The problem is attitude... and...

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Post by supergulls »

yellowchipmonk wrote:Hi,

I rarely post, not sure why but I enjoy reading the forum... most of the time!

It worries me that three players, Chaps, Pearce and Cameron all failed to warm-up (if that is the right terminology) at half time. Two of them remained seated, the other did a few tricks with the ball and then sat down. Aaron Downes believe it or not has a terrible attitude, as does Bowman who clearly is completely out of form at the moment.

You could argue that Bowman has some desire to be at the club being a new signing but it is very obvious both on and off the pitch that Downes and Pearce both want to leave. I remember finding a tweet many moons back almost of desperation from our very own Tom Cruise, begging for trials here, there, anywhere... According to a freedom of information request Dale Tonge is in the top three earners at the club... mmm

I wanted to also quickly mention our young goalkeeper who did makes some good stops but who also should have claimed the corner and done better with the parry leading to the second goal. I am no Martin Rice fan (mainly due to the lack of intelligence the guy has) but to say Seabright is a revalation would be premature at best.

Anyways, moving on to the midfield, I think the manager (who I so want to do well for TUFC) made a bad error in this department. Without going on and on, you decide, one less midfield signing and a full back instead or even a loan fullback? or just a squad full of midfielders, and short ones at that.

But... it all boils down to attitude, funny how when we are winning and the players are getting their win bonuses, goal bonuses and so on, everything is all merry. When you come across some tough teams made of players that barely get paid to play (they do exist in the conference) then expect a fight, in general unless the skill gap is huge, many an upset will happen. We can not just pay off expensive contracts and sign 11 Luke Youngs, but we can as a set of fans make it pretty damn obvious that it is embarrassing not when we lose but when our players let us, themselves and most importantly the club down.

Shame on some of you, I hope my children grow up with much better role models!
yellowchipmonk wrote:

Let's clear up some issues here
1. The transfer list.
The players mentioned were put on the list for non footballing reasons they were placed on that list as they were purely earning too much money, they have now been removed from that list.

2. Warming up at halftime
There is no rule in place at our club or any other as far as I'm aware that says that the players have to warm up at halftime it doesn't happen in the premiership or the higher divisions in the pyramid it seems to only happen in the lower leagues mainly because the
dressing rooms are very small and you can't get everyone in their together and have space for tactic boards, massage table etc. the away dressing rooms are always smaller again than the home teams so to allow the physio and the manager a bit of space the subs sometimes choose to make some room and have a knock up on the pitch but it is purely their choice so it would be good if we got off the lads backs as there's no bad attitude.
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Post by Behind-the-Gulls »

Very good post from Royal-you raise some excellent points.Most of my TUFC supporting mates-avid fans the lot of them, never look at or use this forum.
They express their opinions verbally but don't feel the need to share them on an internet forum-hopefully the likes of Martin Rice realise that some of the nasty and uncalled for personal remarks don't represent the majority of fans' views.Yes,Ricey's form has been poor and dropping him was the best thing to do in the circumstances but all the points Royal makes about the defence are valid too.I think Ives will be given a run in the team sooner or later and Pearce will be back before too long and hopefully get back to his best.Stick with the Forum Royal,we need rational,constructive criticism on here,rather than destructive,unnecessary personal attacks on players,who don't deserve it.
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Post by Dave »

royalgull wrote:The problem is partly attitude, in terms of how can a side beat Wrexham, Woking and Grimsby away yet get get beat so meekly at Telford and Alfreton, that has to be attitude and mindset but this also comes with young, inexperienced and also poor players and we have all 3 within the squad.

The main reason I wanted to post (and this may be the last time actually)
Ian, I didn't quote your whole post because it was a long one, but I will say now I completely agree with every word you say in it, I actually found some of the anti Martin Rice posting cringe worthy , and put up as much of a defence as possible, as you know, and I'm sure Ricey does himself he has a few poor game of late, but he's not the only one, same applies to Dale Tonge and Tom Cruise to honest, both have been fantastic this season for us, a run of defeats and fans attitudes towards both of them have returned to type as well.

As for Luke Young my god, some of our fans have gained moron status with their attitude displayed regards LY spending the day at Plymouth Saturday, but, to be fair some of the posting on the TFF has been far worse than on here, even described on that forum by one poster as "Luke Young incident" my god. Suspended player in spending his free time at his boyhood club shocker, he was suspended, no point in the club spending out for a hotel room for a lad who can not play, so he gets given the day off, and chooses to spend it down at Plymouth so bleedin what.

