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by BritishGAS
12 May 2011, 14:15
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle seen in Bristol
Replies: 244
Views: 19919

Re: Buckle seen in Bristol

That is just a post from somebody looking for a dig.

If you read my initial post, I came on here asking for Gulls fans opinions on Paul Buckle, as I didn't know to much about him, and I had heard he can be a bit naive tactically.

I then went onto say, I dont think Gulls fans could begrudge him a move to The Gas for several reasons, I did not boast about anything. Also some posts from Miagsygas were in the same vein, not boasting or being arrogant in the slightest.

I then went on to wish you luck in the play offs.

Then some people obviously took it the wrong way, and then decided to try and mock Gasheads for being a bunch of arrogant pr*cks...Just like you have done.

This is a forum, which means people debate which sometimes mean opinions differ from others, I just wanted to find out a bit more about Paul Buckle and thought this forum would be an ideal place to do just that.

I didn't expect such crybaby, juvenile responses from certain Gulls fans.
by BritishGAS
12 May 2011, 13:55
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle seen in Bristol
Replies: 244
Views: 19919

Re: Buckle seen in Bristol

I swear some of The Gull's fans are reading what they want to read and not reading what is actually in front of their screens.

Where have Rovers fans been boasting?

All I have read from Gasheads is that Paul Buckle moving to Rovers would be a step up in the long term, Its not about being a "Bigger Club", but the fact that he will have more funds to spend, a more lucrative contract personally, The chance to progress a club that are in the doldrums who should'nt be in League 2 with the finance and funds at their disposal, A chance to manage a club with a bigger fan base, A club with bigger potential who could attract a better standard of player.

I dont see any arrogance in that at all, just a realistic point of view.

The reply's from some Gulls fans have been pathetic, Ok I can understand you being agrieved that your coach who you admire is being touted as the next Gas manager, but please dont make up stuff like Rovers fans are boasting about being a bigger club, because that is bullsh*t.

I had nothing but admiration for Torquay, and all I said was that Rovers had far more potential to progress than Torquay, and then some numpty's read something completely different and started reacting like a bunch of girls.
by BritishGAS
12 May 2011, 12:06
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle seen in Bristol
Replies: 244
Views: 19919

Re: Buckle seen in Bristol

Parry why are you getting so emotional. I never slagged of Torquay, but you felt the need to come back with abitter and utterly rediculous post.

C*ty are not 3 times bigger than us, never have been and never will be, the fact that this is the 1st time that either club has been 2 divisions apart proves that, Man United, Sheff Wed, Forest, Stoke etc have all had far more superiority over there neighbours than C*ty will ever have over us.

With The mem being developed it should make Rovers a Championship Club, A city the size of Bristol should have 2 Chyampionship clubs, at the moment we are struggling but we shouldnt be thats all I am saying.

Bristol Rovers tiny to Bristol C*ty, dont make me laugh, yes they have made strides in the last 3-4 years granted but they have a hugely wealthy benefactor pumping millions into them, while Rovers have had to struggle finanacially over the last 25 years. Eastville was always a bigger ground than Ashron Gate and crowds were always at a similar level, sincethen we have had to play out in Bath and now a Rugby ground, but once The Mem gets redeveloped crowds will come back.`

Seriously trying to take the p*ss when you are small fish to the footballing power houses of Plymouth and Exeter.

Again C*ty get bigger crowds because they play in a 20k all seater stadium with a money bags benefactor, Rovers play in a sh*theap rugby ground, like I said when The Mem gets redeveloped it will be a different story.

Bristol C*ty went out of business in 1982 after finishing rock bottom of the football league and got bailed out, and the rest theys ay is history but to say they are 3-4 times bigger than Rovers is a joke.

Whats with the hostility? I was complimentary to Torquay but you have to be disflamatory and down right rude, and come out with such ludicrous bullsh*t.

It must be the sea air, or is it just hit home that it is becoming more and a more a reality that Mr Buckle is close to leaving you and joining "A small League 2 club"
by BritishGAS
12 May 2011, 11:41
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle seen in Bristol
Replies: 244
Views: 19919

Re: Buckle seen in Bristol


Trust me, you do not want Paul Trollope, He is the sole reason The Gas are where they are. He is clueless tactically, plays dire defensive football, and has signed god awful, pathetic players on 3 year contracts that we cannot get rid of. He had the chance to sign Simeon Jackson and Steve Morrison but chose to sign Jo Kuffour, Darryl Duffy and Andy Williams instead.

