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by Kinky John Fowler
10 Sep 2014, 15:06
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Bristol Rovers set to launch investigation into allegations
Replies: 24
Views: 1904

Bristol Rovers set to launch investigation into allegations

RussianGull wrote:Thugs. No place for that in sport.
All clubs have idiots, I wonder if they would have the guts to try the same thing at The New Den?

I doubt it somehow.

Angry little men upset at the fact that people don't take them or their club seriously.
by Kinky John Fowler
04 May 2014, 12:05
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Wycombe Wanderers Match Thread
Replies: 124
Views: 17733

Torquay United v Wycombe Wanderers Match Thread

Dave_Pougher wrote: Think they were after the Bristol City fans that had decided to "pop in" to the away end today & who can blame them, but I take your point.
Rovers fans were in with Birmingham fans at Ashton Gate last year when Bristol City got relegated, if they can't take it they shouldn't do it themselves. If there were City fans in attendance yesterday, they kept themselves to themselves as the Mansfield fans on their forum clearly didnt even know they were there. The group of 30 or so fans in the away section yesterday that Gasheads thought were City fans travelled to Bristol on Mansfield coaches according to Stags fans.

You say "who can blame them" I think its a shame that you seem to suggest that Rovers fans actions yesterday can be excused by the possibility of a handful of City fans being in the ground. No excuse for it IMO, disgusting behaviour.

To the rest of you Gulls fans, I sincerely hope you are back in the Football League at the earliest possible opportunity. Always a shame to see a proper football club with decent fans fall through the trapdoor. Good luck :)
by Kinky John Fowler
02 May 2014, 10:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bristol rovers face a fine or WORST
Replies: 62
Views: 9343

Bristol rovers face a fine or WORST

Richinns wrote:The was no excuses for either set of fans that night (the idiot 5% that is as, I am sure the real fans of both clubs would want to distance themselves from anything to do with it). It was truly shameful to watch
Totally agree, it wasnt great to watch from close up either. I don't condone the bad behaviour of City fans and i admit that, unfortunately, we have a reputation for having a large number of hooligans. Rovers need to get their own house in order on this issue as well, many of them refuse to acknowledge that they are no better than City in this respect.

Incidentally, there was no encroachment on to the pitch by Gasheads that I could see during the JPT match (and I was stood one block away from them) so I don't even know why Glostergull mentioned this match as Bristol Rovers Football Club cannot be punished for the actions of 'Sheeds' at 'Trashton' :lol:, they have however been guilty of throwing their weight around smaller venues in L2 over the last few years. Bet they wouldn't do it at The Den.
by Kinky John Fowler
02 May 2014, 10:16
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Bristol rovers face a fine or WORST
Replies: 62
Views: 9343

Bristol rovers face a fine or WORST

Glostergull wrote:Maybe I can shed some light on this.
Rovers had problems earlier this season because of trouble at Trashton against The Sheeds
The sheeds invaded the pitch and set at the Rovers fans. some of whome invaded the pitch.
Awww bless. I notice that you don't mention that the trouble that night was started by your holier than thou mates when a scruffy little mob turned up 15 minutes late and made a pathetic attempt to get to City fans in the Williams Stand. As someone who was actually at the game, not watching on TV, I can tell you that changed the whole atmosphere inside the ground.

Stop making excuses for your buddies and accept that they are worried because of their own "we'll go where we want and do what we want" 'too big for L2' attitude. They aren't going to get a points deduction anyway.
by Kinky John Fowler
29 Apr 2014, 12:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Good Luck From The Gas
Replies: 25
Views: 2849

Good Luck From The Gas

frenchgull wrote:but for the life of me I do not understand why you do not join up with City to make a premier league side,divided we fall?.
How very dare you :lol:

The reason is that Rovers fans wouldn't watch a Bristol United and City fans wouldn't watch a Bristol United.
by Kinky John Fowler
26 Dec 2013, 01:52
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Bristol Rovers 26/12/13
Replies: 99
Views: 14862

Torquay United v Bristol Rovers match thread

Glostergull wrote:Hi Guys.
I bet John Cleese would turn out in yellow for us.
He probably would, John Cleese is a Bristol City fan.

