Cats are great

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Post by chunkygull »

cats are great but dogs are cool. :)

and murkin the dog is the coolest. he helps his owner look after abandoned animals, he loves cats.

check this out, there are loads of brilliant videos of him with kittens/cats and other cats by his owner. i love it when cats and dogs get along.


check out the rest, brilliant.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

It's October 2013 now and the conclusive evidence indicates that cats are indeed better than most things in the whole wide world. They are better than putting £20.01 in your fuel tank and being let off with the penny, they are better than finding some change in the vending machine, they are better than seeing someone trip up only to compose themselves and carry on as though nobody has seen them, they are better than approaching a traffic light just as it turns green, they are better than the feeling you get when you see Plymouth and Exeter lose, they are better than dogs, they are better than the feeling you had when you went out round town as a yoof with a condom in your wallet only for it to still be there six years later, they are better than an away day at Accrington, they are better than Cliff Richard's dentist, they are better than finding out you had something in the supermarket trolley which you accidentally didn't pay for but got away with, they are better than a fry up, they are better than guests on Jeremy Kyle, they are better than when someone in a pay and display car park gives you their ticket with 4 hours still left on, they are a million times better than entering a public toilets and finding them empty so you don't have to suffer the embarrassment of standing there for 10 minutes next to another bloke whilst trying to force urine out of a tube the thickness of a strand of spaghetti, they are better than all these things and that my friends is why cats are the best and always will be.

Oh and they are stupid and look f*cking gormless too! :)

LONG LIVE CATS!!! (I bet mine will the bleedin' parasites - costing me an arm and a leg! How old do they get? :-/ ) :lol:
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Post by stevegull »

But are they better than tables?

That great question remains unanswered. And will for generations.
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Post by chunkygull »

cats are ok, they might even be great :-D , but dogs are frickin' awesome and cool :).

would you like to have this one -
imagesCAQ1L2I1.jpg (10.37 KiB) Viewed 3876 times
or this one -

imagesCA55DH55.jpg (9.11 KiB) Viewed 3876 times
but it is great when they get along -
imagesCAJQ18L3.jpg (8.16 KiB) Viewed 3876 times
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Post by ferrarilover »

Bugger cats, I'm getting me a hedgehog.

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

ferrarilover wrote:Bugger cats, I'm getting me a hedgehog.

You can actually keep a hedgehog in your garden Matt and it would quite happily stick around with the right environment for it. Obviously it wouldn't be yours, it's a wild animal and we've enough of morons wanting wild animals as pets or wanting to alter their genetics so that they can be a different colour but I am fully aware you appreciate this and are therefore not a moron. :na: :lol:

I am though but I stop short of keeping wild animals. :)

If you need any hedgehog advice mate then as usual, send me a PM! :) :lol:
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

AustrianAndyGull wrote: You can actually keep a hedgehog in your garden Matt and it would quite happily stick around with the right environment for it. Obviously it wouldn't be yours, it's a wild animal and we've enough of morons wanting wild animals as pets or wanting to alter their genetics so that they can be a different colour but I am fully aware you appreciate this and are therefore not a moron. :na: :lol:

I am though but I stop short of keeping wild animals. :)

If you need any hedgehog advice mate then as usual, send me a PM! :) :lol:
So is a cat - I'm sure you can't legally own one, whereas a dog, for example, you can.

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

A cat is a domestic animal and as such is legally classed as 'property' just like a tv, car or a piece of jewellery. A wild cat or any sub species thereof and it's a different story, we go down the road of licensing and even ownership being completely illegal.

You couldn't just nick a Scottish wildcat (if you can find one nowadays) from the hills off Grampian and take it home.

I've a feeling you're taking the p*ss out of me Scott and that's fine, i'm easy (although NOT homosexual) oops i'm anti gay now too! :lol:

(obviously it's a joke, i'm not anti gay) :-D
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

If I hit a dog I am legally obliged to report the incident. Equally, if a dog ran out in front of me and caused an accident the owner of the dog could be held legally responsible for letting the dog loose.

Run over a cat and I am not obliged to report it, and equally, if you let the cat run in front of my car, even if I could prove you "owned" said cat, nothing could be done about it.

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Post by happytorq »

ferrarilover wrote:Bugger cats, I'm getting me a hedgehog.

buggering a hedgehog sounds painful, but whatever floats your boat, Matt.

*as long as the hedgehog gives informed consent.
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Post by ferrarilover »

Not so, Scotty. Tortious liability in negligence is assessed by a three part test.
Did D owe a duty?
Was the duty breached?
Did some harm arise as a result?

To establish duty owed, we use the Neighbour test. Since a neighbour might be someone within close proximity, if an incident occurred outside D's home, then a duty would certainly be owed.

The breach would occur when D allowed his cat to escape the home having been reasonably aware that the cat could wander into the road.

If C then crashes, the harm is complete. We have duty, breach and harm, leading to liability.

From crime, I'd suggest that if I took next door's kitty and refused to return it, I would be held to have stolen it. The Theft Act allows that I would have, "Dishonestly appropriated property belonging to another..."

Andy, I'm after an African Pygmy Hedgehog, I'm in the waiting list for one from Teignmouth. I've wanted one for ages. The breeder is very helpful, but I might well PM you if I get stuck.

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Not heard of the African Pygmy Matt, i'm assuming as you say they are bred then they have been domesticated to a certain extent? My comments were aimed at folk who were maybe picking hedgehogs up from the wild and keeping them as pets which obviously isn't acceptable. Don't feed it dog or cat meat though, you can buy specially formulated stuff now for spike so i'd have a chat with the breeder.
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Post by ferrarilover »

These APH are the domesticated ones which loads of people now keep as pets. Cat food is the thing recommended for them, so long as it's got the right amount of protein and not to much fat content. If you Google Africa Pygmy Hedgehog, you'll get an idea of what the little fellas look like.

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Post by Scott Brehaut »

ferrarilover wrote:Not so, Scotty. Tortious liability in negligence is assessed by a three part test.
Did D owe a duty?
Was the duty breached?
Did some harm arise as a result?

To establish duty owed, we use the Neighbour test. Since a neighbour might be someone within close proximity, if an incident occurred outside D's home, then a duty would certainly be owed.

The breach would occur when D allowed his cat to escape the home having been reasonably aware that the cat could wander into the road.

If C then crashes, the harm is complete. We have duty, breach and harm, leading to liability.

From crime, I'd suggest that if I took next door's kitty and refused to return it, I would be held to have stolen it. The Theft Act allows that I would have, "Dishonestly appropriated property belonging to another..."

Andy, I'm after an African Pygmy Hedgehog, I'm in the waiting list for one from Teignmouth. I've wanted one for ages. The breeder is very helpful, but I might well PM you if I get stuck.

Surely that would depend on whether the cat itself is deemed to have an owner - is it not a wild animal given that you have no license to pay to own it like you would a dog.

Theft - lovely, but again, is a cat deemed "property"?
Also, you have to prove the mens rea element (as you well know) - I could argue that I only intended to take said cat (assuming it is deemed to be property) for a short time to teach my neighbour a lesson. Given that they have to prove I intended to permanently deprive said neighbour of their cat, theft could not be proven.

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Post by HeavenAndHele »

Scott Brehaut wrote:Surely that would depend on whether the cat itself is deemed to have an owner - is it not a wild animal given that you have no license to pay to own it like you would a dog.
Dog licenses were abolished in 1987...
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