Balance of the Team

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Post by Kit_robin »

Knill said as much himself in pre-season. Something along the lines that players need time to get up to speed, and that they will get ten games before any major changes.

I would expect knill to take stock after this period and then consider any changes of personnel, and even if reinforcements are needed.
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Post by dazgull »

It doesn't help that Mansell is doing everything now. Tackling, taking corners/free kicks and trying to pass it too......well if he could do all that he would be playing in the Premiershite. Mansell/Harding are two of a kind and there is very little passing from them. We now have an abundance of attacking wingers/forwards yet nobody gives them a ball to take anyone on. Even when Chappell came on he didn't actually take a fullback on a one on one for about 15mins as he was just picking up bits and pieces. We all know he has talent then let him take the defenders on and get some crosses into the box from a different angle, im sure the likes of Hawley, Benyon and Ball would be well happy with that.

In time Craig has to come into the team. Forget his poor performances last season out of position he is by far the best passer/crosser of the ball we have (its being totally wasted) and an excellent shot on him too. When he was doing that back in last October time, we were in the playoffs, Howe was scoring and Craig was player of the month. If he played a more holding roll that could then let Mansell go forward more and us having another player in the box instead of just two forwards, he scored plenty doing that a couple of years ago.

This wont happen for a while whilst Knill gives them ten games to see what they can do. We might get a couple of scrappy wins during that time but hopefully then see where we are team wise and can push on. The potential is there, just need the players to show it.
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Post by DevonYellow »

Fonda wrote:We've played 3 (league) games. And whilst we've not won, we've only been beaten once. It's hardly definitive proof that his preferred team isn't going to work. It's about forming partnerships. It will take time, and continuity is a part of that. If, in 4 or 5 weeks time, there has been no improvement, changes might be contemplated. But not yet in my opinion.
Bang on. I watched the football league program on sky sports yesterday evening and Lee Clark said managers will not truly know until 10/12 games in what they can expect from their sides.
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Post by tomogull »

DevonYellow wrote: Bang on. I watched the football league program on sky sports yesterday evening and Lee Clark said managers will not truly know until 10/12 games in what they can expect from their sides.
Fair enough but there is a weakness in midfield which is plain for all (including AK and CB of course) to see and if we have to wait for 10/12 games for change(s) to be made, we will be well below halfway in the league
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Post by chunkygull »

by tomogull = Fair enough but there is a weakness in midfield which is plain for all (including AK and CB of course) to see and if we have to wait for 10/12 games for change(s) to be made, we will be well below halfway in the league
:goodpost: i totally agree with this. :)

and, not just during this season so far but last also,and it surely cant continue much longer the way it is, add to that a weakness at left back that needs sorting. sorry nicho.
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Post by chunkygull »

interesting article on the subject - ... 23565.aspx
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Post by Dave »

Indeed Chunky.

However being honest I think the article is more stating the obvious, we have atleast 7 new players in the starting line up. Three games in, is not the time to press the panic button, start changing the formation and make wholesale changes to the starting line up.

All that was ever needed was time to let things settle down and bed in, 10-12 game mark is the time to take stock, AK is not noted for pulling his punches, if it's broke, he will try to fix it.
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Post by SkyBlueGull »

Havent posted for ages - for many personal reasons

This was my post back in August - note the highlighted bits,

I would add the following

I would much rather we had played Craig and Yeoman for the first10 games - and found out they were either bloody good or bloody crap and if the latter got some loanees in - whilst there was still 30 games to go.

Instead we will probably throw them in with 8 games to go - they perform brilliantly but it is too late.

Exactly how many loanees have we had this season - is there a limit?

Have any of the strikers been any better than Ashley - how does he feel at 22 when he sees 19 year old "no mark" from Bolton coming down.

He hasnt been given a chance and he ( and I) must be gutted

So my observations are based upon the comments I have seen on here and the actual radio commentaries of the 3 games rather than seeing any of the games in the flesh so please don't berate me for not having been. I am just expressing an opinion from deepest darkest Warwickshire.

To me - the balance in midfield doesn't seem right with Mansell and Harding. There isn't that "wow" factor, that sense of anticipation that I used to get when I heard that Fowler, Russell or O'Kane were on the ball, that something was going to happen. (This may sound silly but I have listened to a lot of commentaries over the years).

Both of these players seem to similar - in the past we have played well with a workmanlike "box to box" midfielder and a playmaker. We don't seem to have that "playmaker" at the moment. I really would like to see Craig be given a go. I feel it could be so reminiscent of O'Kane - who spent almost a season in the shadows - before being given a chance. I don't feel Craig has been given that chance and needs a run in the side - to find his feet - and become the new O'Kane Mark 2. If it doesn't work out then get him off the wage bill - but I would rather try and explore his talents now at the beginning of the season - rather than at the back end of the season - where if we are in trouble - his type of player becomes a luxury you cant afford when you need to grind out results.

A couple of other observations

Central defence - I remember when Saah joined - we all thought he was a liability after a few games - that the jump up from the Conference was too much - but after 6+ games he began to establish a great partnership with Downes. I am hoping/anticipating that this will be the same with Downes and Pearce - remember they only got together some 3 days before the start of the season.

I feel really sorry for Yeoman and fear for his future at TUFC - I thought he did very well at Morecombe and Bristol Rovers at the back end of last season and thought this year would be his opportunity. We kept hearing about how he was the best finisher in the club ( in training) and he demonstrated that to me at Morecombe. I don't feel that the lad has been given a "fair crack of the whip" - he is in the doldrums - and his future looks to be elsewhere without ever having been given the chance of an extended run in the team. I will rue the day he goes because I feel that there is a talent there that we wont - but some other club will - benefit from

As I say just some humble opinions.

This may sound silly but I have listened to a lot of commentaries over the years[/quote]
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Post by Sunnysideup »

SkyBlueGull wrote:I feel really sorry for Yeoman and fear for his future at TUFC - I thought he did very well at Morecombe and Bristol Rovers at the back end of last season and thought this year would be his opportunity. We kept hearing about how he was the best finisher in the club ( in training) and he demonstrated that to me at Morecombe. I don't feel that the lad has been given a "fair crack of the whip" - he is in the doldrums - and his future looks to be elsewhere without ever having been given the chance of an extended run in the team. I will rue the day he goes because I feel that there is a talent there that we wont - but some other club will - benefit from
As I say just some humble opinions.
Im inclined to agree with you there. It seems strange though that he's only made sporadic appearances under 4 managers now. Is it a question of mental attitude maybe?
Apathy's ok though, nobody's that fussed about it........
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Post by Gulliball »

I think it's a question of pressure on the manager. Chris Hargreaves took over fighting to keep us in the league, as did Knill last year. Blooding a youngster under that pressure is risky for everyone as there's no time to grow into the team. It's the same in the Premier League, if you know you will be sacked in 6 months unless you win every week, there is nothing to gain from long term planning, so the youngsters coming through have to be exceptional to get a chance.
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