Good luck today.
by Kinky John Fowler
14 Feb 2013, 15:55
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MArtin get well wishes from Rovers
Replies: 6
Views: 1325

Re: MArtin get well wishes from Rovers

Get Well soon, Martin
by Kinky John Fowler
25 Jan 2013, 13:18
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Rovers get new stadium?
Replies: 16
Views: 1606

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Southampton Gull wrote: I actually enjoy seeing them squabble :)
We are like a couple of 'Vicky Pollards' shouting "SHHHUTTTUP" and "DO I LOOK BOVVVERED" in the middle of Asda (or Asdal as we call it in Bristle).

by Kinky John Fowler
25 Jan 2013, 13:14
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Rovers get new stadium?
Replies: 16
Views: 1606

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

Richinns wrote:OK - well if that is the case then let me light the fuse!

In 5 year’s time what are your predictions for where Gas and City will be respectively. Would be interesting to see where (and by how far!) your's and John's predictions differ!

This is my honest opinion.

Bristol City are currently staring relegation from the Championship in the face. Our previous manager, Derek McInnes was sacked about 6 weeks too late IMO and whilst we have employed a good manager in Sean O' Driscoll he isn't a miracle worker. It's very difficult to see us staying up this season however I have more faith in SO'D bringing stability to our performances next season. BritishGas is correct in pointing out that we have huge debts, however our debts are owed to one of the richest men in the country who has stated that he wants to make the club self sufficient in the future (hence the need for a new stadium) and has also said he wouldn't leave the club in the s**t. He has even installed his own son on the board.

From past experience, League 1 seems a very difficult division to get promoted from. I would expect another lengthy stay for City with a fair bit of mid table mediocrity. The new stadium seems a long way away at the moment due to the actions of a small group of people opposed to the new development despite the club bending over backwards to give them what they are supposedly fighting for.

In 5 years time I predict Bristol City to be mid table in League 1 and still playing at Ashton Gate.

Bristol Rovers are currently bottom of the entire Football League however they have brought in a manager who is respected by both City and Rovers fans alike. I believe this decisive action before Christmas will eventually see Rovers pull well clear of the League 2 drop zone. The new stadium represents a chance for the club to progress and there is no point denying that this is a huge step forward for them especially considering their current facilities. Of course new stadiums do not guarantee success on the pitch but they can make a club more attractive for possible signings and can generate extra income that can be invested into players as well as making the club more financially secure.

Some Gasheads I know have made grand predictions of Premiership football in 10 years time, I'm not so sure about that, Chesterfield have recently had a new stadium and I don't predict top flight football for them in the next decade either. I believe that Rovers will start their first season in their new stadium still a League 2 club but will get promoted and 'level out' for several years in League 1.

In 5 years time I predict Bristol Rovers to be mid table in League 1 paying at the new UWE stadium.

More relevant to this Forum however is where will Torquay be in 5 years time? After some successful seasons challenging for promotion you appear to have fallen away this season. Obviously you guys know far more about your prospects for the rest of the season but what about the future?
by Kinky John Fowler
21 Jan 2013, 14:21
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Rovers get new stadium?
Replies: 16
Views: 1606

Re: Rovers get new stadium?

BritishGAS wrote:
It hasn't impressed our horrible red friends, who have all got the hump :'(
Strictly speaking that isn't true though, is it BritishGas?

Most City fans I know were congratulating you on finally getting the stadium you have needed since you left Eastville. City fans are far more interested in our own Stadium application which has been approved but, as the OP pointed out, is being held up by NIMBYs who have already turned down the clubs offer of half the site to create an area for them to walk their dogs.

Any 'banter' you may have received regarding your new stadium is probably as a result of your fans ridiculous inferiority complex driven reaction to the news of the approval by screaming at any City fan you see like its some sort of victory against us.