Although he did sign Will Hoskins on a free, the rest of the goons he signed are utter dross. He is a shocking manager and was made to look good in his 1st season because he had Lennie Lawrence holding his hand.
by BritishGAS
12 May 2011, 11:34
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle seen in Bristol
Replies: 244
Views: 19919

Re: Buckle seen in Bristol

Southampton Gull

I never said we dont deserve to be in League 2, we have been absolutely abysmal and have been shit and nothing short of useless and embarassing this season, If it wasn't for Will Hoskins we would have been relegated at Christmas.

But with our budget and transfer fee's we have paid out we shouldn't have been anywhere near the relegation zone, thats all I am saying.

Which makes it even more interesting as to why Buckle is rumoured to have been at The Mem, as if he was there looking at our players then the only one worth anything or any good is Will Hoskins, who unless you have a spare 1M to spend then you will be wasting your time. The rest of the squad apart from the loan signings are complete dogsh*t and only a fool would want to take them off our hands.

I am not giving it the billy big b*llocks at all, just telling you like it is. I have said we are sh*t and that we are nothing more than a small League 2 club at the moment but with the right manager, signing the right players, with a redeveloped Mem around the corner then Rovers will have the ingredients to improve considerably.

Whay are the cobblers fans so up there own arse?..Thats quite funny.
by BritishGAS
12 May 2011, 11:01
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Buckle seen in Bristol
Replies: 244
Views: 19919

Re: Buckle seen in Bristol

Hi guys

Another Gashead here, just thought I would throw in my 2 penny's worth.

I have to be honest and say I dont know to much about Paul Buckle, I have not been keeping tabs on League 2 football for a few years as I cant stand the god awful sh*tpit. I have heard that he is not the brightest bulb in the house when it comes to tactics, and can be a bit naive, any truth in this? A lad on our forum has said that he has been down to Plain Moor quite reguarly this season as he lives down your way and said that he sometimes leaves a lot to be desired tactically.

He seems to be doing a decent job for you lot, and from what I have read on here, you seem to hold him in quite high regard.

There have been a lot of rumours lately about our managerial situation, Buckle is high on the list and is the bookies favourite, Danny Wilson is getting a mention and then the obvious ones are being thrown aboutlike Adie Boothroyd, Kevin Blackwell, Micky Adams....Even Paulo Di Canio's name has been thrown into the mix. I would prefer an up and coming young manager who has fresh ideas rather than just another journeyman just looking for an extra pay day, And Buckle according to you lot seems like he is indeed just that.

On the Buckle rumours though I must say that I dont agree with a lot of what you are saying, yes you could get promoted and be a division higher than us, or in the same league next season, but you have to look at the bigger picture. If he were to leave you to come to the Gas, then he will have a far bigger budget to work it, he could attract better quality players, his wages will be improved, playing in front of bigger crowds, and a much better opportunity to better himself. Whether you like it or not, Rovers are a sleeping giant, we are a big city club, with a massive potential, once the stadium gets sorted out, Rovers should be in the Championship playing in fornt of 15k fans, yes at the moment we are a small league 2 club like yourselves, but Rovers shouldn't be in this god awful division, when we came down last time it was the 1st time in our history we had been in the bottom division, and we were adamant that it would not happen again, unfortuantly it has and we are now 2 divisions below City which is the biggest gap either club has enjoyed over the other and it hurts, but be honest with yourself Torquay will always be at this level, you are punching above your weight, but at Rovers their is potential to go places. Yes it is a challenge if Buckle was to take it, but it certainly is not a backward step like some of you are saying.

Anyway good luck in the play offs, and i hope you beat The Shrews. Also just look at Rovers attendances at Wembley and Cardiff in the Play Offs and JPT, 45k fans at both finals, what could Torquay take to the equivilent maybe 15k? Thats the difference.

Edit: I will also be making my annual pilgrimage to Torquay in August, I have a time share at the Osbourne hotel, which isnt a bad little gaff. my handsome self will be making an appearnce in Mambo's as per usual to mesmerise the ladies with my stunning looks and physique. Im quite fond of The English Riviera