money than Millwall, Swansea, Peterbrough et al and look where they are now, and look at us, relegated to League 2.

I am just warning you, god help you if Trollope gets your job.

I agree there is more to life than size and money, but to a 24 year old lad, Big city life would appeal to him more than being down by the seaside which in all due respect is pretty dismal apart from when the sunshines for a few months.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 11:39
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Boom Boom wrote:BritishGas, you stilllllll here? Bore off!

Banging on about attendances ZzzzzzZzzzzzzzZ change the record for once, so what if we took what we did to the Stevenage game, doesn't make us any less of a club.
I will bore off

I just dont like hypocrites.

Torquay fans crying over Gasheads apparently being arrogant, yet Gulls fans slag Rovers off left , right and centre.

I wasn't banging on about attendances, just stating a fact. If Torquay were a club on the up surely you would of mustered up more support to one of your biggest games for years.

I think that proved to everybody that watched the game that the Torbay area doesn't have much of a footballing interest.

Again a Gull fan takes it the wrong way, and gets all emotional.

I never said it makes you any less of a club, I have stated many times I like Torquay.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 11:28
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

Fonda wrote:I m particularly enjoying these Rovers fans coming onto our board, insisting they are not here to take the p*** and then proceeding to do exactly that.

How highly do you expect us to talk of your club when you ve just nabbed our manager and are now back asking about the qualities of the players that are going to follow him?

If you don t like the responses, don t ask the questions.
Fonda, thats the nature of football im afraid.

Brighton nabbed Will Hoskins of us for 500k, when he is worth at least double that, Gasheads dont start slagging of Albion.

Its funny that you claim Rovers nabbed him off you, and before he left, most of you were hoping he didn't leave, yet now he has you start slagging him off calling him all sorts of obscenities.

Football really is a fickle world.
by BritishGAS
02 Jun 2011, 11:16
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Zebroski
Replies: 126
Views: 10677

Re: Zebroski

PhilGull wrote: And why would he go anywhere? He is 24 years old and at his 5th club, after all the trouble he has had in the past he has finally found a club he feels comfortable working at and an area he feels comfortable living in.
Everyone knows that Rovers are a sham. Like has been said before it's difficult to get players to Torquay but once we have them they love it. Our own Mr. Branston seems more willing to stay than follow Buckle to the sinking ship that is Rovers.
Torquay are a club moving forward, hence the apparently high quality and long list of potential new managers. Rovers are not.
I am not going to start slagging you off, but some Torquay fans really do chat utter nonsense.

Be honest with yourself please, I dont really know much about Zebroski, but I am sure a guy like that would like to live in the bright lights of Bristol rather than in Torquay/Torbay where it is pretty misrerable until a few months in the summer, also he will earn more at Rovers. I admire your loyalty but why would you deny a player the chance not only to better himself but earn as much has he can also? Like you said he is 24 and might have a young family to support, playing for Bristol Rovers will give him better financial rewards, and also a better chance of playing at a higher level, No disrespect intended.

How are Rovers a sham? And a sinking ship? Dont mug yourself off.

Torquay are a club moving forward? Is that why for your biggest game for a number of years playing in English club footballs biggest and best stadium, you took less fans than our very poor average home gate? And the high quality long list of potential new managers? What the likes of Paul Trollope and Dave Penney?

Now like I said Im not here to slag you off, but a lot of Torquay fans on here start crying about Gasheads being disrespectful to Torquay, yet you write drivel like that? Talk about Pot, Kettle Black.

Dont be silly and think that Zebroski is worth more than 75k, he isn't, he is a decent League 2 player, nothing more. Will Hoskins went to Brighton for 500k and he has got more talent in his left testicle than Zebroski will ever have in his whole body...Again it is not a dig but an honest assesment.

I like Torquay and have no malice with you whatsoever but some of your fans need to chill out and be a bit more honest with yourselves.
by BritishGAS
01 Jun 2011, 23:00
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Sour grapes?
Replies: 59
Views: 4182

Re: Sour grapes?

