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Post by chunkygull »

Gullscorer wrote: And people who begin any description of something for sale with the words 'COLLECTORS' ITEM'. Yes I know they're doing us a favour because it tells us the price they're asking is a rip-off, but collectors don't need telling, and it's still annoying! :@

both of these things really get on my t!ts. if its rare and collectible and im looking for it, surely i already know if its rare and collectible. i dont need some t0$$er to tell me, and i will know if they are lying. i know if its rare, and the chances are its not. :red:

likewise tw@ts at car boot sales who are asking way too much money for stuff. some want shop price or more. some are dearer than ebay. some are selling an item for quite a few quid more than somebody on a stall a few feet away selling the same bloody thing. greedy t0$$ers. :@

you also get that at car boots as well, "yeah thats rare mate", "yeah you dont see many of those around" "they're really hard to get hold of", "thats collectible" "you wont get 'em anywhere as cheap as that". tw@ts. :red:

they look a bit puzzled and slightly offended when i declare rather loudly that their merchandise is not rare or very collectible and indeed is actually cheaper on the internet, ebay or even high street shops. :devil:

i also dont get the bloody idiots on ebay who bid up the prices so much for 2nd hand or used stuff that they end up making the item dearer than it is brand new or used in high street shops or on various websites. :no:
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Spot on about car boots chunky. I used to love going to car boots, not because i'm a tight arse but because you can get things that you might not expect and you can get things that you may have not even considered buying normally. Now they are a pain in the arse. Full of dodgy traders selling batteries and computer games at rip off prices anyway.

To me, a car boot is all about me as a punter rooting through someones stuff and chancing on a Nirvana CD for example and because the sellers are reasonable folk out for the day just to get rid of their stuff and make some cash then I can buy the CD for a quid maybe.

No more does this happen. Sellers want 2,3 4 quid for an item one presumes they just want rid of (that's why they are having a car boot presumably?). Why take it home with them? If it's a reasonable price like a quid or maybe £1.50 then people will buy, they will sell and they will make some money. Total idiots.

I think a part of this 'greed' is driven by the owners of the car boots themselves often charging anything between 10 and 15 quid for a pitch. If you are selling lots of items on the cheap then it can take time and lots of items sold just to recoup that money back BEFORE you've started making a profit. So the greedy f*ckers who run the car boots are partly to blame.

Also I laugh at people who really DO want something for nothing. I mean if I see an item at say a fiver and I know it's worth that i'll try and maybe get the price down to £4 or £3.50 just to see if I can get away with it. After all, bargaining is all part of the fun. What I won't do is take the p*ss by offering a quid, making up some bullsh*t by telling the seller that i'd seen them somewhere else for 3p or something and then walking away and returning about 5 times throughout the car boot to try and get them to accept a ridiculously low offer, especially just as the sellers are packing away. Absolute tight c*nts these people.

I was selling some huge bags of well known cat food well in date which you can get in pets at home for £60. I started selling them at £25 then reduced them to £15 and eventually had to reduce them to a tenner and even then I only sold one. I must have had over 100 enquiries about how much they were but people want something for nothing. £10 for some top of the range cat food that would feed their cat for nearly 6 months and yet STILL it was too much. If you can't afford a tenner for that then really you shouldn't really be owning a cat either you tight, greedy morons!!!!

So in a nutshell, car boots are now full of dodgy market traders, greasy death burger vans, tattooed women and tossers.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Tossers selling cat food? ;-)

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Post by Gullscorer »

Genital mutilation: I moved this to the 'Politics' thread as it's more appropriate there.
Last edited by Gullscorer on 14 Jul 2013, 10:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »


Roll on winter! :lol:
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Wisconsin_gull »

People who come round with canned beer...no, no ,no ,no , no
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!! There's a heatwave now is there? A few months ago we were shivering and bailing out flood water from our homes and now we are going to hospital in our droves panting. Drink water and stay out of the f*cking sun then you stupid pr*cks!!! It's not rocket science!!
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by usagullmichigan »

Andy. I'll swap my heat for your heat, you pansy :)
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

usagullmichigan wrote:Andy. I'll swap my heat for your heat, you pansy :)
I was just thinking that. How the bloody hell do people think you lot over in good old U.S of A cope with some of the highest temperatures on the planet like in Death Valley? Even though i'm of Austrian descent but legally British sometimes being British is a real f*cking embarrassment. I mean how thick can some people be?!! Just keep cool, wash down, drink water and don't go sunbathing in million degrees heat and then rock up at the local hospital with heatstroke or something because if I was a nurse they'd get their arses booted out of my hospital! (Just like drunks would on a Friday and Saturday night but that's another story) :)

It must be hell living over there in such heat USA, I mean it must be hell living over there full stop but the heat just makes it worse! :lol: :na:
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by usagullmichigan »

haha. It is. tonights low temp will 78 with high humidity. it's been nearly 100 all week with high humidity.
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Post by Gullscorer »

In America they have something most people here have never heard of: air conditioning. Me, I can't afford it. And so I simply ignore the two or three weeks of hot summer weather.

Different in the winter: I'm just a big polar bear, so I wander around without a coat, no problem, but I complain bitterly about buildings with their central heating turned up to 40 degrees! Yet I once had a month's holiday in temperatures above 40, and ignored the heat, and survived.

Basically, I suppose I think cool when it's hot, and think warm when it's cold. I'm thinking I might have bi-polar disorder..
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Post by Gullscorer »

usagullmichigan wrote:haha. It is. tonights low temp will 78 with high humidity. it's been nearly 100 all week with high humidity.
You'd better make it clear you're not using the Celsius temperature scale. Otherwise people might begin to believe you're Superman.. =D
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Post by usagullmichigan »

Gullscorer wrote:In America they have something most people here have never heard of: air conditioning. Me, I can't afford it. And so I simply ignore the two or three weeks of hot summer weather.

Different in the winter: I'm just a big polar bear, so I wander around without a coat, no problem, but I complain bitterly about buildings with their central heating turned up to 40 degrees! Yet I once had a month's holiday in temperatures above 40, and ignored the heat, and survived.

Basically, I suppose I think cool when it's hot, and think warm when it's cold. I'm thinking I might have bi-polar disorder..

Not everyone has AC. I didn't until a couple of years ago. It's very punishing.
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Post by usagullmichigan »

Gullscorer wrote: You'd better make it clear you're not using the Celsius temperature scale. Otherwise people might begin to believe you're Superman.. =D
I am superman =D
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