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Post by Gullscorer »

Smart meter rip-off

We're told that smart meters will let you manage your energy use, save money and reduce emissions and bring an end to estimated billing.

But it seems that the energy giants are set to use digital smart meters as a way to double the cost of power when families need it most — adding nearly £60 a year to the average bill.

A Money Mail investigation has discovered Britain’s leading power firms are expected to introduce tariffs that charge more at peak times when they roll out new electronic meters which monitor how much energy you use by the second.

It means electricity and gas used in the evenings could cost 99 per cent more than at other times — penalising everyone cooking family meals, watching popular TV shows and heating their homes on chilly winter evenings.

Higher charges will also apply in the morning when people are most likely to be taking baths and showers and having the central heating on.

Money Mail has discovered that British Gas has already trialled a tariff that charges more at peak times.

Read more: ... z3sVOOlCex ... &p=4825805
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Post by Gullscorer »

Hunger-striking Palestinian journalist in Israeli jail nears death; one of over 600 Palestinians held without charge or trial: ... 58030.html ... 33934.html

Israel already steals Palestinian lands in defiance of the UN and international law with settlements and security walls. It already steals Palestinian water sources. Now it uses 'administrative detention' (imprisonment without charge or trial) to silence influential members of Palestinian society who speak out against the Israeli occupation. Israeli forces target academics, professionals, journalists, student activists and other influential leaders in the community by using 'administrative detention'.
Last edited by Gullscorer on 27 Jan 2016, 13:57, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by PhilGull »

Yep. And westerm governments and the UN stand by and do nothing. Now why would that be I wonder?

Seriously, the older I get and the more appalling shit I read, see and hear the more I think these conspiacy theorists may be on to something.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Note that the Israelis and the Palestinians give differing versions of these incidents, but the pro-Israeli biased BBC presents the Israeli versions as fact (BBC: “They were the latest in a wave of stabbing, shooting and car-ramming attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs”) but the Palestinian versions (Maan news agency: "the shot girl had crossed a military checkpoint with her sister and was walking away when she was shot") as ‘conflicting reports’: ... flict.html
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Post by Jerry »

Gullscorer wrote:Note that the Israelis and the Palestinians give differing versions of these incidents, but the pro-Israeli biased BBC presents the Israeli versions as fact (BBC: “They were the latest in a wave of stabbing, shooting and car-ramming attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs”) but the Palestinian versions (Maan news agency: "the shot girl had crossed a military checkpoint with her sister and was walking away when she was shot") as ‘conflicting reports’: ... flict.html
Just bad editing I think you'll find. That sentence you quote is the only part of the story where they don't attribute these claims to the Israeli's. They even use quotation marks in the headline to imply that the Israeli claims are open to question. Then they quote the Maan news agency piece to show a different viewpoint.

Whether their general outlook is pro-Israeil I couldn't say, but I don't think this particular report backs up your theory.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Hmm, possibly, there may be an element of doubt, but, given the BBC's record of pro-Israeli bias (see some of my previous posts), I believe my interpretation is understandable, and I am therefore not inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt here.

Israeli supporters and pressure groups of course claim that the BBC has an anti-Israeli bias, but again the record shows that the BBC and the government too often succumb to pressure from pro-Israeli lobbyists; remember the refusal of the BBC a few years ago to broadcast a humanitarian appeal for the people of Gaza following the latest Israeli military offensive?

And now the government is to ban boycotts of Israeli goods: this is outrageous: the government expects us to follow state-imposed sanctions against other countries and criminalises those who break its rules, and now it is to ban boycotts by public bodies at a local level against Israeli goods from illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands, which is completely at odds with their declared desire for evolution and local democracy. Since the Israeli settlements are in contravention of international law, the government's new ban may even be open to challenge in the courts.

The Israelis produce specious and mendacious arguments that their record on human rights is wonderful, especially when compared with their neighbouring countries, and predictably accuse their critics of anti-Semitism. But those critics include many brave Jewish Israeli citizens, and they will not be silenced.

And neither will those who oppose this latest government attack on our freedoms and our democracy. ... 74006.html ... 42177.html
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