Player ineligible to play last night - CONFIRMED

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Post by Yellow4life » ... ticle.html

Hereford have done the same thing!!
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Post by Richinns »

Yellow4life wrote: ... ticle.html

Hereford have done the same thing!!


Why did it take so long for them to come clean on this? They must have known as soon as our news was released that they were in the same boat???

Punishment for them should be harder as they aquired 3 points from the game and we got nowt!

Replay the game - no harm - no foul!
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Post by CP Gull »

:O What an amazing coincidence.

I suppose it makes you realise what a tough job these guys (Club Secretaries) have in keeping on top of all the regulations and deadlines imposed on them by the rather stupid Transfer Windows!

It now makes the panels job a more difficult one in my opinion as loosely based on what has gone on before you might expect us (as the losing team) to just get away with a hefty fine but that Hereford (as the winning team) would probably lose the three points? But then again is that fair, given that both clubs broke the rules should they not both face the "same" punishment.

It will be interesting to see what action they take and indeed what precedent they set as I doubt there has ever been a situation like this before? Replay, anyone?
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Post by HRG »

Chalk off the game, replay it and fine us both.

Now the boy is having his nap, the toys are tidied and dvd remote de-drooled, I can truly enjoy this little nugget of information.
This has made my day. Am now waiting for the Hereford fans on the football forum who got all uppity about their goal difference responding to this one. Their goal difference being one more or less is the least of their worries now.
Last edited by HRG on 08 Feb 2011, 12:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by chippygull »

:@ Or.. just go tit-for-tat and forget about it all.
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Post by crazyfool »

Did your mother never tell you that two wrongs don't make a right??!!! ;-)

Surely there's got to be a fine heading the way of both clubs. As for the game ... replay please. We've got nothing to lose and a possible 1 or 3 points to gain.
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Post by HRG »

One Hereford fan is of the opinion that Oldham should recieve the points deduction because it's their fault.
Others say that since he was on loan Purdie was 'theirs' anyway, which he wasn't, the clue is in the word 'loan'. The confusion seems to stem from Purdie switching from loanee to permanent transfer and that pesky deadline.
They also say that if they lose points so should we, but we didn't gain anything. Would it be fair for them to lose points from the one game he was inelligible and for us to lose points from a match where we either didn't have Robinson or where he was legal.
A replay is the only sensible option, it's not like they can give us the damned points :Oops:
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Post by Regiment »

it would be nice if the FA, Football League (or whoever), had a definite set of rules for events such as this. why as it taken a week for them to confirm "we (and now Hereford) will appear before a Football Disciplinary Commission", and not even set a date ??? just turn to the appropriate page of the damn manual, issue the fine or whatever, and put it to bed. :rules:

as for the game itself now, surely the only sensible solution is a replay, but sense doesn't always come into it, and i dare say the cost to the fans etc will come into it. but if the game is replayed, will the 2 ineligible players be allowed to play ?? this is almost turning into an episode of a soap opera (without the incestual affairs, murders and pubs burning down).

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Post by happytorq »

regiment0609 wrote:this is almost turning into an episode of a soap opera (without the incestual affairs, murders and pubs burning down).
And the acting is better, even in League 2 :)
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Post by numpte »

Replay the game and let the fine be both clubs share the costs of staging the match as entry should be free to all.
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Post by lexusguy »

My guess is a fine for both clubs
We lose 3 pts as a penalty
Hereford lose 3 pts penalty and forfeit the 3 points they won
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Post by Richinns »

numpte wrote:Replay the game and let the fine be both clubs share the costs of staging the match as entry should be free to all.
Love that!

Likelihood of happening is unfortunately nil though!
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Post by Yellow4life »

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Post by Jeff »

This is a real tough scenario for the FA to deal with.

Normally they would deduct a club the points they won in the game where the ineligibility occurred - but that would leave Hereford with -3 and us with no deduction which isn't fair. Neither is it fair that both clubs get 3 points deducted.

There is no precedent for a replay, but then again there is no precedent for both teams having broken the rules in the same game.

I'm hoping that a moderate fine follows for both clubs, no points deductions, no replays, and everything is swiftly forgotten.
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Post by Yellow4life »

I like a fine and a replay- we both fielded one unregistered player it's not like we had one more than them. If anything they should be the worse off after they won.

2nd option- (I hope not)
-3 points off us and 6 off them. (3 for the player and 3 for the game they won)
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