I would have personally recommended he listen to Definately Maybe as that encapsulates the rawness of the genre, anything they produced after that is as weak as err, i'd say as weak as a cup of PG Tips. Definately Maybe is the Yorkshire Tea of Oasis albums and obviously anything that comes from Yorkshire is the best.

Alan Knill's men, not Martin Ling's men, Alan Knill's men take to the hallowed Plainmoor turf once again on saturday looking for back to back league successes since the last one at the beginning of December where we beat our guests on saturday York City 2-0 at Bootham Crescent followed by a 2-1 home win over Dagenham & Redbridge. The 2-1 victory over Chesterfield not only produced sensations in my body which i have only ever experienced at a Rammstein gig but it also gave us fans and the players the belief back that had been cruelly robbed from us by Oxford, Wycombe, Port Vale, Aldershot, Rochdale, Rotherham, Fleetwood and well, essentially every team in league 2 who have turned us over this season. Oh and politicians and my local council too, they cruelly rob us every f*cking day!!

Chesterfield Borough Council make me want to emit chunder to be honest. I pay them £95 a month for what? For leaving potholes in the roads as deep as Paris Hilton's clunge whilst the workmen sit around in vans eating pasties and reading the Daily Sport, well LOOKING at the Daily Sport. There aren't any words in it and even if there were these blokes can't read. All they can do is make noises like Patrick from Bikini Bottom, dribble food down themselves, wolf whistle at passing women as though it's somehow still acceptable and an effective pulling mechanism in 2013 and lift things. I swear that no matter WHAT time of day it is, should you pass any workmen they are GUARANTEED to be sat in their vans, the only exception being the poor dimwits who drew the short straw and have to stand at either end of the roadworks rotating a STOP/GO sign. I'd rather be unemployed and intelligent than thick as pig sh*t and have a job..................................HANG ON A MINUTE!! I'm err, umm , I have a job!

Schools are a joke, my daughter is due to start in September as she is 4 and will be taught by primary school teachers who often appear on quiz shows and know p*ss all about anything. I pay for street lighting that seems to be controlled by some bloke in a booth with a dimmer switch, i pay for my dustbins to be collected once a fortnight, i have 4 bins now. A blue one, a black one, a green one and a red one. In a years time they'll have to provide me with an attached allotment on to my property too so i am able to put all the f*cking bins in it!! I've got more bins than soft mick! What happens if i go colourblind? I'm up sh*t creek without a paddle OR a recognisable distinguishable refuse receptacle! WHAT IF I GO BLIND?!! Are the council going to 'furnish' my bins with braille so i know what goes where and will i have to pay for this service? Too bloody right i will the thieving charlatans!!