Kinky John

Read before you type. It makes it easier for you and would probably stop you from rambling on like a homeless tramp, smacked off his tits on Natch and Crystal Meth. Oh wait a minute you already made it clear your from South of the river which explains it.

I have no complaints about Sheff Wed, nor do most Gasheads. Ok a few may have had cried like a bunch of girls, but the majority couldn't give a flying f*ck. I mean at least Wed, Leeds, Forest, Southampton, Norwich, Charlton et al have something to be arrogant about they are pretty big clubs.

But your lot are a complete joke, The Gas are a joke too, I have the balls to admit that, but c*ty are the most arrogant, pig headed deluded fans I have ever come across. You are a bigger joke than us, just because you have a benefactor who ploughs millions in every year and you still manage to f*ck up everything you touch.

Now I dont know why you decided to have a pop at me, maybe because the truth hurt, that you and that knobhead Simonb are bunch of schoolboy bellends, with to much time on your hands over half tem, I dont know?

I came on here to wish Torquay all the best aswell, which if your cider infested brain had read, you would of noticed. Your not an argumentative shithead, your an idiotic buffoon which goes with the teritory of being a Bristol C*ty fan, its the genes that come from the scabby, drug induced slums of South Bristol unfortunately.

I will leave you in the knowledge that Bristol C*ty are this "massive" club, who play in the best stadium, who play the best football since Brazil 1970, and have the best supporters in the world.

Tooda Loo
by BritishGAS
01 Jun 2011, 19:12
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Sour grapes?
Replies: 59
Views: 4182

Re: Sour grapes?

Twisted Gull

I am not going to shoot you down, because Simonb is a right c*nt and is making Gasheads look like a bunch of fools, I can honestly tell you that we are decent enough and I wouldn't let some adolescent tw*t, fool you into thinking we are all like that.

Rovers fans are very fickle,It is quite strange that our average att was bigger with the worst side in our history. The last time we were in League 2 struggling for our lives at the bottom of it we reguarly got 10k plus crowds against the mighty forces of Darlington, Kidderminster, and Boston, Even against yourselves I think the crowd was 12k, If Buckle can get us playing exciting, attacking, pleasing on the eye, winning football then I do think that crowds will be between 7.5k-9k, If on the other hand it is as dull, uninspiring and quite frankly sh*t like the last 5 years then crowds will be arond the same 6.5k.

Paul Buckle thinks we are "Massive" and I think Simonb heard that and has just come on here to wind you up, and from the looks of things he has conquered what he set out to do. Your lot biting back at him just fuels him up to come back with his drivel. Just ignore him and I am sure he will vanish and leave you in peace.

And John Fowler is just as bad, I mean why is a sh*thead on here? Buckle's departure was likely to have some Gasheads on here, but what has it got to do with a South Bristol scummer? he is just as bad as Simonb.

I dont mind a bit of banter, but when it comes to 2 pre-pubecent c*ty and Rovers fans chatting sh*t it is embarrasing to both Bristol clubs.

Anyway I hope you do well next season, I have always had a soft spot for Torquay and us Gasheads share your dislike in Exeter and plymuff. I hope our away fixture at Plainmoor is either in the sunshine of Aug/Sep or the closing stages in April/May, possibly a promotion party for both of us.

Also any news on Milton? There are rumours he may come and join Buckle? He is certainly well thought of and from what I hear has brought a lot of decent players to your club.

Anyway like I said, Good luck for next season.
by BritishGAS
01 Jun 2011, 18:43
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Talking about buckle !
Replies: 20
Views: 1396

Re: Talking about buckle !

Simonb is a c*nt.

Trust me, most of us Gasheads are not like that buffoon.

Just out of interest, why have Northampton Town got a chip on theire shoulder and think they are a great club? Thats Cobblers.

Paul Buckle thinks were "Massive" though. I think Simonb has listened to his interview and thought he would mimmick you.

Dont let his adolesence bother you.