Still, congratulations on the new stadium.
by Kinky John Fowler
24 Apr 2012, 03:54
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Good Luck
Replies: 8
Views: 1186

Re: Good Luck

dannyrvtufc4life wrote:Don't tell the Rovers fans that we get on well with a Bristol City fan, they class us as friends now ;-)
Im your dirty secret. :devil:
by Kinky John Fowler
23 Apr 2012, 14:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Good Luck
Replies: 8
Views: 1186

Re: Good Luck

cambgull wrote:I know you're up there in the clouds of Championship football KJF, but we have an extra week than you guys!

Congratulations on staying up though, great scenes the other day of sheer elation from the crowd. Nice to see some smiles on the faces of BC supporters during what must have been a frustrating season.
Damn, sorry mate. Don't read this post till next week :)

And cheers, I did post on here at the beginning of the season that I wouldn't be too surprised if BCFC and Torquay would play in League 1 next season. I was starting to really kick myself that I hadn't put any cash
on it.

It looks from the outside that Martin Ling has done a great job, after what happened at the end of last season
it's good to see.

I suppose your great form combined with Exeter's likely
relegation, Argyle floundering and making Buckle look a d*ck in front of his new fans (including several who gloated on here), it's not been a bad season so far.

Like I say, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
by Kinky John Fowler
23 Apr 2012, 02:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Good Luck
Replies: 8
Views: 1186

Good Luck

You know the score!

Really hope you get promoted next week.

Good luck Gulls, fingers crossed for you.

KJF, Bristol City
by Kinky John Fowler
31 Dec 2011, 19:54
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Kinky Johns New Year Babble
Replies: 1
Views: 388

Kinky Johns New Year Babble

So here we are, about to toast the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ on the 1st Jan 1066 and my thoughts turn to you, my Torquay chums. I have recently returned from a 2 month stretch in...umm Oil Rig in the North Sea and I have been unable to keep track of local football results due to spending most of my time curled up in my bunk, crying.

You can imagine my shock when I return home to be fully updated by my Parole Officer about the fortunes of City, yourselves and Bristol Rectum F.C. in the last 8 weeks. Needless to say, I have shed many tears since Argyle came to Bristol on boxing day and this afternoon at one stage I laughed so much I p*ssed myself. Unfortunatley however, my beloved Bristol City are hovering precariously close to the Championship drop zone so I am in no posistion to be too smug.

This does appear to be a very happy new year for the fans of Torquay Utd, Martin Ling has obviously turned things around after a mini bad spell in September (I think?) and you seem to be on the up. Spare ol KJF a couple minutes and tell me if you think the playoffs or even automatic promotion are a real possibility this year for the Gulls as Im intrested (and could maybe use any inside information for gambling purposes).

Finally, if your still reading this utter garbage, I wont be venturing out this evening. From October onwards the streets of South Bristol are awash with gangs of youths looking for people to throw fireworks at and on New Years eve the adults get in on the act as well. I cant be arrrrsssed, as we say plus its a tenner just to get in the local, sod that.

Whatever your doing, have a brilliant New Year, stay safe and maybe 2012 will bring a Bristol City vs Torquay Utd league fixture. I may even put money on it. Have a good one.


Kinky John Fowler
by Kinky John Fowler
29 Nov 2011, 15:29
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: RIP Gary Speed
Replies: 24
Views: 1991

Re: RIP Gary Speed

ferrarilover wrote: To save a fight, I'll say nought more than I disagree most strongly with the nature of this post.

Good call, Ferrarilover

Like everyone else, I dont know why he did what he did, but surely he must of been in a very dark place to do it. Sometimes people in that posistion start thinking that their family and friends would be better off without them. Whether this is what Gary Speed was thinking or not (who knows?), people who find themselves in that posistion need help and should never be called selfish or cowardly. Just my opinion though.

RIP Gary Speed and deepest sympathies to his family