Anyway please do not make this your last post, you are a goalkeeper who's played at a fairly decent level yourself and knowledgeable to stick with it, and any decent KZ offers give us a shout for my laddo.
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Post by royalgull »

I can get a pair of gloves for your boy Dave no problem, have a look on the website and let me know which ones he likes.
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Post by Richinns »

Like Ian (royalgull) - I am also taking a step back on this forum. Some of the things written on here about players is beyond deplorable. It started last year with Manse and Nico (Tonge and Cruise also got it) and now Rice is the target. I really do not think people realise how much damage this does to the individuals concerned. Do you really think they do not know what is written here? and even if they don't read it this poisonous and vicious view is now being brought and aired regularly inside Plainmoor on matchdays. What sort of effect to you think and hope this will have on a players form and confidence and wiliness to play for the badge? I am getting so angry, frustrated and mostly disappointed reading and hearing it that I feel embarrassed to be associated with such victimisation. I think (for me) the time has come to stop contributing.

My final say:
As a fanbase we need to unite but instead the vultures enjoy the chase of prey, eagerly anticipating their next victim. A truth needs to be accepted here - we are non-league and will be for a considerable time. Of course future aspirations have to be League football but we need to learn the lessons of where we are as a club and as a budget and right now our league position pretty much illustrates this. We need to re-group, build and then look towards a brighter future (much like Barnet have done) but this will take a few years and right now the club need a loyal backing with an understanding of the process. Instead there is a constant struggle with the 'supporter' who enjoys nothing more than dismantling anything in front of them as some sort of blood sport. You want someone to blame for the last few years? well look no further than at yourselves.
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Post by kevgull »

Life is like TUFC. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. :goal:
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Post by Mattpuma »

Royalgull, your point is a good one, personal abuse is not helpful or necessary but saying that Rice isnt good enough is an opinion and is quite acceptable. I support the club, not individual players and if they dont perform they should expect to be replaced.
You dont exactly help your stance by going on to slag off half of the rest of the squad! Hypocritical?
I understand the guy is your friend and you want to defend him but you must understand that not everyone is making this personal. We just want the best for our team.
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Post by ferrarilover »

No Rob, it's not aimed at you, why would it be? What have you said that could possibly relate to Torquay's status as anything other than a public body?

I see Royal has posted. I haven't read it, but I presume Ricey is utterly blameless and clearly the best goalkeeper in the whole world, ever?

J5 said, "ferrarilover is 100% correct"
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

ferrarilover wrote:
I see Royal has posted. I haven't read it,
Well, I suggest you do then
ferrarilover wrote: but I presume Ricey is utterly blameless and clearly the best goalkeeper in the whole world, ever?
You presume wrong.

Go back, read it, then pass comment.

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Post by royalgull »

Yep that's exactly what i said.
Last edited by royalgull on 27 Oct 2014, 13:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by royalgull »

absolutely fine Mattpuma everyone is entitled to their view, whether anyone thinks Ricey is good enough or Cruise, or young or whoever that's fine and saying you don't think player a is up to it is part and parcel of the game. The forum is a place to air that view but it went over the top last week for someone that has done predominantly well over the last 12 months especially when compared to others in our squad who have not done the same.

How many of the players if you look at it over all of last season and this season could you honestly say have had more good games than bad I would suggest ricey and pearce are the only two in the positive bracket.

Wouldn't disagree that he needed to be taken out of the firing line in the same way city did for a few games with Hart, his confidence must have taken a whack of late and it was the right time to give Jordan a go.
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Post by RussianGull »

Royal, I agree with what you're saying and it's a good comparison with Hart. Playing Jordan on Saturday will give Hargreaves a selection headache but in a good way. I imagine training this week will be intense with both keepers trying to outshine each other and this is a good thing. I don't mind which player gets the nod for Kiddy, I'll be there cheering them on regardless who it is. As long as whoever gets left on the bench is ready and capable to step up when he is given his chance again, you can't ask for much more.
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Post by Glostergull »

I totaly agree with Richins post. What has been on here has gone past the "Opinion". some of it has been dowright abusive. If we want to stop a minute and take stock it would be well to remember a well worn saying.
The atmospehere on here lately has been vitriolice and acidic. It does nothing to bring the club together and help us through this period. All of you want the club to do well. but maybe you need to look at yourselves and think about what you put down in print. I dont mean you need to be rose tinted neccassarily but you do need to temper your remarks. You may want to justify your words and ignore the effect they have but believe me. if others directed the same sort of vitriol at you then your performance would dive.
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Post by yellowchipmonk »

Nice reply to Royal Matt ;-) perhaps Royal and Ricey need to get some time in private...

Anyway, I am well aware that I make both good and bad points, that I 'think' I know it all about football and that I most likely believe I could do a better job in a number of roles at TUFC... at least I admit I suffer from these complexities ;-)

I hope the team finds a way out of this mess, and a mess it is. Even more so I hope that the general persona improves from our on the pitch comrades.

Good luck Saturday TUFC.
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Post by Gullscorer »

When a team suddenly changes from winning six games in a row to losing five games out of six, the reason or reasons ought to be obvious, to the manager if not the fans, but sometimes a manager is so close to the problem he cannot see the wood for the trees. My own view is that the players, having gone on a successful run, subconsciously thought they were better than they really are and all they had to do to win a game was to turn up on the pitch. Wrong attitude..
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