Anyway, the York game. As i have revealed on the matchday thread vote page, Nickgull is now doing the match previews and these will be on the main site. Indeed he has done his first one and it is up there now for you all to peruse at your leisure with a can of Carling and a sausage roll so please do check it out. I'm just writing all the absurd nonsense and mentioning a few bits about the game and bits and bobs so if you are expecting team line ups, player info and stuff then you've come to the wrong place. Nick should have all that malarkey up on the main site page.
Tuesday night was a seminal moment in our season, we won a game. It means we can now win another one if we want and i think we want to on saturday. I always thought that Chesterfield would be the easier game for us with York likely to be a tense and edgy affair given both team's circumstances. York have arguably been on a worse parachute jump than ourselves with ours fortunately opening in time to make a safe landing, but adhering to the strict H&S legislation and correct grounding procedures obviously whilst York's leap from the sky ( or upper realms of league 2 ) has seen their parachute open at the last possible minute meaning they have plunged into the tree (bottom 2) and are currently hanging in there shouting for help and recovery.
Is help coming for both of us? Well Joss Labadie has certainly been our emergency service whilst York will be hoping that the appointment of former Northern Ireland boss and Sheffield Wednesday player Nigel Worthington and the loan aqcuisition of ex Minsterman striker Richard Cresswell will come to the aid of a languishing York City.
For me personally, i have a strong history with York City having played for them as a youth, having lived nearby for many years, having been a regular in the David Longhurst terrace at Bootham Crescent for a few seasons and having enjoyed the matchday jaunts around such a fine city, coincidentally watching the seasons in which Richard Cresswell was making his name in the world of football. I was over the moon when York came back up from the football league and i desperately want them to stay up but i'm yellow through and through now and if they go down at the expense of Torquay United then so be it. I want nothing other than a Gulls win on saturday.
The Minstermen have only lost 5 on the road but have drawn an incredible 10 games, a stat i believe we would be close to matching if Ling was still in charge, and look where York are now. They haven't actually won a game since beating Burton 3-0 at Bootham on New Years Day and their last away win was back on December the 1st, a 3-2 win at Rochdale. I'm expecting a tough game, i'm expecting goals and i'm expecting a 2-2 draw.
They've got some useful players, i like Matty Blair, Jason Walker, Jamie Reed and Scotty Kerr and i think they can score goals, they just can't keep them out. The ref for this one is Roger East and in all honesty i'd rather have Roger Rabbit.
Did you know this? I'm not doing a 'TOWN OF THE DAY' because we're at home and you all know that Torquay smells of seagull droppings and sewage but for home games i'll replace it with ANDY'S FACT OF THE DAY. Yes, partridge-esque it may be but this is a slot where i, Andy or Andreas as is my full first name, will dazzle you with an amazing fact that you can tell your mates ( or mate in my case ) down the boozer and they / he will be instantly impressed with your infinate knowledge. So much so that he may even enter you as a contestant on Eggheads or something. The fact of the day for the York match is spider related and something, well the only thing i learned in my Animal degree at Lincoln Uni.
Have you ever noticed that when you chase a spider it runs frantically for a bit to escpae and then stops and then moves again?
This is because a spider has what is known as a 'book lung' and it works like a concertina filling up with air and expelling it as it expends energy in scuttling away. When the book lung empties of air, the spider has to stop to refill it and then it can go again.

I'll tell thee what. I f*cking amaze meesen sometimes tha nahs! :Oops:
AND PLEASE. DO NOT STEP ON SPIDERS. PICK THEM UP IN A CUP AND PUT THEM OUTSIDE. Spider killers only do so out of fear and if you're scared of something as big as a smartie just because it has 8 legs and feel the overwhelming need to end it's life then it's sad and so are you.

Anyway, i am trying to make this game 3rd time lucky. I had to cancel my pre-planned trip down to Plainmoor for the Wycombe game due to illness, i toyed with the idea of going to Southend but childcare issues made it impossible in the end and i'm currently working on trying to make this game as i feel it's the biggest game of the season thus far and i feel a calling to be there. God i wish those bloody voices in me head would give it a rest, yesterday they told me to watch Dickinson's Real Deal for an hour! Unbearable and that's just his face! Christ knows what he puts on it as that ain't a real sun tan. If it is he's the first human to survive a solar-orbiting trip on a spacerocket sunbed. I'd say he was orange but as he likes furniture it's friggin' mahogany.

Anyway, i am trying to put the wheels in motion so i can make this game which for me is close to a 600 mile round trip. I either have to persuade my mum to look after the bairn for 8 hours at my house which would mean picking her up from Yorkshire, driving down into Derbyshire and dropping her off at my house for 7.30 in the morning - THEN i'd have to drive down to Torquay, watch the game, drive back home and get in for about 9-10pm. This would cost me well over £120 plus i'm still feeling pretty ropey from the glandular fever thingy but i'm prepared to do that for the lads!!!!!! COYY!!!!!
I could do all that, stay in a hotel with my mum and bairn and go to somewhere like Longleat or summat on the sunday but that would mean my mum and little un stuck in a hotel for God knows how many hours with nothing to do whilst i go to Plainmoor. It would also cost a lot more than £120.
First of all i am prepared to serve my club and to do what is necessary ( some of you may say then stay the f*ck away then you jinx! Eh Scott?!

So peoples, relax and enjoy the game and i should know tomorrow if i'm going or not and if so it would be great to meet up with Dave ( Forever) again in B&L and possibly any more of you that don't wish to cave my teeth in and hopefully i'll take up the same place on the pop as i did in the Northampton game next to Bengull and his old man near the singers.

Finally i shall end this sombre thread, sombre because Nick has nicked all my footy facts ( good irish racehorse that was ) and i've nothing to write but endless trivia which i hope in some small way makes someone smile. Only joking Nick. :na:
Hope to get down there for the game and as always...........COME ON YOU YELLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!